E9JS97 (E9JS97_9ROSI) Hypericum balearicum

Phenolic oxidative coupling protein UniProtKBAFDB90v4InterProInteractive Modelling

159 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 2 identical sequences: Hypericum perforatum: A0A160HRF0; Hypericum kouytchense: E9JSA3

Available Structures

2 Experimental Structures

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeLigands
A new modulated crystal structure of ANS complex of St John's wort Hyp-1 protein with 36 protein mo…homo-36-mer1-159
157×2AN; 10×SO4;EPE;DMS;FLC;
Crystal structure of St. John's wort Hyp-1 protein in complex with melatoninmonomer1-159