A0A2I3HJZ3 (A0A2I3HJZ3_NOMLE) Nomascus leucogenys (Northern white-cheeked gibbon) (Hylobates leucogenys)
RAB33B, member RAS oncogene family UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling
229 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ;
3 identical sequences: Homo sapiens: Q9H082; Pan paniscus: A0A2R9CHS4; Gorilla gorilla gorilla: A0A2I2Z7M4
It is possible new templates exist for this target since these models were created.
Available Structures
2 Experimental Structures
Description | PDB ID | Oligo-state | Range | Seq id (%) | Ligands | |
Crystal structure of Atg16L in complex with GTP-bound Rab33B (Q92L) |
Heteromer Q8C0J2; Q9H082; | 99.43 | 2×MG; 2×GTP; 4×PO4; 9×PEG; 2×EDO; | |||
Crystal structure of Atg16L in complex with GDP-bound Rab33B |
Heteromer Q8C0J2; Q9H082; | 100 | 5×PO4; 6×PEG; 4×EDO; 2×MG; 2×GDP; | |||
Template | Oligo-state | QMEAN | Range | Ligands | Trg-Tpl Seq id (%) | |
6y09.1.A | monomer | 0.88 | 1×MG; 1×GTP; | 99.47 | ||