- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- hetero-2-2-mer
- Ligands
- 3 x NAG- NAG- BMA- MAN: alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-beta-D-mannopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose
- 1 x NAG- NAG- BMA- MAN- MAN- MAN: alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-3)-alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-[alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-3)]beta-D-mannopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose
- 1 x NAG- NAG- BMA- MAN- MAN- MAN: alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-beta-D-mannopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose
- 1 x NAG- NAG: 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose(Post Translational Modification)
- 84 x W: TUNGSTEN ION(Non-functional Binders)(Non-covalent)
W.7: 6 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.8, W.11, W.12, W.16, W.51, W.52
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.8: 7 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.7, W.9, W.13, W.16, W.43, W.50, W.51
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.9: 8 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.8, W.10, W.11, W.13, W.43, W.48, W.49, W.51
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.10: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.9, W.11, W.17, W.18
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.11: 7 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.7, W.9, W.10, W.12, W.48, W.51, W.52
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.12: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.7, W.11, W.15, W.18
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.13: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.8, W.9, W.14, W.17
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.14: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.13, W.15, W.16, W.17
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.15: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.12, W.14, W.16, W.18
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.16: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.7, W.8, W.14, W.15
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.17: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.10, W.13, W.14, W.18
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.18: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.10, W.12, W.15, W.17
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.19: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.20, W.23, W.24, W.28
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.20: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.19, W.21, W.25, W.28
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.21: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.20, W.22, W.23, W.25
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.22: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.21, W.23, W.29, W.30
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.23: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.19, W.21, W.22, W.24
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.24: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.19, W.23, W.27, W.30
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.25: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.20, W.21, W.26, W.29
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.26: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.25, W.27, W.28, W.29
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.27: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.24, W.26, W.28, W.30
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.28: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.19, W.20, W.26, W.27
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.29: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.22, W.25, W.26, W.30
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.30: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.22, W.24, W.27, W.29
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.31: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.32, W.35, W.36, W.40
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.32: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.31, W.33, W.37, W.40
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.33: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.32, W.34, W.35, W.37
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.34: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.33, W.35, W.41, W.42
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.35: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.31, W.33, W.34, W.36
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.36: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.31, W.35, W.39, W.42
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.37: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.32, W.33, W.38, W.41
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.38: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.37, W.39, W.40, W.41
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.39: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.36, W.38, W.40, W.42
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.40: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.31, W.32, W.38, W.39
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.41: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.34, W.37, W.38, W.42
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.42: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.34, W.36, W.39, W.41
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.43: 6 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.8, W.9, W.49, W.50, W.51, W.53
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.48: 6 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.9, W.11, W.49, W.51, W.52, W.56
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.49: 5 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.9, W.43, W.48, W.53, W.56
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.50: 5 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.8, W.43, W.51, W.57, W.58
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.51: 8 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.7, W.8, W.9, W.11, W.43, W.48, W.50, W.52
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.52: 6 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.7, W.11, W.48, W.51, W.55, W.58
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.53: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.43, W.49, W.54, W.57
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.54: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.53, W.55, W.56, W.57
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.55: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.52, W.54, W.56, W.58
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.56: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.48, W.49, W.54, W.55
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.57: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.50, W.53, W.54, W.58
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.58: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.50, W.52, W.55, W.57
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.63: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.64, W.67, W.68, W.72
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.64: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.63, W.65, W.69, W.72
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.65: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.64, W.66, W.67, W.69
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.66: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.65, W.67, W.73, W.74
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.67: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.63, W.65, W.66, W.68
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.68: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.63, W.67, W.71, W.74
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.69: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.64, W.65, W.70, W.73
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.70: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.69, W.71, W.72, W.73
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.71: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.68, W.70, W.72, W.74
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.72: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.63, W.64, W.70, W.71
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.73: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.66, W.69, W.70, W.74
