Q8N9A8 (NEPR1_HUMAN) Homo sapiens (Human)

Nuclear envelope phosphatase-regulatory subunit 1 UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling

125 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; (Isoform 2; Isoform 3); 95 identical sequences

Available Structures

2 Experimental Structures

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeSeq id (%)Ligands
Crystal structure of human CTDNEP1-NEP1R1 protein phosphatase complex with magnesiummonomer91-108
Crystal structure of human CTDNEP1-NEP1R1 protein phosphatase complexmonomer91-91

1 SWISS-MODEL model built on isoform sequence

IsoformTemplateOligo-stateQMEANDisCoRangeLigandsTrg-Tpl Seq id (%)
Isoform 38ujl.1.Amonomer0.682-26