- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- hetero-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-mer
- Ligands
- 4 x HEC: HEME C(Covalent)
HEC.3: 12 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: N.31, Y.34, C.35, G.38, T.42, I.206, R.207, I.211
- Chain B: I.39, F.40, V.43
- Ligands: HEM.2
6 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain A, 4 interactions with chain B,- Hydrogen bonds: A:I.211
- Salt bridges: A:R.207
- Hydrophobic interactions: B:I.39, B:F.40, B:V.43
- pi-Stacking: B:F.40
HEC.12: 19 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: Y.36, P.37, F.39, A.40, C.56, C.59, H.60, Q.94, L.104, N.105, V.106, G.107, A.108, N.188, G.190, R.191, G.192, I.194, Y.195
9 PLIP interactions:9 interactions with chain C,- Hydrophobic interactions: C:Y.36, C:F.39, C:N.105
- Hydrogen bonds: C:Y.36, C:Q.94, C:N.105, C:Y.195
- Salt bridges: C:R.191
- Metal complexes: C:H.60
HEC.19: 12 residues within 4Å:- Chain I: N.31, Y.34, C.35, G.38, T.42, I.206, R.207, I.211
- Chain J: I.39, F.40, V.43
- Ligands: HEM.18
7 PLIP interactions:5 interactions with chain J, 2 interactions with chain I,- Hydrophobic interactions: J:I.39, J:F.40, J:F.40, J:V.43
- pi-Stacking: J:F.40
- Hydrogen bonds: I:I.211
- Salt bridges: I:R.207
HEC.27: 19 residues within 4Å:- Chain K: Y.36, P.37, F.39, A.40, C.56, C.59, H.60, Q.94, L.104, N.105, V.106, G.107, A.108, N.188, G.190, R.191, G.192, I.194, Y.195
9 PLIP interactions:9 interactions with chain K,- Hydrophobic interactions: K:Y.36, K:F.39, K:N.105
- Hydrogen bonds: K:Y.36, K:Q.94, K:N.105, K:Y.195
- Salt bridges: K:R.191
- Metal complexes: K:H.60
- 2 x CLA: CHLOROPHYLL A(Non-covalent)
CLA.4: 15 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: M.97, F.102, Y.105, S.130
- Chain B: Y.80, P.83, M.101, L.108, F.133, G.136, V.139
- Ligands: PL9.8, PL9.9, UMQ.10, UMQ.11
5 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain B, 3 interactions with chain A,- Hydrophobic interactions: B:F.133, B:V.139, A:F.102, A:Y.105, A:Y.105
CLA.20: 15 residues within 4Å:- Chain I: M.97, F.102, Y.105, S.130
- Chain J: Y.80, P.83, M.101, L.108, F.133, G.136, V.139
- Ligands: PL9.23, PL9.24, UMQ.25, UMQ.26
5 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain I, 2 interactions with chain J,- Hydrophobic interactions: I:F.102, I:Y.105, I:Y.105, J:F.133, J:V.139
- 10 x UMQ: UNDECYL-MALTOSIDE(Non-covalent)
UMQ.5: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: S.2, Y.5, I.14, Q.15, I.17, A.18
- Ligands: UMQ.6
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain A- Hydrogen bonds: A:Q.15
UMQ.6: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Q.15, A.18, D.19, I.21, T.22
- Chain B: W.32
- Chain C: N.319
- Ligands: UMQ.5, SQD.13
5 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain B, 2 interactions with chain A, 1 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: B:W.32, B:W.32
- Hydrogen bonds: A:D.19, A:T.22, C:N.319
UMQ.10: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: S.103, V.104, G.107, L.108, V.111, L.114, E.115, V.117, N.118, R.126, P.127, V.128, A.129, V.132
- Ligands: CLA.4, UMQ.11
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)UMQ.11: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: I.87, T.90, V.91, P.92, L.100, S.103, V.104, L.143, I.151, D.152, S.154, L.155
- Ligands: CLA.4, UMQ.10
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: B:I.87
- Hydrogen bonds: B:S.154
UMQ.16: 22 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: M.92
- Chain B: C.50, L.54
- Chain C: P.71, Q.72, A.73
- Chain E: M.1, T.3
- Chain F: R.101, I.102, V.105, M.106, L.109
- Chain G: F.5, I.9
- Chain H: D.2, V.4, S.5, W.8, L.11, M.12, F.15
11 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain H, 3 interactions with chain C, 2 interactions with chain F- Hydrophobic interactions: H:F.15
- Hydrogen bonds: H:D.2, H:D.2, H:D.2, H:S.5, H:S.5, C:Q.72, C:A.73, C:A.73, F:R.101
- Salt bridges: F:R.101
UMQ.21: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain I: Q.15, A.18, D.19, I.21, T.22
- Chain J: W.32
- Chain K: N.319
- Ligands: UMQ.22, SQD.29
