- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-dimer
- Ligands
- 4 x CA: CALCIUM ION(Non-covalent)
- 10 x HEC: HEME C(Non-covalent)(Covalent)
HEC.3: 20 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.52, N.53, P.55, D.64, V.65, T.68, R.70, T.71, L.82, C.86, C.89, K.90, C.176, H.177, Y.180, F.182, V.189, H.228, H.352
- Ligands: HEC.5
24 PLIP interactions:23 interactions with chain A, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Hydrophobic interactions: A:P.55, A:V.65, A:T.68, A:T.71, A:L.82, A:Y.180, A:Y.180, A:Y.180, A:F.182, A:F.182, A:V.189, A:V.189, A:H.228
- Hydrogen bonds: A:N.53, A:N.53, A:A.350
- Water bridges: A:Y.52, A:Y.52, A:R.70
- Salt bridges: A:R.70, A:H.228, A:H.352
- pi-Stacking: A:H.228
- Metal complexes: H2O.16
HEC.4: 24 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: F.9, H.13, Q.16, Y.17, W.20, L.122, G.123, C.124, C.127, H.128, F.135, G.138, P.140, L.142, R.165, Q.169, I.247, M.251, K.253, Y.262, T.263, H.265, I.267
- Ligands: HEC.5
24 PLIP interactions:24 interactions with chain A,- Hydrophobic interactions: A:F.9, A:H.13, A:Q.16, A:Q.16, A:Y.17, A:W.20, A:L.122, A:F.135, A:P.140, A:L.142, A:L.142, A:I.247, A:T.263, A:I.267
- Hydrogen bonds: A:Q.169, A:T.263
- Water bridges: A:R.165, A:K.253, A:T.263
- Salt bridges: A:R.165, A:K.253, A:K.253
- Metal complexes: A:H.128, A:H.265
HEC.5: 25 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Q.26, P.55, R.56, G.57, H.58, F.60, A.61, D.64, C.89, K.90, L.122, R.146, V.172, C.173, C.176, H.177, I.247, H.250, M.251, I.267, G.268
- Ligands: CA.2, HEC.3, HEC.4, HEC.6
12 PLIP interactions:12 interactions with chain A,- Hydrophobic interactions: A:P.55, A:A.61, A:K.90, A:L.122, A:I.247, A:H.250, A:I.267
- Hydrogen bonds: A:Q.26, A:F.60, A:D.64
- Metal complexes: A:H.58, A:H.177
HEC.6: 22 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: P.55, C.173, H.177, E.230, W.234, H.239, V.244, T.245, C.246, C.249, H.250, N.269, P.270, F.271, V.293, G.353, H.355, M.356, H.357
- Ligands: CA.2, HEC.5, HEC.7
11 PLIP interactions:11 interactions with chain A,- Hydrophobic interactions: A:H.177, A:E.230, A:W.234, A:W.234, A:H.239, A:P.270, A:F.271
- Hydrogen bonds: A:N.269
- Salt bridges: A:H.355
- Metal complexes: A:H.250, A:H.357
HEC.7: 21 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: I.238, H.239, N.242, V.244, D.248, C.249, P.270, F.271, T.277, C.278, C.281, H.282, V.292, V.293, R.296, M.356
- Chain B: I.238, H.282, Q.284
- Ligands: HEC.6, HEC.17
17 PLIP interactions:14 interactions with chain A, 3 interactions with chain B,- Hydrophobic interactions: A:N.242, A:V.244, A:V.244, A:P.270, A:F.271, A:V.292, A:V.293, B:I.238
- Water bridges: A:I.238, A:I.238, A:R.296, A:R.296
- Salt bridges: A:R.296, B:H.282
- Metal complexes: A:H.239, A:H.282
- Hydrogen bonds: B:Q.284
HEC.13: 23 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: Y.52, N.53, P.55, D.64, V.65, T.68, R.70, T.71, L.82, A.85, C.86, C.89, K.90, C.176, H.177, V.178, Y.180, F.182, V.189, H.228, A.350, H.352
- Ligands: HEC.15
22 PLIP interactions:21 interactions with chain B, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Hydrophobic interactions: B:P.55, B:V.65, B:T.68, B:T.71, B:L.82, B:V.178, B:Y.180, B:Y.180, B:Y.180, B:F.182, B:V.189, B:H.228
- Hydrogen bonds: B:N.53, B:N.53, B:A.350
- Water bridges: B:R.70, B:H.352
- Salt bridges: B:R.70, B:H.228, B:H.352
- pi-Stacking: B:H.228
- Metal complexes: H2O.35
HEC.14: 25 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: F.9, H.13, Q.16, Y.17, W.20, L.122, G.123, C.124, C.127, H.128, F.135, G.138, P.140, L.142, R.165, Q.169, V.172, I.247, M.251, K.253, Y.262, T.263, H.265, I.267
- Ligands: HEC.15
23 PLIP interactions:23 interactions with chain B,- Hydrophobic interactions: B:F.9, B:H.13, B:Q.16, B:Q.16, B:Y.17, B:W.20, B:L.122, B:F.135, B:F.135, B:L.142, B:V.172, B:I.247, B:I.267
- Hydrogen bonds: B:Q.169, B:T.263
- Water bridges: B:R.165, B:T.263, B:T.263
- Salt bridges: B:R.165, B:K.253, B:K.253
- Metal complexes: B:H.128, B:H.265
HEC.15: 26 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: Q.26, P.55, R.56, G.57, H.58, F.60, A.61, D.64, C.89, K.90, L.122, R.146, V.172, C.173, C.176, H.177, C.246, I.247, H.250, M.251, I.267, G.268
