- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-octamer
- Ligands
- 8 x K: POTASSIUM ION(Non-covalent)
- 8 x MG: MAGNESIUM ION(Non-covalent)
MG.2: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: D.540, N.567, E.569, G.571
- Ligands: P23.6
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain A, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: A:D.540, A:E.569, H2O.6
MG.8: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: D.540, N.567, E.569
- Ligands: P23.9
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain B, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: B:D.540, B:E.569, H2O.22
MG.14: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: D.540, N.567, E.569, G.571
- Ligands: P23.18
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain C, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: C:D.540, C:E.569, H2O.41
MG.20: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: D.540, N.567, E.569
- Ligands: P23.21
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain D, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: D:D.540, D:E.569, H2O.57
MG.26: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: D.540, N.567, E.569, G.571
- Ligands: P23.30
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain E, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: E:D.540, E:E.569, H2O.77
MG.32: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain F: D.540, N.567, E.569
- Ligands: P23.33
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain F, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: F:D.540, F:E.569, H2O.92
MG.38: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: D.540, N.567, E.569, G.571
- Ligands: P23.42
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain G, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: G:D.540, G:E.569, H2O.112
MG.44: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain H: D.540, N.567, E.569
- Ligands: P23.45
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain H, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: H:D.540, H:E.569, H2O.128
1TB.3: 15 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: M.344, D.369, R.370, M.572, V.573, W.576
- Chain B: G.106, A.107, V.181, P.182, A.190, F.191, Q.192, K.241
- Ligands: FAD.5
12 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain B, 8 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: B:V.181, B:A.190, A:V.573, A:W.576
- Hydrogen bonds: B:K.241, B:K.241, A:R.370, A:R.370
- Water bridges: A:G.647
- pi-Stacking: A:W.576, A:W.576
- pi-Cation interactions: A:R.370
1TB.10: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.106, A.107, S.153, V.181, P.182, A.190, F.191, Q.192, K.241
- Chain B: M.344, D.369, R.370, M.572, V.573, W.576
- Ligands: FAD.12
13 PLIP interactions:7 interactions with chain B, 6 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: B:V.573, A:V.181, A:A.190
- Hydrogen bonds: B:R.370, B:R.370, A:K.241, A:K.241
- Water bridges: B:G.647, A:G.106
- pi-Stacking: B:W.576, B:W.576
- pi-Cation interactions: B:R.370
- Salt bridges: A:K.241
1TB.15: 15 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: M.344, D.369, R.370, M.572, V.573, W.576
- Chain D: G.106, A.107, V.181, P.182, A.190, F.191, Q.192, K.241
- Ligands: FAD.17
12 PLIP interactions:8 interactions with chain C, 4 interactions with chain D- Hydrophobic interactions: C:V.573, C:W.576, D:V.181, D:A.190
- Hydrogen bonds: C:R.370, C:R.370, D:K.241, D:K.241
- Water bridges: C:G.647
