I6TBE6 (I6TBE6_HHV21) Human herpesvirus 2 (strain 186) (HHV-2) (Human herpes simplex virus 2)

Capsid associated tegument protein UniProtKBInterProInteractive Modelling

585 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 1 identical sequence: Human herpesvirus 2: D6PUY5

Available Structures

1 Experimental Structure

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeLigands
Structure of the Herpes simplex virus type 2 C-capsid with capsid-vertex-specific component Heteromer
A0A0E3U2U0; A0A1U9ZLV0; D6PUY5; G9I238; G9I260; P89441; P89458;