Crystal Structure Of AKR1B10 Complexed With NADP+ And Tolrestat monomer 1-316
100 1×NAP; 1×TOL; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and sulindac monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×SUZ; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and the synthetic retinoid UVI2008 monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×UV8; 1×EDO; Human AKR1B10 mutant V301L complexed with NADP+ and fidarestat monomer 1-316
99.68 1×NAP; 1×FID; 1×CL; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and JF0049 monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×F49; 1×EDO; Crystal structure of the methylated K125R/V301L AKR1B10 Holoenzyme monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×EDO; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and the inhibitor IDD388 monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×388; 1×EDO; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and the inhibitor MK319 monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 2×1WX; 1×EDO; Crystal structure of the methylated wild-type AKR1B10 holoenzyme monomer 1-316
100 1×NAP; 1×EDO; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and JF0064 monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×64I; Crystal structure of AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ monomer 1-316
99.68 1×NAP; Human AKR1B10 mutant V301L complexed with NADP+ and sorbinil monomer 1-316
99.68 1×NAP; 1×SBI; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and the inhibitor MK184 monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×MK4; 1×EDO; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and the inhibitor MK181 monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×W8X; 1×EDO; Crystal structure of human AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and the inhibitor MK204 monomer 1-316
99.37 1×NAP; 1×DQP; 1×EDO; Crystal structure of AKR1B10 complexed with NADP+ and Caffeic acid phenethyl ester monomer 1-316
99.68 1×QAP; 1×NAP; Crystal Structure Of AKR1B10 Complexed With NADP+ And Flufenamic acid monomer 1-316
99.68 1×FLF; 1×NAP; Crystal Structure Of AKR1B10 Complexed With NADP+ And Zopolrestat monomer 1-316
99.68 1×NAP; 1×ZST; 1×NA; Crystal Structure Of AKR1B10 Complexed With NADP+ And Epalrestat monomer 1-316
99.68 1×EPR; 1×NAP; Crystal structure of AKR1B10 in complex with NADP+ and Androst-4-ene-3-beta-6-alpha-diol monomer 4-316
100 1×NAP; 1×8QL;