- pi-Stacking: C:W.576, C:W.576
- pi-Cation interactions: C:R.370
1TB.22: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: G.106, A.107, S.153, V.181, P.182, A.190, F.191, Q.192, K.241
- Chain D: M.344, D.369, R.370, M.572, V.573, W.576
- Ligands: FAD.24
13 PLIP interactions:7 interactions with chain D, 6 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: D:V.573, C:V.181, C:A.190
- Hydrogen bonds: D:R.370, D:R.370, C:K.241, C:K.241
- Water bridges: D:G.647, C:G.106
- pi-Stacking: D:W.576, D:W.576
- pi-Cation interactions: D:R.370
- Salt bridges: C:K.241
1TB.27: 15 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: M.344, D.369, R.370, M.572, V.573, W.576
- Chain F: G.106, A.107, V.181, P.182, A.190, F.191, Q.192, K.241
- Ligands: FAD.29
12 PLIP interactions:8 interactions with chain E, 4 interactions with chain F- Hydrophobic interactions: E:V.573, E:W.576, F:V.181, F:A.190
- Hydrogen bonds: E:R.370, E:R.370, F:K.241, F:K.241
- Water bridges: E:G.647
- pi-Stacking: E:W.576, E:W.576
- pi-Cation interactions: E:R.370
1TB.34: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: G.106, A.107, S.153, V.181, P.182, A.190, F.191, Q.192, K.241
- Chain F: M.344, D.369, R.370, M.572, V.573, W.576
- Ligands: FAD.36
13 PLIP interactions:7 interactions with chain F, 6 interactions with chain E- Hydrophobic interactions: F:V.573, E:V.181, E:A.190
- Hydrogen bonds: F:R.370, F:R.370, E:K.241, E:K.241
- Water bridges: F:G.647, E:G.106
- pi-Stacking: F:W.576, F:W.576
- pi-Cation interactions: F:R.370
- Salt bridges: E:K.241
1TB.39: 15 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: M.344, D.369, R.370, M.572, V.573, W.576
- Chain H: G.106, A.107, V.181, P.182, A.190, F.191, Q.192, K.241
- Ligands: FAD.41
12 PLIP interactions:8 interactions with chain G, 4 interactions with chain H- Hydrophobic interactions: G:V.573, G:W.576, H:V.181, H:A.190
- Hydrogen bonds: G:R.370, G:R.370, H:K.241, H:K.241
- Water bridges: G:G.647
- pi-Stacking: G:W.576, G:W.576
- pi-Cation interactions: G:R.370
1TB.46: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: G.106, A.107, S.153, V.181, P.182, A.190, F.191, Q.192, K.241
- Chain H: M.344, D.369, R.370, M.572, V.573, W.576
- Ligands: FAD.48
13 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain G, 7 interactions with chain H- Hydrophobic interactions: G:V.181, G:A.190, H:V.573
- Hydrogen bonds: G:K.241, G:K.241, H:R.370, H:R.370
- Water bridges: G:G.106, H:G.647
- Salt bridges: G:K.241
- pi-Stacking: H:W.576, H:W.576
- pi-Cation interactions: H:R.370
YF3.4: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.103, P.104, G.105, E.129, T.152, P.155, N.159, Q.192
- Chain B: V.487, G.513, T.514, M.515, M.545, Q.570, V.573
- Ligands: P23.9
8 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain A, 4 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: A:P.155, B:V.487, B:T.514
- Hydrogen bonds: A:Q.192, B:G.513, B:M.515
- Water bridges: A:G.106, A:Q.192
YF3.16: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: Y.103, P.104, G.105, E.129, T.152, P.155, N.159, Q.192
- Chain D: V.487, G.513, T.514, M.515, M.545, Q.570, V.573
- Ligands: P23.21
8 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain D, 4 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: D:V.487, D:T.514, C:P.155
- Hydrogen bonds: D:G.513, D:M.515, C:Q.192
- Water bridges: C:G.106, C:Q.192
YF3.28: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: Y.103, P.104, G.105, E.129, T.152, P.155, N.159, Q.192
