- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-12-mer
- Ligands
- 24 x PLM: PALMITIC ACID(Non-covalent)
- 12 x LMT: DODECYL-BETA-D-MALTOSIDE(Non-covalent)
LMT.2: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain D- Hydrogen bonds: D:L.147
LMT.7: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain H: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain H- Hydrogen bonds: H:L.147
LMT.12: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain L: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain L- Hydrogen bonds: L:L.147
LMT.17: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain A- Hydrogen bonds: A:L.147
LMT.22: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain K: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain K- Hydrogen bonds: K:L.147
LMT.27: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain I: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain I- Hydrogen bonds: I:L.147
LMT.32: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain J- Hydrogen bonds: J:L.147
LMT.37: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:L.147
LMT.42: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain F: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain F- Hydrogen bonds: F:L.147
LMT.47: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain G- Hydrogen bonds: G:L.147
LMT.52: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain E- Hydrogen bonds: E:L.147
LMT.57: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: A.145, L.146, L.147
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain C- Hydrogen bonds: C:L.147
- 12 x VDW: [(2~{S})-5-[[(2~{R})-1-(2-hydroxy-2-oxoethylamino)-1-oxidanylidene-3-sulfanyl-propan-2-yl]amino]-1-oxidanyl-1,5-bis(oxidanylidene)pentan-2-yl]azanium(Non-covalent)
VDW.4: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Chain C: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Ligands: 01.5
9 PLIP interactions:7 interactions with chain A, 2 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: A:Y.66
- Hydrogen bonds: A:N.62, A:N.62, A:N.62, A:N.62, A:R.111, C:Q.60
- Salt bridges: A:R.58, C:R.37
VDW.9: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Chain B: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Ligands: 01.10
9 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain A, 7 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: A:Q.60, B:N.62, B:N.62, B:N.62, B:N.62, B:R.111
- Salt bridges: A:R.37, B:R.58
- Hydrophobic interactions: B:Y.66
VDW.14: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Chain C: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Ligands: 01.15
9 PLIP interactions:7 interactions with chain C, 2 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: C:Y.66
- Hydrogen bonds: C:N.62, C:N.62, C:N.62, C:N.62, C:R.111, B:Q.60
- Salt bridges: C:R.58, B:R.37
VDW.19: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Chain F: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Ligands: 01.20
10 PLIP interactions:8 interactions with chain D, 2 interactions with chain F- Hydrophobic interactions: D:Y.66
- Hydrogen bonds: D:N.62, D:N.62, D:N.62, D:N.62, D:Y.104, D:R.111, F:Q.60
- Salt bridges: D:R.58, F:R.37
VDW.24: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Chain E: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Ligands: 01.25
10 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain D, 8 interactions with chain E- Hydrogen bonds: D:Q.60, E:N.62, E:N.62, E:N.62, E:N.62, E:Y.104, E:R.111
- Salt bridges: D:R.37, E:R.58
- Hydrophobic interactions: E:Y.66
VDW.29: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Chain F: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Ligands: 01.30
10 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain E, 8 interactions with chain F- Hydrogen bonds: E:Q.60, F:N.62, F:N.62, F:N.62, F:N.62, F:Y.104, F:R.111
- Salt bridges: E:R.37, F:R.58
- Hydrophobic interactions: F:Y.66
VDW.34: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Chain I: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Ligands: 01.35
10 PLIP interactions:8 interactions with chain G, 2 interactions with chain I- Hydrophobic interactions: G:Y.66
- Hydrogen bonds: G:N.62, G:N.62, G:N.62, G:N.62, G:Y.104, G:R.111, I:Q.60
- Salt bridges: G:R.58, I:R.37
VDW.39: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Chain H: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Ligands: 01.40
10 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain G, 8 interactions with chain H- Hydrogen bonds: G:Q.60, H:N.62, H:N.62, H:N.62, H:N.62, H:Y.104, H:R.111
- Salt bridges: G:R.37, H:R.58
- Hydrophobic interactions: H:Y.66
VDW.44: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain H: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Chain I: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Ligands: 01.45
10 PLIP interactions:8 interactions with chain I, 2 interactions with chain H- Hydrophobic interactions: I:Y.66
- Hydrogen bonds: I:N.62, I:N.62, I:N.62, I:N.62, I:Y.104, I:R.111, H:Q.60
- Salt bridges: I:R.58, H:R.37
VDW.49: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Chain L: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Ligands: 01.50
9 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain L, 7 interactions with chain J- Hydrogen bonds: L:Q.60, J:N.62, J:N.62, J:N.62, J:N.62, J:R.111
- Salt bridges: L:R.37, J:R.58
- Hydrophobic interactions: J:Y.66
VDW.54: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Chain K: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Ligands: 01.55
9 PLIP interactions:7 interactions with chain K, 2 interactions with chain J- Hydrophobic interactions: K:Y.66
- Hydrogen bonds: K:N.62, K:N.62, K:N.62, K:N.62, K:R.111, J:Q.60
- Salt bridges: K:R.58, J:R.37
