Q9NVR0 (KLH11_HUMAN) Homo sapiens (Human)
Kelch-like protein 11 UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling
708 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ;
8 identical sequences: Pan troglodytes: A0A6D2W0T6, H2QD08; Pan paniscus: A0A2R9AK75; Macaca nemestrina: A0A2K6BW40; Macaca mulatta: F6UMJ7; Macaca fascicularis: A0A2K5W6Q2; Nomascus leucogenys: G1RK16; Piliocolobus tephrosceles: A0A8C9H038
It is possible new templates exist for this target since these models were created.
Available Structures
3 Experimental Structures
Description | PDB ID | Oligo-state | Range | Seq id (%) | Ligands | |
Crystal structure of the human KLHL11-Cul3 complex at 2.8A resolution |
Heteromer Q13618; | 100.0 | 4×EDO; 1×IOD; 1×CL; | |||
Crystal structure of the human KLHL11-Cul3 complex at 3.1A resolution |
Heteromer Q13618; | 100.0 | ||||
Crystal structure of the BTB-BACK domains of human KLHL11 | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 1×SCN; 3×CL; | |||
3 SWISS-MODEL models
Template | Oligo-state | QMEAN | Range | Ligands | Trg-Tpl Seq id (%) | |
3i3n.1.A | homo-2-mer | 0.82 | 100.00 | |||
8h36.1.B | monomer | 0.56 | 19.60 | |||
8khp.1.B | monomer | 0.55 | 18.23 | |||