P32681 (YJAH_ECOLI) Escherichia coli (strain K12)

Uncharacterized protein YjaH UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling

231 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 8 identical sequences: Shigella sonnei: A0A1S9JJ29; Shigella flexneri: A0A3T2UT84; Shigella dysenteriae: A0A2S8D952; Escherichia coli: A0A094VS60; Shigella boydii serotype 18: B2TWI8; Shigella sonnei: Q3YUY3; Shigella boydii serotype 4: Q31TZ6; Escherichia coli 2-460-02_S1_C1: A0A836Z9L6

An attempt to build models for this target was made on 2024-04-22.

Only low quality models could be built. 

Available Structures