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A0A2R9CNJ5 (A0A2R9CNJ5_PANPA) Pan paniscus (Pygmy chimpanzee) (Bonobo)

G protein-coupled receptor 15 ligand UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling

81 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 3 identical sequences: Homo sapiens: Q6UWK7; Pan troglodytes: H2Q266, A0A6D2XMZ7

Available Structures

1 Experimental Structure

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeSeq id (%)Ligands
Cryo-EM structure of the GPR15L(C11)-bound GPR15 complex Heteromer
P49685; P59768; P62873; P63096; Q6UWK7;