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.74: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.66, W.68, W.71, W.73
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.75: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.76, W.79, W.80, W.84
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.76: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.75, W.77, W.81, W.84
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.77: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.76, W.78, W.79, W.81
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.78: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.77, W.79, W.85, W.86
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.79: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.75, W.77, W.78, W.80
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.80: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.75, W.79, W.83, W.86
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.81: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.76, W.77, W.82, W.85
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.82: 5 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.81, W.83, W.84, W.85, W.97
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.83: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: W.34
- Ligands: W.80, W.82, W.84, W.86, W.93
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.84: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.75, W.76, W.82, W.83
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.85: 6 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.78, W.81, W.82, W.86, W.90, W.97
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.86: 6 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.78, W.80, W.83, W.85, W.89, W.90
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.87: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.88, W.91, W.92, W.96
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.88: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.87, W.89, W.93, W.96
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.89: 5 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.86, W.88, W.90, W.91, W.93
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.90: 6 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.85, W.86, W.89, W.91, W.97, W.98
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.91: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.87, W.89, W.90, W.92
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.92: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.87, W.91, W.95, W.98
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.93: 5 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.83, W.88, W.89, W.94, W.97
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.94: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.93, W.95, W.96, W.97
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.95: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.92, W.94, W.96, W.98
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.96: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.87, W.88, W.94, W.95
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.97: 6 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.82, W.85, W.90, W.93, W.94, W.98
Ligand excluded by PLIPW.98: 4 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: W.90, W.92, W.95, W.97
Ligand excluded by PLIP- 2 x GLY: GLYCINE(Non-covalent)
GLY.44: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: F.462, P.494, L.495, T.496, R.501, S.666, W.709, D.710, F.736
5 PLIP interactions:5 interactions with chain A- Hydrogen bonds: A:T.496, A:S.666, A:S.666, A:D.710
- Salt bridges: A:R.501
GLY.100: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: F.462, P.494, L.495, T.496, R.501, S.666, W.709, D.710, F.736
5 PLIP interactions:5 interactions with chain C- Hydrogen bonds: C:P.494, C:T.496, C:S.666, C:S.666
- Salt bridges: C:R.501
- 8 x NAG: 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose(Post Translational Modification)
NAG.45: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: N.251, N.254, V.312
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: A:V.312
- Hydrogen bonds: A:N.254
NAG.46: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: N.278, T.280
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: A:T.280
NAG.47: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: N.418
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain A- Hydrogen bonds: A:T.392, A:N.418
NAG.59: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: N.48
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)NAG.60: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: N.315
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:N.315
NAG.101: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: N.278
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)NAG.102: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: N.48
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)NAG.103: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: N.315
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)- 2 x QEL: 4-[(1R,2S)-2-(4-benzylpiperidin-1-yl)-1-hydroxypropyl]phenol(Non-covalent)
QEL.61: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.87, T.88, R.93, S.110, I.111, L.113
- Chain B: A.81, Q.84, I.85, F.88, Y.149, F.150, P.151, E.210
11 PLIP interactions:7 interactions with chain B, 4 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: B:A.81, B:I.85, B:F.88, B:F.88, A:Y.87, A:Y.87, A:L.113, A:L.113
- Hydrogen bonds: B:Q.84, B:E.210
- pi-Stacking: B:F.150
QEL.99: 13 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: Y.87, T.88, R.93, S.110, I.111, L.113
- Chain D: A.81, Q.84, I.85, F.88, F.150, P.151, E.210
11 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain C, 7 interactions with chain D- Hydrophobic interactions: C:Y.87, C:Y.87, C:L.113, C:L.113, D:A.81, D:I.85, D:F.88, D:F.88
- Hydrogen bonds: D:Q.84, D:E.210
- pi-Stacking: D:F.150
- 2 x GLU: GLUTAMIC ACID(Non-covalent)
GLU.62: 11 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: H.454, S.480, L.481, T.482, R.487, G.657, S.658, T.659, Y.699, D.700, Y.730
14 PLIP interactions:13 interactions with chain B, 1 Ligand-Ligand interactions- Hydrophobic interactions: B:Y.699
- Hydrogen bonds: B:S.480, B:T.482, B:T.482, B:S.658, B:S.658, B:T.659, B:T.659, B:D.700, B:D.700, B:Y.730, E.62
- Salt bridges: B:H.454, B:R.487
GLU.104: 11 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: H.454, S.480, L.481, T.482, R.487, G.657, S.658, T.659, Y.699, D.700, Y.730
12 PLIP interactions:11 interactions with chain D, 1 Ligand-Ligand interactions- Hydrophobic interactions: D:Y.699
- Hydrogen bonds: D:T.482, D:T.482, D:T.482, D:S.658, D:S.658, D:T.659, D:D.700, D:D.700, E.104
- Salt bridges: D:H.454, D:R.487
- Links
- Citation
- Karakas, E. et al., Crystal structure of a heterotetrameric NMDA receptor ion channel. Science (2014)
- Release Date
- 2014-06-04
- Peptides
- Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1: AC
Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2B: BD - SMTL:PDB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
D - Membrane
We predict this structure to be a membrane protein.
- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- hetero-2-2-mer
- Ligands
- 3 x NAG- NAG- BMA- MAN: alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-beta-D-mannopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose
- 1 x NAG- NAG- BMA- MAN- MAN- MAN: alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-3)-alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-[alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-3)]beta-D-mannopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose
- 1 x NAG- NAG- BMA- MAN- MAN- MAN: alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-alpha-D-mannopyranose-(1-6)-beta-D-mannopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose
- 1 x NAG- NAG: 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose(Post Translational Modification)
- 84 x W: TUNGSTEN ION(Non-functional Binders)(Non-covalent)
- 2 x GLY: GLYCINE(Non-covalent)
- 8 x NAG: 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose(Post Translational Modification)
- 2 x QEL: 4-[(1R,2S)-2-(4-benzylpiperidin-1-yl)-1-hydroxypropyl]phenol(Non-covalent)
- 2 x GLU: GLUTAMIC ACID(Non-covalent)
- Links
- Citation
- Karakas, E. et al., Crystal structure of a heterotetrameric NMDA receptor ion channel. Science (2014)
- Release Date
- 2014-06-04
- Peptides
- Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1: AC
Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2B: BD - SMTL:PDB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
D - Membrane
We predict this structure to be a membrane protein.