- Ligands: CA.12, HEC.13, HEC.14, HEC.16
15 PLIP interactions:15 interactions with chain B,- Hydrophobic interactions: B:P.55, B:A.61, B:K.90, B:L.122, B:L.122, B:I.247, B:H.250, B:I.267, B:I.267
- Hydrogen bonds: B:Q.26, B:R.56, B:F.60, B:D.64
- Metal complexes: B:H.58, B:H.177
HEC.16: 23 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: C.173, H.177, E.230, Y.231, W.234, H.239, V.244, T.245, C.246, C.249, H.250, N.269, P.270, F.271, V.293, H.352, G.353, H.355, M.356, H.357
- Ligands: CA.12, HEC.15, HEC.17
11 PLIP interactions:11 interactions with chain B,- Hydrophobic interactions: B:H.177, B:E.230, B:W.234, B:H.239, B:P.270, B:F.271
- Hydrogen bonds: B:N.269
- Salt bridges: B:K.297, B:H.355
- Metal complexes: B:H.250, B:H.357
HEC.17: 21 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: I.238, H.282, Q.284
- Chain B: I.238, H.239, N.242, V.244, D.248, C.249, P.270, F.271, T.277, C.278, C.281, H.282, V.292, R.296, M.356
- Ligands: HEC.7, HEC.16, EDO.24
17 PLIP interactions:13 interactions with chain B, 4 interactions with chain A,- Hydrophobic interactions: B:I.238, B:I.238, B:N.242, B:V.244, B:V.244, B:P.270, B:F.271, B:V.292
- Water bridges: B:H.282, B:R.296, A:H.282, A:H.282
- Salt bridges: B:R.296, A:H.282
- Metal complexes: B:H.239, B:H.282
- Hydrogen bonds: A:Q.284
- 10 x EDO: 1,2-ETHANEDIOL(Non-functional Binders)
EDO.8: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: F.271, D.272, N.273, F.274, A.275, K.286
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain A- Hydrogen bonds: A:D.272, A:F.274
EDO.9: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: M.197, K.198, V.199, E.232, T.233, E.361, M.365
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain A- Hydrogen bonds: A:V.199, A:E.232
EDO.10: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: D.375, T.378, K.379, R.382
- Chain B: R.377
7 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain A, 3 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: A:K.379, A:R.382, A:R.382, B:R.377
- Water bridges: A:K.379, B:R.377, B:R.377
EDO.18: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: F.271, D.272, N.273, F.274, A.275, K.286
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:D.272, B:N.273, B:F.274, B:A.275
EDO.19: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: F.160, E.161, Q.168
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:Q.168
- Water bridges: B:T.143
EDO.20: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: M.197, K.198, V.199, E.232, T.233, L.347, E.361, M.365
3 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:V.199, B:E.232, B:E.361
EDO.21: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: V.62, T.63, R.66, N.121, E.431
6 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:R.66, B:N.121, B:E.431
- Water bridges: B:V.62, B:R.66, B:N.121
EDO.22: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: A.210, S.212, P.222, R.339
3 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:A.210
- Water bridges: B:K.332, B:D.336
EDO.23: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: S.19, V.254, Y.262, D.264, K.266
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)EDO.24: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: D.248, T.277, N.280, C.281
- Ligands: HEC.17
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:D.248, B:N.280
- Links
- Citation
- Clarke, T.A. et al., Role of a Conserved Glutamine Residue in Tuning the Catalytic Activity of Escherichia coli Cytochrome c Nitrite Reductase. Biochemistry (2008)
- Release Date
- 2008-03-25
- Peptides
- Cytochrome c-552: AB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-dimer
- Ligands
- 4 x CA: CALCIUM ION(Non-covalent)
- 10 x HEC: HEME C(Non-covalent)(Covalent)
- 10 x EDO: 1,2-ETHANEDIOL(Non-functional Binders)
- Links
- Citation
- Clarke, T.A. et al., Role of a Conserved Glutamine Residue in Tuning the Catalytic Activity of Escherichia coli Cytochrome c Nitrite Reductase. Biochemistry (2008)
- Release Date
- 2008-03-25
- Peptides
- Cytochrome c-552: AB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A