Appendix D: Protein Structure Visualization Tools
The following tools allow visualization of macromolecular structures in PDB format (i.e. experimental structures and models).
- DeepView/Swiss-PdbViewer: Software for protein structure analysis and visualization.
- NGL: Javascript based molecular viewer.
- MolScript: A program for creating schematic or detailed molecular graphics images.
- Mol*: Web-based opensource toolkit for visualisation and analysis of large-scale molecular data.
- OpenStructure: Opensource computational structural biology framework with integrated structure viewer.
- POV-Ray: Opensource raytracing software.
- PyMol: A Python based opensource viewer for visualization of macromolecular structures.
- UCSF Chimera: An extensible program for interactive visualization and analysis of molecular structures.
- VMD: VMD is a molecular visualization program for displaying, animating, and analyzing large biomolecular systems using 3-D graphics and built-in scripting.