4 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain J, 2 interactions with chain I- Hydrophobic interactions: J:W.32, J:W.32
- Hydrogen bonds: I:D.19, I:T.22
UMQ.22: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain I: Y.5, I.14, Q.15, I.17, A.18
- Ligands: UMQ.21
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain I- Hydrogen bonds: I:Q.15
UMQ.25: 11 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: I.87, T.90, V.91, L.100, S.103, V.104, L.143, I.151, S.154, L.155
- Ligands: CLA.20
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain J- Hydrogen bonds: J:S.154
UMQ.26: 15 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: S.103, V.104, G.107, L.108, V.111, L.114, E.115, V.117, N.118, R.126, P.127, V.128, A.129, V.132
- Ligands: CLA.20
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain J- Hydrogen bonds: J:L.114
UMQ.32: 21 residues within 4Å:- Chain I: M.92
- Chain J: C.50, L.54
- Chain K: Q.72, A.73
- Chain M: M.1, T.3
- Chain N: R.101, I.102, V.105, M.106
- Chain O: F.5, I.9, L.13
- Chain P: D.2, V.4, S.5, W.8, L.11, M.12, F.15
10 PLIP interactions:5 interactions with chain P, 3 interactions with chain K, 1 interactions with chain N, 1 interactions with chain M- Hydrogen bonds: P:D.2, P:D.2, P:D.2, P:S.5, P:S.5, K:Q.72, K:A.73, K:A.73, M:T.3
- Salt bridges: N:R.101
- 6 x PL9: 2,3-DIMETHYL-5-(3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35-NONAMETHYL-2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34-HEXATRIACONTANONAENYL-2,5-CYCLOHEXADIENE-1,4-DIONE-2,3-DIMETHYL-5-SOLANESYL-1,4-BENZOQUINONE(Non-covalent)
PL9.7: 12 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: L.45, F.78, W.80, L.81
- Chain B: V.56
- Chain C: L.284, R.285, F.292
- Chain D: Y.83, M.84
- Ligands: SQD.13, PL9.23
7 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain A, 2 interactions with chain D, 1 interactions with chain B, 1 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: A:L.45, A:L.81, D:Y.83, D:M.84, B:V.56, C:F.292
- Hydrogen bonds: A:F.78
PL9.8: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: S.130, V.133, T.134, A.147, I.150, V.151
- Chain B: I.75, P.77, F.81, F.85, L.88, M.101
- Chain I: V.48, F.52
- Chain L: Y.88
- Ligands: CLA.4, PL9.28
12 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain A, 6 interactions with chain B, 2 interactions with chain I- Hydrophobic interactions: A:V.133, A:T.134, A:I.150, A:I.150, B:I.75, B:P.77, B:F.81, B:F.85, B:F.85, B:L.88, I:V.48, I:F.52
PL9.9: 18 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: F.102
- Chain B: P.72, L.73, E.74, I.75, W.79, F.82, R.89, T.137, L.141, G.144, T.148
- Chain F: A.95
- Chain G: V.10, L.11
- Chain L: C.178, H.179
- Ligands: CLA.4
13 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain G, 1 interactions with chain F, 1 interactions with chain A, 9 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: G:V.10, G:L.11, F:A.95, A:F.102, B:E.74, B:I.75, B:W.79, B:F.82, B:T.137, B:L.141, B:T.148
- Hydrogen bonds: B:I.75, B:R.89
PL9.23: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: V.48, F.52
- Chain I: S.130, V.133, I.150, V.151, F.183, V.190, L.193
- Chain J: I.75, P.77, F.81, F.85, L.88, M.101
- Ligands: PL9.7, CLA.20
12 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain I, 5 interactions with chain J, 1 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: I:V.133, I:I.150, I:V.151, I:F.183, I:V.190, I:L.193, J:I.75, J:P.77, J:F.81, J:F.85, J:L.88, A:F.52
PL9.24: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: C.178, H.179
- Chain J: P.72, L.73, E.74, I.75, W.79, R.89, T.137, I.145, T.148, L.149
- Chain K: Q.273
- Chain O: F.7, L.11
- Ligands: CLA.20
11 PLIP interactions:9 interactions with chain J, 2 interactions with chain O- Hydrophobic interactions: J:L.73, J:E.74, J:I.75, J:W.79, J:T.137, J:I.145, J:L.149, O:F.7, O:L.11
- Hydrogen bonds: J:I.75, J:R.89
PL9.28: 13 residues within 4Å:- Chain I: L.45, F.78, W.80, L.81
- Chain J: V.52
- Chain K: R.285, G.288, L.289
- Chain L: Y.83, M.84, P.87
- Ligands: PL9.8, SQD.29
5 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain I, 2 interactions with chain L, 1 interactions with chain J- Hydrophobic interactions: I:L.45, I:L.81, L:M.84, L:P.87, J:V.52
