- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-tetramer
- Ligands
- 28 x POV: (2S)-3-(hexadecanoyloxy)-2-[(9Z)-octadec-9-enoyloxy]propyl 2-(trimethylammonio)ethyl phosphate(Non-covalent)(Non-functional Binders)
POV.4: 26 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: R.350, L.352, Q.369, Q.370, T.431, F.434, M.435, L.437, V.438, V.441, M.442, I.445, A.447, S.448, G.449, E.450, V.451, V.452, P.453, F.456, L.460
- Chain B: T.514, F.553
- Ligands: Y01.2, POV.15, I8E.16
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.5: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: P.527, L.530
- Ligands: Y01.3, POV.6, POV.15
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.6: 24 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: M.491, C.494, W.495, A.498, V.499, L.502, Y.509, Q.513, D.525, Y.526, P.527, L.530
- Chain D: L.337, I.341, T.344, M.345, I.348, Y.349, W.462, V.465
- Ligands: Y01.3, POV.5, POV.15, POV.39
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.7: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: F.343, C.346, C.347, L.373, Q.374, Y.377, L.386, E.389, L.390, T.392, V.393, V.436, T.439, M.440, R.443, L.444, M.454
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.9: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: L.338, I.341, M.345, Y.349
- Ligands: POV.10, POV.22
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.10: 10 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.342, M.345, C.346, Y.349, K.381, I.384, R.385, V.387, G.388
- Ligands: POV.9
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.11: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: E.515, D.550, L.551, P.552, F.553, I.557
- Chain D: D.364, T.366, V.452, F.456
- Ligands: I8E.12, Y01.44, Y01.45, POV.46, POV.47, POV.48
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.15: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: D.364, T.366, V.452, F.456
- Chain B: E.515, D.550, L.551, P.552, F.553, M.554, I.557
- Ligands: Y01.2, Y01.3, POV.4, POV.5, POV.6, I8E.16
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.20: 26 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: R.350, L.352, Q.369, Q.370, T.431, F.434, M.435, L.437, V.438, V.441, M.442, I.445, A.447, S.448, G.449, E.450, V.451, V.452, P.453, F.456, L.460
- Chain C: T.514, F.553
- Ligands: Y01.18, POV.27, I8E.28
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.21: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: P.527, L.530
- Ligands: Y01.19, POV.22, POV.27
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.22: 24 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: L.337, I.341, T.344, M.345, I.348, Y.349, W.462, V.465
- Chain B: M.491, C.494, W.495, A.498, V.499, L.502, Y.509, Q.513, D.525, Y.526, P.527, L.530
- Ligands: POV.9, Y01.19, POV.21, POV.27
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.23: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: F.343, C.346, C.347, L.373, Q.374, Y.377, L.386, E.389, L.390, T.392, V.393, V.436, T.439, M.440, R.443, L.444, M.454
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.25: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: L.338, I.341, M.345, Y.349
- Ligands: POV.26, POV.34
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.26: 10 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: C.342, M.345, C.346, Y.349, K.381, I.384, R.385, V.387, G.388
- Ligands: POV.25
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.27: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: D.364, T.366, V.452, F.456
- Chain C: E.515, D.550, L.551, P.552, F.553, M.554, I.557
- Ligands: Y01.18, Y01.19, POV.20, POV.21, POV.22, I8E.28
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.32: 26 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: R.350, L.352, Q.369, Q.370, T.431, F.434, M.435, L.437, V.438, V.441, M.442, I.445, A.447, S.448, G.449, E.450, V.451, V.452, P.453, F.456, L.460
- Chain D: T.514, F.553
- Ligands: Y01.30, POV.41, I8E.42
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.33: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: P.527, L.530
- Ligands: Y01.31, POV.34, POV.41
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.34: 24 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: L.337, I.341, T.344, M.345, I.348, Y.349, W.462, V.465
- Chain C: M.491, C.494, W.495, A.498, V.499, L.502, Y.509, Q.513, D.525, Y.526, P.527, L.530
- Ligands: POV.25, Y01.31, POV.33, POV.41
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.35: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: F.343, C.346, C.347, L.373, Q.374, Y.377, L.386, E.389, L.390, T.392, V.393, V.436, T.439, M.440, R.443, L.444, M.454
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.37: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: L.338, I.341, M.345, Y.349
- Ligands: POV.38, POV.48
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.38: 10 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: C.342, M.345, C.346, Y.349, K.381, I.384, R.385, V.387, G.388
- Ligands: POV.37
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.39: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: L.338, I.341, M.345, Y.349
- Ligands: POV.6, POV.40
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.40: 10 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: C.342, M.345, C.346, Y.349, K.381, I.384, R.385, V.387, G.388
- Ligands: POV.39
