P85421 (AAMAT_AMAPH) Amanita phalloides (Death cap)

Alpha-amanitin proprotein UniProtKBInterProInteractive Modelling

23 aa; Sequence (Fasta)

Available Structures

20 Experimental Structures

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeSeq id (%)Ligands
Crystal structure of 10 subunit RNA polymerase II in complex with the inhibitor alpha-amanitin Heteromer
P04050; P08518; P16370; P20434; P20435; P20436; P22139; P27999; P38902; P40422;
Crystal Structure of Yeast RNA Polymerase II Complexed with the Inhibitor Alpha Amanitin Heteromer
P04050; P08518; P16370; P20434; P20435; P20436; P22139; P27999; P38902; P40422;
Structure of transcribing complex 9 (TC9), the initially transcribing complex with Pol II positione… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A493TD97; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1TVZ5; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VTX4; A0A8D1DPV6; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; O00268; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P21675; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P49848; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q12962; Q13888; Q13889; Q15542; Q15543; Q15544; Q15545; Q16514; Q16594; Q5VWG9; Q6P1X5; Q6ZYL4; Q7Z7C8; Q92759;
Structure of transcribing complex 5 (TC5), the initially transcribing complex with Pol II positione… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A493TD97; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1TVZ5; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VTX4; A0A8D1DPV6; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; O00268; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P21675; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P49848; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q12962; Q13888; Q13889; Q15542; Q15543; Q15544; Q15545; Q16514; Q16594; Q5VWG9; Q6P1X5; Q6ZYL4; Q7Z7C8; Q92759;
Structure of transcribing complex 8 (TC8), the initially transcribing complex with Pol II positione… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A493TD97; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1TVZ5; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VTX4; A0A8D1DPV6; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; O00268; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P21675; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P49848; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q12962; Q13888; Q13889; Q15542; Q15543; Q15544; Q15545; Q16514; Q16594; Q5VWG9; Q6P1X5; Q6ZYL4; Q7Z7C8; Q92759;
Structure of transcribing complex 6 (TC6), the initially transcribing complex with Pol II positione… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A493TD97; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1TVZ5; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VTX4; A0A8D1DPV6; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; O00268; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P21675; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P49848; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q12962; Q13888; Q13889; Q15542; Q15543; Q15544; Q15545; Q16514; Q16594; Q5VWG9; Q6P1X5; Q6ZYL4; Q7Z7C8; Q92759;
De novo transcribing complex 16 (TC16), the early elongation complex with Pol II positioned 16nt do… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A8D1DPV6; A0A8W4F9W9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; P13984; P35269; P60899;
Structure of transcribing complex 3 (TC3), the initially transcribing complex with Pol II positione… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A493TD97; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1TVZ5; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VTX4; A0A8D1DPV6; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; O00268; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P21675; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P49848; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q12962; Q13888; Q13889; Q15542; Q15543; Q15544; Q15545; Q16514; Q16594; Q5VWG9; Q6P1X5; Q6ZYL4; Q7Z7C8; Q92759;
Structure of transcribing complex 4 (TC4), the initially transcribing complex with Pol II positione… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A493TD97; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1TVZ5; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VTX4; A0A8D1DPV6; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; O00268; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P21675; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P49848; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q12962; Q13888; Q13889; Q15542; Q15543; Q15544; Q15545; Q16514; Q16594; Q5VWG9; Q6P1X5; Q6ZYL4; Q7Z7C8; Q92759;
Structure of transcribing complex 2 (TC2), the initially transcribing complex with Pol II positione… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A493TD97; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1TVZ5; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VTX4; A0A8D1DPV6; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; O00268; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P21675; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P49848; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q12962; Q13888; Q13889; Q15542; Q15543; Q15544; Q15545; Q16514; Q16594; Q5VWG9; Q6P1X5; Q6ZYL4; Q7Z7C8; Q92759;
Structure of transcribing complex 7 (TC7), the initially transcribing complex with Pol II positione… Heteromer
A0A481BYI6; A0A493TD97; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1TVZ5; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VTX4; A0A8D1DPV6; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; O00268; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P21675; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P49848; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q12962; Q13888; Q13889; Q15542; Q15543; Q15544; Q15545; Q16514; Q16594; Q5VWG9; Q6P1X5; Q6ZYL4; Q7Z7C8; Q92759;
Structure of mammalian RNA polymerase II elongation complex inhibited by Alpha-amanitin Heteromer
A0A287ADR4; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1VEK9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LJR4; I3LSI7; P60899;
De novo transcribing complex 15 (TC15), the early elongation complex with Pol II positioned 15nt do… Heteromer
A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VM56; A0A8D0JYF1; A0A8D1DPV6; A0A8W4F9W9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; P13984; P35269; P60899;
De novo transcribing complex 11 (TC11), the early elongation complex with Pol II positioned 11nt do… Heteromer
A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VM56; A0A8D0JYF1; A0A8D1DPV6; A0A8W4F9W9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; P13984; P35269; P60899;
De novo transcribing complex 10 (TC10), the early elongation complex with Pol II positioned 10nt do… Heteromer
A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VM56; A0A8D0JYF1; A0A8D1DPV6; A0A8W4F9W9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; P13984; P35269; P60899;
De novo transcribing complex 12 (TC12), the early elongation complex with Pol II positioned 12nt do… Heteromer
A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VM56; A0A8D1DPV6; A0A8W4F9W9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; P13984; P35269; P60899;
De novo transcribing complex 17 (TC17), the early elongation complex with Pol II positioned 17nt do… Heteromer
A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VM56; A0A8D1DPV6; A0A8W4F9W9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; P13984; P35269; P60899;
De novo transcribing complex 13 (TC13), the early elongation complex with Pol II positioned 13nt do… Heteromer
A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VM56; A0A8D1DPV6; A0A8W4F9W9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; P13984; P35269; P60899;
De novo transcribing complex 14 (TC14), the early elongation complex with Pol II positioned 14nt do… Heteromer
A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VKG7; A0A4X1VM56; A0A8D0JYF1; A0A8D1DPV6; A0A8W4F9W9; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; P13984; P35269; P60899;
Alpha-amanitin inhibited complete RNA polymerase II elongation complex Heteromer
P04050; P08518; P16370; P20433; P20434; P20435; P20436; P22139; P27999; P34087; P38902; P40422;