A0A8D0X688 (A0A8D0X688_PIG) Sus scrofa (Pig)

Large ribosomal subunit protein uL4 UniProtKBInterProInteractive Modelling

427 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 2 identical sequences: Sus scrofa domesticus: A0A0B8RT95; Sus scrofa: F1SJJ5

Available Structures

1 Experimental Structure

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeLigands
Structure of the idle mammalian ribosome-Sec61 complex Heteromer
A0A286ZL65; A0A287APR1; A0A287ASD0; A0A287B386; A0A4X1SH42; A0A4X1SN08; A0A4X1TBV3; A0A4X1TXJ8; A0A4X1V977; A0A4X1VLH7; A0A4X1W0N5; A0A4X1W808; A1XQU3; A1XQU5; F1SJJ5; I3LP78; K7GP63; P49666; P62901; P63053; P67985; Q29195; Q29205; Q29223; Q29361; Q2YGT9; Q6QAT0; Q95281;