P20337 (RAB3B_HUMAN) Homo sapiens (Human)
Ras-related protein Rab-3B UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling
219 aa; Sequence (Fasta)
It is possible new templates exist for this target since these models were created.
Available Structures
3 Experimental Structures
Description | PDB ID | Oligo-state | Range | Seq id (%) | Ligands | |
Structure of human Rep15:Rab3B complex. |
Heteromer Q6BDI9; | 100 | 1×GNP; 1×MG; | |||
Structure of human Rep15:Rab3B_Q81L complex. |
Heteromer Q6BDI9; | 99.41 | 1×GTP; 1×MG; | |||
Crystal structure of human Rab3B GTPase bound with GDP | homo-2-mer | 100 | 2×GDP; 12×UNX; | |||
2 SWISS-MODEL models
Template | Oligo-state | QMEAN | Range | Ligands | Trg-Tpl Seq id (%) | |
8a4c.1.B | monomer | 0.85 | 1×GNP; 1×MG; | 100.00 | ||
2iez.2.A | monomer | 0.72 | 40.69 | |||