VDW.59: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain K: S.30, V.33, I.34, R.37, P.44, P.45, Q.60
- Chain L: R.58, N.62, E.65, Y.66, Y.100, Y.104, R.111, L.115
- Ligands: 01.60
9 PLIP interactions:7 interactions with chain L, 2 interactions with chain K- Hydrophobic interactions: L:Y.66
- Hydrogen bonds: L:N.62, L:N.62, L:N.62, L:N.62, L:R.111, K:Q.60
- Salt bridges: L:R.58, K:R.37
- 12 x 01: 1-[3,4-bis(fluoranyl)phenyl]-9-[6-[2,2,2-tris(fluoranyl)ethoxy]pyrimidin-4-yl]-1,9-diazaspiro[5.5]undecan-2-one
01.5: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Chain C: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Ligands: VDW.4, PLM.13
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain A, 2 interactions with chain C- Hydrophobic interactions: A:Y.66, A:L.69, A:L.115, A:A.119, A:L.122, C:A.27, C:L.31
- pi-Stacking: A:W.123
01.10: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Chain B: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Ligands: PLM.3, VDW.9
8 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain A, 6 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: A:A.27, A:L.31, B:Y.66, B:L.69, B:L.115, B:A.119, B:L.122
- pi-Stacking: B:W.123
01.15: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Chain C: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Ligands: PLM.8, VDW.14
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain C, 2 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: C:Y.66, C:L.69, C:L.115, C:A.119, C:L.122, B:A.27, B:L.31
- pi-Stacking: C:W.123
01.20: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Chain F: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Ligands: VDW.19, PLM.28
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain D, 2 interactions with chain F- Hydrophobic interactions: D:Y.66, D:L.69, D:L.115, D:A.119, D:L.122, F:A.27, F:L.31
- pi-Stacking: D:W.123
01.25: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain D: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Chain E: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Ligands: PLM.18, VDW.24
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain E, 2 interactions with chain D- Hydrophobic interactions: E:Y.66, E:L.69, E:L.115, E:A.119, E:L.122, D:A.27, D:L.31
- pi-Stacking: E:W.123
01.30: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain E: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Chain F: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Ligands: PLM.23, VDW.29
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain F, 2 interactions with chain E- Hydrophobic interactions: F:Y.66, F:L.69, F:L.115, F:A.119, F:L.122, E:A.27, E:L.31
- pi-Stacking: F:W.123
01.35: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Chain I: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Ligands: VDW.34, PLM.43
8 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain I, 6 interactions with chain G- Hydrophobic interactions: I:A.27, I:L.31, G:Y.66, G:L.69, G:L.115, G:A.119, G:L.122
- pi-Stacking: G:W.123
01.40: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain G: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Chain H: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Ligands: PLM.33, VDW.39
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain H, 2 interactions with chain G- Hydrophobic interactions: H:Y.66, H:L.69, H:L.115, H:A.119, H:L.122, G:A.27, G:L.31
- pi-Stacking: H:W.123
01.45: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain H: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Chain I: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Ligands: PLM.38, VDW.44
8 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain H, 6 interactions with chain I- Hydrophobic interactions: H:A.27, H:L.31, I:Y.66, I:L.69, I:L.115, I:A.119, I:L.122
- pi-Stacking: I:W.123
01.50: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Chain L: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Ligands: VDW.49, PLM.58
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain J, 2 interactions with chain L- Hydrophobic interactions: J:Y.66, J:L.69, J:L.115, J:A.119, J:L.122, L:A.27, L:L.31
- pi-Stacking: J:W.123
01.55: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain J: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Chain K: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Ligands: PLM.48, VDW.54
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain K, 2 interactions with chain J- Hydrophobic interactions: K:Y.66, K:L.69, K:L.115, K:A.119, K:L.122, J:A.27, J:L.31
- pi-Stacking: K:W.123
01.60: 14 residues within 4Å:- Chain K: V.23, L.24, A.27, Y.28, S.30, L.31
- Chain L: Y.66, L.69, L.115, A.119, L.122, W.123
- Ligands: PLM.53, VDW.59
8 PLIP interactions:6 interactions with chain L, 2 interactions with chain K- Hydrophobic interactions: L:Y.66, L:L.69, L:L.115, L:A.119, L:L.122, K:A.27, K:L.31
- pi-Stacking: L:W.123
- Links
- Citation
- Thoma, G. et al., Discovery of GJG057, a Potent and Highly Selective Inhibitor of Leukotriene C4 Synthase. J.Med.Chem. (2025)
- Release Date
- 2025-02-26
- Peptides
- Leukotriene C4 synthase: ABCDEFGHIJKL
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-12-mer
- Ligands
- 24 x PLM: PALMITIC ACID(Non-covalent)
- 12 x LMT: DODECYL-BETA-D-MALTOSIDE(Non-covalent)
- 12 x VDW: [(2~{S})-5-[[(2~{R})-1-(2-hydroxy-2-oxoethylamino)-1-oxidanylidene-3-sulfanyl-propan-2-yl]amino]-1-oxidanyl-1,5-bis(oxidanylidene)pentan-2-yl]azanium(Non-covalent)
- 12 x 01: 1-[3,4-bis(fluoranyl)phenyl]-9-[6-[2,2,2-tris(fluoranyl)ethoxy]pyrimidin-4-yl]-1,9-diazaspiro[5.5]undecan-2-one
- Links
- Citation
- Thoma, G. et al., Discovery of GJG057, a Potent and Highly Selective Inhibitor of Leukotriene C4 Synthase. J.Med.Chem. (2025)
- Release Date
- 2025-02-26
- Peptides
- Leukotriene C4 synthase: ABCDEFGHIJKL
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A