- Chain F: V.487, G.513, T.514, M.515, M.545, Q.570, V.573
- Ligands: P23.33
8 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain E, 4 interactions with chain F- Hydrophobic interactions: E:P.155, F:V.487, F:T.514
- Hydrogen bonds: E:Q.192, F:G.513, F:M.515
- Water bridges: E:G.106, E:Q.192
YF3.40: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: Y.103, P.104, G.105, E.129, T.152, P.155, N.159, Q.192
- Chain H: V.487, G.513, T.514, M.515, M.545, Q.570, V.573
- Ligands: P23.45
8 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain H, 4 interactions with chain G- Hydrophobic interactions: H:V.487, H:T.514, G:P.155
- Hydrogen bonds: H:G.513, H:M.515, G:Q.192
- Water bridges: G:G.106, G:Q.192
FAD.5: 38 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: D.170, R.231, G.297, A.298, G.299, N.302, T.324, L.325, Q.326, M.341, L.342, G.343, M.344, H.345, G.346, G.364, A.365, R.366, D.368, R.370, V.371, F.396, E.397, V.398, N.402, G.415, D.416, A.417, V.487, Q.491, M.492, S.509, G.510, G.511, G.513, M.572
- Chain B: F.191
- Ligands: 1TB.3
31 PLIP interactions:30 interactions with chain A, 1 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: A:V.487, B:F.191
- Hydrogen bonds: A:A.169, A:R.231, A:A.298, A:G.299, A:T.324, A:T.324, A:L.325, A:L.342, A:H.345, A:A.365, A:R.366, A:V.398, A:N.402, A:D.416, A:A.417, A:G.510
- Water bridges: A:D.170, A:D.170, A:D.170, A:R.231, A:R.231, A:G.364, A:R.366, A:D.368, A:D.368, A:R.370, A:T.418
- Salt bridges: A:R.231, A:R.366
FAD.12: 37 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: F.191
- Chain B: D.170, R.231, G.297, A.298, G.299, N.302, T.324, L.325, Q.326, M.341, L.342, G.343, M.344, H.345, G.346, G.364, A.365, R.366, D.368, R.370, V.371, F.396, E.397, V.398, N.402, G.415, D.416, A.417, V.487, Q.491, M.492, S.509, G.510, G.511, G.513
- Ligands: 1TB.10
30 PLIP interactions:29 interactions with chain B, 1 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: B:V.487, A:F.191
- Hydrogen bonds: B:R.231, B:A.298, B:G.299, B:T.324, B:T.324, B:L.325, B:L.342, B:H.345, B:A.365, B:R.366, B:V.398, B:N.402, B:D.416, B:D.416, B:A.417, B:G.510
- Water bridges: B:R.231, B:R.231, B:Q.326, B:G.364, B:R.366, B:R.366, B:F.367, B:D.368, B:D.368, B:T.418
- Salt bridges: B:R.231, B:R.366
FAD.17: 38 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: D.170, R.231, G.297, A.298, G.299, N.302, T.324, L.325, Q.326, M.341, L.342, G.343, M.344, H.345, G.346, G.364, A.365, R.366, D.368, R.370, V.371, F.396, E.397, V.398, N.402, G.415, D.416, A.417, V.487, Q.491, M.492, S.509, G.510, G.511, G.513, M.572
- Chain D: F.191
- Ligands: 1TB.15
31 PLIP interactions:30 interactions with chain C, 1 interactions with chain D- Hydrophobic interactions: C:V.487, D:F.191
- Hydrogen bonds: C:A.169, C:R.231, C:A.298, C:G.299, C:T.324, C:T.324, C:L.325, C:L.342, C:H.345, C:A.365, C:R.366, C:V.398, C:N.402, C:D.416, C:A.417, C:G.510
- Water bridges: C:D.170, C:D.170, C:D.170, C:R.231, C:R.231, C:G.364, C:R.366, C:D.368, C:D.368, C:R.370, C:T.418
- Salt bridges: C:R.231, C:R.366
FAD.24: 37 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: F.191
- Chain D: D.170, R.231, G.297, A.298, G.299, N.302, T.324, L.325, Q.326, M.341, L.342, G.343, M.344, H.345, G.346, G.364, A.365, R.366, D.368, R.370, V.371, F.396, E.397, V.398, N.402, G.415, D.416, A.417, V.487, Q.491, M.492, S.509, G.510, G.511, G.513
- Ligands: 1TB.22
