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ORF3c protein (ORF3c)

Created: May 5, 2023 at 21:33

Template Results

CoverageGMQEQSQEIdentityMethodOligo StateLigands
5da0.1.A Sulphate transporter
Structure of the the SLC26 transporter SLC26Dg in complex with a nanobody
0.43-33.33X-ray, 3.2Åhetero-dimer 2 x DMU
4iox.1.A Tripartite terminase subunit UL15
The structure of the herpes simplex virus DNA-packaging motor pUL15 C-terminal nuclease domain provides insights into cleavage of concatemeric viral genome precursors
0.31-25.00X-ray, 2.5Åmonomer None
6m5t.1.A Tripartite terminase subunit 3
The coordinate of the nuclease domain of the apo terminase complex
0.30-25.00EM, 2.5Åmonomer None
Structure of a conserved dimerisation domain within Fbox7 and PI31
0.23-20.00X-ray, 2.6Åmonomer None
4ouh.1.D Proteasome inhibitor PI31 subunit
Crystal structure of the FP domain of Human PI31 Proteasome Inhibitor
0.15-17.39X-ray, 2.0Åhomo-tetramer None
4ouh.1.A Proteasome inhibitor PI31 subunit
Crystal structure of the FP domain of Human PI31 Proteasome Inhibitor
0.15-17.39X-ray, 2.0Åhomo-tetramer None

The full list of templates matching your target sequence includes the following templates which are not in the list above. The full template list is available in text or html format.
2vt8.1.A, 4iox.1.A, 4ouh.1.A, 4ouh.1.D, 5c50.1.A, 5da0.1.A, 5wz4.1.A, 5x3t.1.E, 5x3t.1.G, 5x3t.1.H, 5xuy.2.B, 5xv1.2.B, 5xv3.1.B, 5xv3.2.B, 5xv4.1.B, 5xv4.2.B, 5xv6.1.B, 6m5t.1.A, 7yjm.1.D, 7yjn.1.D, 7yjo.1.D
Oligo State
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