P56980 (REPL1_ECOLI) Escherichia coli (strain K12)

Positive regulator of RepFIC repA1 expression UniProtKBInterProInteractive Modelling

24 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 5 identical sequences: Salmonella typhimurium: A0A5W9DQT0; Escherichia coli: A0A0L0XS86; Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Schwarzengrund: A0A5X4CUG4; Salmonella enterica: A0A622UMY5; Escherichia coli O6: A0AAD2P0F4

An attempt to build models for this target was made on 2025-01-05.

No templates suitable for modelling were found for the target sequence.

Available Structures