30 PLIP interactions:29 interactions with chain D, 1 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: D:V.487, C:F.191
- Hydrogen bonds: D:R.231, D:A.298, D:G.299, D:T.324, D:T.324, D:L.325, D:L.342, D:H.345, D:A.365, D:R.366, D:V.398, D:N.402, D:D.416, D:D.416, D:A.417, D:G.510
- Water bridges: D:R.231, D:R.231, D:Q.326, D:G.364, D:R.366, D:R.366, D:F.367, D:D.368, D:D.368, D:T.418
- Salt bridges: D:R.231, D:R.366
FAD.29: 38 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: D.170, R.231, G.297, A.298, G.299, N.302, T.324, L.325, Q.326, M.341, L.342, G.343, M.344, H.345, G.346, G.364, A.365, R.366, D.368, R.370, V.371, F.396, E.397, V.398, N.402, G.415, D.416, A.417, V.487, Q.491, M.492, S.509, G.510, G.511, G.513, M.572
- Chain F: F.191
- Ligands: 1TB.27
31 PLIP interactions:30 interactions with chain E, 1 interactions with chain F- Hydrophobic interactions: E:V.487, F:F.191
- Hydrogen bonds: E:A.169, E:R.231, E:A.298, E:G.299, E:T.324, E:T.324, E:L.325, E:L.342, E:H.345, E:A.365, E:R.366, E:V.398, E:N.402, E:D.416, E:A.417, E:G.510
- Water bridges: E:D.170, E:D.170, E:D.170, E:R.231, E:R.231, E:G.364, E:R.366, E:D.368, E:D.368, E:R.370, E:T.418
- Salt bridges: E:R.231, E:R.366
FAD.36: 37 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: F.191
- Chain F: D.170, R.231, G.297, A.298, G.299, N.302, T.324, L.325, Q.326, M.341, L.342, G.343, M.344, H.345, G.346, G.364, A.365, R.366, D.368, R.370, V.371, F.396, E.397, V.398, N.402, G.415, D.416, A.417, V.487, Q.491, M.492, S.509, G.510, G.511, G.513
- Ligands: 1TB.34
30 PLIP interactions:29 interactions with chain F, 1 interactions with chain E- Hydrophobic interactions: F:V.487, E:F.191
- Hydrogen bonds: F:R.231, F:A.298, F:G.299, F:T.324, F:T.324, F:L.325, F:L.342, F:H.345, F:A.365, F:R.366, F:V.398, F:N.402, F:D.416, F:D.416, F:A.417, F:G.510
- Water bridges: F:R.231, F:R.231, F:Q.326, F:G.364, F:R.366, F:R.366, F:F.367, F:D.368, F:D.368, F:T.418
- Salt bridges: F:R.231, F:R.366
FAD.41: 38 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: D.170, R.231, G.297, A.298, G.299, N.302, T.324, L.325, Q.326, M.341, L.342, G.343, M.344, H.345, G.346, G.364, A.365, R.366, D.368, R.370, V.371, F.396, E.397, V.398, N.402, G.415, D.416, A.417, V.487, Q.491, M.492, S.509, G.510, G.511, G.513, M.572
- Chain H: F.191
- Ligands: 1TB.39
31 PLIP interactions:30 interactions with chain G, 1 interactions with chain H- Hydrophobic interactions: G:V.487, H:F.191
- Hydrogen bonds: G:A.169, G:R.231, G:A.298, G:G.299, G:T.324, G:T.324, G:L.325, G:L.342, G:H.345, G:A.365, G:R.366, G:V.398, G:N.402, G:D.416, G:A.417, G:G.510
- Water bridges: G:D.170, G:D.170, G:D.170, G:R.231, G:R.231, G:G.364, G:R.366, G:D.368, G:D.368, G:R.370, G:T.418
- Salt bridges: G:R.231, G:R.366
FAD.48: 37 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: F.191
- Chain H: D.170, R.231, G.297, A.298, G.299, N.302, T.324, L.325, Q.326, M.341, L.342, G.343, M.344, H.345, G.346, G.364, A.365, R.366, D.368, R.370, V.371, F.396, E.397, V.398, N.402, G.415, D.416, A.417, V.487, Q.491, M.492, S.509, G.510, G.511, G.513
- Ligands: 1TB.46
30 PLIP interactions:29 interactions with chain H, 1 interactions with chain G- Hydrophobic interactions: H:V.487, G:F.191
- Hydrogen bonds: H:R.231, H:A.298, H:G.299, H:T.324, H:T.324, H:L.325, H:L.342, H:H.345, H:A.365, H:R.366, H:V.398, H:N.402, H:D.416, H:D.416, H:A.417, H:G.510
- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-octamer
- Ligands
- 8 x K: POTASSIUM ION(Non-covalent)
- 8 x MG: MAGNESIUM ION(Non-covalent)