U3CSN9 (U3CSN9_CALJA) Callithrix jacchus (White-tufted-ear marmoset)

Sulfotransferase UniProtKBInterProInteractive Modelling

411 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 8 identical sequences: Homo sapiens: O43916; Pongo abelii: A0A2J8WFF9; Pan troglodytes: K7AGL7, K7C7I5; Theropithecus gelada: A0A8D2E4I3; Macaca mulatta: F6TF94; Cercocebus atys: A0A2K5KTU6; Chlorocebus sabaeus: A0A0D9SCY2

An attempt to build models for this target was made on 2025-02-20.

Only low quality models could be built. 

Available Structures