A0A2K6CX62 (A0A2K6CX62_MACNE) Macaca nemestrina (Pig-tailed macaque)

SEC63 homolog, protein translocation regulator UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling

760 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 6 identical sequences: Homo sapiens: Q9UGP8, A0A0S2Z5M1; Pongo abelii: I6L5B8; Papio anubis: A0A096MVF5; Macaca mulatta: H9FPD9; Rhinopithecus bieti: A0A2K6KIA0

An attempt to build models for this target was made on 2025-03-01.

Only low quality models could be built. 

Available Structures