SQD.13: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: W.32
- Chain C: K.306, F.310
- Chain D: R.66, N.70, L.73, M.84
- Ligands: UMQ.6, PL9.7
5 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain D, 1 interactions with chain C, 1 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: D:L.73
- Hydrogen bonds: D:N.70, B:W.32
- Salt bridges: D:R.66, C:K.306
SQD.29: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: W.32, P.41
- Chain K: K.306, F.310
- Chain L: R.66, N.70, L.73
- Ligands: UMQ.21, PL9.28
5 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain J, 2 interactions with chain L, 1 interactions with chain K- Hydrophobic interactions: J:P.41
- Hydrogen bonds: J:W.32, L:N.70
- Salt bridges: L:R.66, K:K.306
- 2 x FES: FE2/S2 (INORGANIC) CLUSTER(Non-covalent)
FES.14: 10 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: C.158, H.160, L.161, G.162, C.163, C.176, C.178, H.179, G.180, S.181
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain D,- Metal complexes: D:C.158, D:H.160, D:C.176, D:H.179
FES.30: 10 residues within 4Å:- Chain L: C.158, H.160, L.161, G.162, C.163, C.176, C.178, H.179, G.180, S.181
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain L,- Metal complexes: L:C.158, L:H.160, L:C.176, L:H.179
- 2 x BCR: BETA-CAROTENE(Non-covalent)
BCR.15: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain F: T.110
- Chain G: I.16, G.20
- Chain H: F.15, L.19
- Chain R: L.39
4 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain H, 1 interactions with chain R, 1 interactions with chain F- Hydrophobic interactions: H:F.15, H:L.19, R:L.39, F:T.110
BCR.31: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: V.43
- Chain N: T.110
- Chain O: I.16, G.20
- Chain P: F.15, S.18, L.19
- Chain Q: L.39, I.42
6 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain Q, 1 interactions with chain J, 2 interactions with chain P, 1 interactions with chain N- Hydrophobic interactions: Q:L.39, Q:I.42, J:V.43, P:F.15, P:L.19, N:T.110
- Links
- Citation
- Sarewicz, M. et al., High-resolution cryo-EM structures of plant cytochrome b 6 f at work. Sci Adv (2023)
- Release Date
- 2023-01-25
- Peptides
- Cytochrome b6: AI
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 4: BJ
Cytochrome f: CK
Cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit, chloroplastic: DL
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 6: EM
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 7: FN
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 5: GO
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 8: HP
Thylakoid soluble phosphoprotein: QR - SMTL:PDB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
Q - Membrane
We predict this structure to be a membrane protein.
- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- hetero-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-mer
- Ligands
- 4 x HEC: HEME C(Covalent)
- 2 x CLA: CHLOROPHYLL A(Non-covalent)
- 10 x UMQ: UNDECYL-MALTOSIDE(Non-covalent)
- 6 x PL9: 2,3-DIMETHYL-5-(3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35-NONAMETHYL-2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34-HEXATRIACONTANONAENYL-2,5-CYCLOHEXADIENE-1,4-DIONE-2,3-DIMETHYL-5-SOLANESYL-1,4-BENZOQUINONE(Non-covalent)
- 2 x FES: FE2/S2 (INORGANIC) CLUSTER(Non-covalent)
- 2 x BCR: BETA-CAROTENE(Non-covalent)
- Links
- Citation
- Sarewicz, M. et al., High-resolution cryo-EM structures of plant cytochrome b 6 f at work. Sci Adv (2023)
- Release Date
- 2023-01-25
- Peptides
- Cytochrome b6: AI
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 4: BJ
Cytochrome f: CK
Cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit, chloroplastic: DL
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 6: EM
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 7: FN
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 5: GO
Cytochrome b6-f complex subunit 8: HP
Thylakoid soluble phosphoprotein: QR - SMTL:PDB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
Q - Membrane
We predict this structure to be a membrane protein.