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.41: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: D.364, T.366, V.452, F.456
- Chain D: E.515, D.550, L.551, P.552, F.553, M.554, I.557
- Ligands: Y01.30, Y01.31, POV.32, POV.33, POV.34, I8E.42
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.46: 26 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: T.514, F.553
- Chain D: R.350, L.352, Q.369, Q.370, T.431, F.434, M.435, L.437, V.438, V.441, M.442, I.445, A.447, S.448, G.449, E.450, V.451, V.452, P.453, F.456, L.460
- Ligands: POV.11, I8E.12, Y01.44
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.47: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: P.527, L.530
- Ligands: POV.11, Y01.45, POV.48
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.48: 24 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: L.337, I.341, T.344, M.345, I.348, Y.349, W.462, V.465
- Chain D: M.491, C.494, W.495, A.498, V.499, L.502, Y.509, Q.513, D.525, Y.526, P.527, L.530
- Ligands: POV.11, POV.37, Y01.45, POV.47
Ligand excluded by PLIPPOV.49: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: F.343, C.346, C.347, L.373, Q.374, Y.377, L.386, E.389, L.390, T.392, V.393, V.436, T.439, M.440, R.443, L.444, M.454
Ligand excluded by PLIP- 8 x I8E: Tetrahydrocannabivarin(Non-covalent)
I8E.8: 19 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: I.486, L.490, M.491, F.493, C.494, M.497, F.534, F.537, L.538, M.570, L.573, M.577
- Chain B: A.563, I.564, T.567, L.568, L.571
- Ligands: Y01.3, I8E.16
9 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain B, 5 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: B:I.564, B:T.567, B:L.568, B:L.571, A:L.490, A:L.490, A:F.493, A:F.534, A:L.573
I8E.12: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: I.557, A.560, A.561, I.564, I.565, L.568
- Chain D: F.456, I.482, I.486, L.490, F.534
- Ligands: POV.11, Y01.44, Y01.45, POV.46, I8E.50
3 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: A:A.560, A:I.564, A:I.564
I8E.16: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: F.456, I.482, I.486, L.490, F.534
- Chain B: I.557, A.560, A.561, I.564, I.565, L.568
- Ligands: Y01.2, Y01.3, POV.4, I8E.8, POV.15
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: B:A.560, B:I.564, B:I.564, B:I.565
I8E.24: 19 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: I.486, L.490, M.491, F.493, C.494, M.497, F.534, F.537, L.538, M.570, L.573, M.577
- Chain C: A.563, I.564, T.567, L.568, L.571
- Ligands: Y01.19, I8E.28
9 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain C, 5 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: C:I.564, C:T.567, C:L.568, C:L.571, B:L.490, B:L.490, B:F.493, B:F.534, B:L.573
I8E.28: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: F.456, I.482, I.486, L.490, F.534
- Chain C: I.557, A.560, A.561, I.564, I.565, L.568
- Ligands: Y01.18, Y01.19, POV.20, I8E.24, POV.27
3 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: C:A.560, C:I.564, C:I.564
I8E.36: 19 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: I.486, L.490, M.491, F.493, C.494, M.497, F.534, F.537, L.538, M.570, L.573, M.577
- Chain D: A.563, I.564, T.567, L.568, L.571
- Ligands: Y01.31, I8E.42
9 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain D, 5 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: D:I.564, D:T.567, D:L.568, D:L.571, C:L.490, C:L.490, C:F.493, C:F.534, C:L.573
I8E.42: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: F.456, I.482, I.486, L.490, F.534
- Chain D: I.557, A.560, A.561, I.564, I.565, L.568
- Ligands: Y01.30, Y01.31, POV.32, I8E.36, POV.41
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain D- Hydrophobic interactions: D:A.560, D:I.564, D:I.564, D:I.565
I8E.50: 19 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.563, I.564, T.567, L.568, L.571
- Chain D: I.486, L.490, M.491, F.493, C.494, M.497, F.534, F.537, L.538, M.570, L.573, M.577
- Ligands: I8E.12, Y01.45
9 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain A, 5 interactions with chain D- Hydrophobic interactions: A:I.564, A:T.567, A:L.568, A:L.571, D:L.490, D:L.490, D:F.493, D:F.534, D:L.573
- 1 x CA: CALCIUM ION(Non-covalent)
- 1 x CL: CHLORIDE ION(Non-functional Binders)
- Links
- Citation
- Neuberger, A. et al., Molecular pathway and structural mechanism of human oncochannel TRPV6 inhibition by the phytocannabinoid tetrahydrocannabivarin. Nat Commun (2023)
- Release Date
- 2023-08-23
- Peptides
- Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6: ABCD
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
D - Membrane
We predict this structure to be a membrane protein.
- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-tetramer
- Ligands
- 28 x POV: (2S)-3-(hexadecanoyloxy)-2-[(9Z)-octadec-9-enoyloxy]propyl 2-(trimethylammonio)ethyl phosphate(Non-covalent)(Non-functional Binders)
- 8 x I8E: Tetrahydrocannabivarin(Non-covalent)
- 1 x CA: CALCIUM ION(Non-covalent)
- 1 x CL: CHLORIDE ION(Non-functional Binders)
- Links
- Citation
- Neuberger, A. et al., Molecular pathway and structural mechanism of human oncochannel TRPV6 inhibition by the phytocannabinoid tetrahydrocannabivarin. Nat Commun (2023)
- Release Date
- 2023-08-23
- Peptides
- Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 6: ABCD
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
D - Membrane
We predict this structure to be a membrane protein.