A0A2R9ALV4 (A0A2R9ALV4_PANPA) Pan paniscus (Pygmy chimpanzee) (Bonobo)
F-box protein 3 UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling
471 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ;
6 identical sequences: Homo sapiens: Q9UK99; Pongo abelii: H2NDR2; Pan troglodytes: H2Q3E0, A0A6D2W1B2; Gorilla gorilla gorilla: G3S6Q5; Nomascus leucogenys: G1S8C1
It is possible new templates exist for this target since these models were created.
Available Structures
3 Experimental Structures
Description | PDB ID | Oligo-state | Range | Seq id (%) | Ligands | |
Cryo-EM structure of the SKP1-FBXO3 complex |
Heteromer P63208; Q9UK99; | 100 | ||||
Cryo-EM structure of the CUL1-RBX1-SKP1-FBXO3 SCF ubiquition ligase complex |
Heteromer P62877; P63208; Q13616; Q9UK99; | 100 | ||||
ApaG Domain of FBxo3 | monomer | 100 | ||||
Template | Oligo-state | QMEAN | Range | Ligands | Trg-Tpl Seq id (%) | |
9kbf.1.B | monomer | 0.85 | 100.00 | |||