| CD73 bound with HB0045 | |
| 26-549 | 100 | 4×ZN; 2×NA; 2×CA; |
| TB19 complex | |
| 27-549 | 99.81 | 1×NAG; 2×ZN; 3×PO4; 1×PG4; 1×EDO; |
| CD73 in complex with the humanized antagonistic antibody mAb19 | |
| 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×MG; |
| structure of human CD73 in complex with antibody IPH53 | |
| 27-549 | 99.62 | 2×NAG; 4×ZN; |
| TB38 complex | |
| 27-549 | 99.81 | 1×NAG; 1×NAG; |
| Unliganded human CD73 (5'-nucleotidase) in the open state | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 2×CA; 4×ZN; 16×DMS; 6×GOL; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with 4-nitrocatechol in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×DMS; 4×4NC; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with UMP in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 4×GOL; 2×U; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with 5-iodouracil in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×DMS; 2×IUR; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with riboflavin in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×DMS; 2×RBF; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with GMP in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×GOL; 2×G; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with IMP in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×GOL; 2×IMP; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with CMP in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×CL; 2×GOL; 2×C; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with caffeine in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×DMS; 4×GOL; 2×CFF; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with AMPCP in the open state | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×AP2; 2×NA; 2×CA; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with MRS4598 (a 3-methyl-CMPCP derivative, compound 16… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.04 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×BOI; 4×PG4; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with MRS4602 (a 3-methyl-CMPCP derivative, compound 21… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.04 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×BW0; 8×1PE; |
| Human ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73): crystal form II (open) in complex with adenosine | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.66 | 4×ZN; 2×ADN; 2×CA; 2×CL; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with AMP in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×GOL; 2×AMP; |
| Human ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73): crystal form II (open) in complex with PSB11552 | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×0YQ; 2×GOL; 2×CL; 2×CA; |
| Human ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73): crystal form II (open) in complex with Baicalin | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×0XE; 2×CA; 2×CL; |
| Crystal structure of CD73 in complex with dCMP in the open form | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.47 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×DCM; |
| Human ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73): crystal form I (open) in complex with adenosine | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 98.66 | 2×ADN; 2×ZN; 2×CL; 2×CA; |
| Human CD73 (5'-nucleotidase) in complex with PSB12489 (an AOPCP derivative) in the closed state | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.22 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×KYW; |
| Human Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) in complex with AOPCP derivative AB680 (compound 55 in publicatio… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.22 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×QDH; |
| Human Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) in complex with A2396 (compound 74 in publication) in the closed … | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.22 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×PO4; 2×O1H; |
| Human Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) in complex with A1618 (compound 1b in publication) in the closed … | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.22 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×O1T; |
| Human ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73): crystal form III (closed) in complex with AMPCP | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.04 | 4×ZN; 2×A12; 2×CL; 2×CA; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with PSB12646 (an AOPCP derivative, compound 20 in pub… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.23 | 4×ZN; 2×O02; 2×CA; |
| Human CD73 (5'-nucleotidase) in complex with PSB12379 (an AOPCP derivative) in the closed state | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.22 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×KYK; |
| Human Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) in complex with A2410 (compound 53 in publication) in the closed … | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.22 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×PO4; 2×O1Q; |
| Human Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) in complex with AOPCP derivative A830 (compound 16 in publication… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.04 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×QCQ; |
| Crystal Structure of a Truncated Soluble form of Human CD73 with Ecto-5'-Nucleotidase activity | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 100.0 | 2×NAG; 4×ZN; 2×PO4; |
| Human Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) in complex with the AMPCP derivative A1202 (compound 4a in public… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.04 | 4×ZN; 2×OO5; 2×CA; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with PSB12690 (an AOPCP derivative, compound 10 in pub… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.03 | 4×ZN; 2×NYZ; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with PSB12604 (an AOPCP derivative, compound 21 in pub… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.03 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×O05; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with PSB12676 (an AOPCP derivative, compound 9 in pape… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.22 | 4×ZN; 2×NYW; |
| Human Ecto-5'-nucleotidase (CD73) in complex with the AMPCP derivative A894 (compound 2n in publica… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.04 | 4×ZN; 2×OO2; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with MRS4598 (a 3-methyl-CMPCP derivative, compound 16… | | homo-2-mer | 27-549 | 99.22 | 4×ZN; 2×CA; 2×BOI; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with MRS4602 (a 3-methyl-CMPCP derivative, compound 21… | | monomer | 27-549 | 99.23 | 2×ZN; 1×BW0; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with compound 35 | | monomer | 27-549 | 99.43 | 2×ZN; 1×CA; 1×VPD; |
| Human CD73 (ecto 5'-nucleotidase) in complex with compound 12 | | monomer | 27-549 | 99.43 | 2×ZN; 1×CA; 1×NAG; 1×VPG; 1×PO4; |