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P24046 (GBRR1_HUMAN) Homo sapiens (Human)

Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit rho-1 UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling

479 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; (Isoform 2; Isoform 3)

Available Structures

10 Experimental Structures

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeSeq id (%)Ligands
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with inhibitor TPMPAhomo-5-mer74-479
100.0VZA; 10×NAG; 15×HEX;OCT; 10×D12; 10×D10;CL;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with pore blocker picrotoxinhomo-5-mer74-479
100.010×NAG; 15×HEX; 10×D12; 10×D10;RI5;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with pregnenolone sulfatehomo-5-mer74-479
100.010×NAG; 16×OCT;D10;D12; 13×HEX;A8W;CL;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor apo statehomo-5-mer74-479
100.010×NAG; 10×OCT; 15×D10; 10×7P9;CL;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with estradiolhomo-5-mer75-479
100.010×NAG; 15×OCT; 25×HEX;D10;EST;CL;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with GABA and pregnenolone sulfatehomo-5-mer77-479
100.0ABU; 10×NAG;OCT;A8W;HEX;CL;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with GABAhomo-5-mer78-479
100.0ABU; 10×NAG; 20×HEX;CL;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with GABA and estradiol in desensitized st…homo-5-mer78-479
100.0ABU; 10×NAG; 15×HEX; 10×OCT;CL;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with GABA and picrotoxinhomo-5-mer80-479
100.010×NAG; 14×HEX;OCT;CL;ABU;RI5;
CryoEM structure of human rho1 GABAA receptor in complex with GABA and estradiol in primed statehomo-5-mer85-479
100.010×NAG; 25×OCT; 15×HEX;EST;ABU;CL;


TemplateOligo-stateQMEANDisCoRangeLigandsTrg-Tpl Seq id (%)

2 SWISS-MODEL models built on isoform sequence

IsoformTemplateOligo-stateQMEANDisCoRangeLigandsTrg-Tpl Seq id (%)
Isoform 28rh4.1.Ahomo-5-mer0.7658-462
Isoform 38oq6.1.Ahomo-5-mer0.771-392
15×D10; 10×7P9;100.00