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ORF3c protein (ORF3c)

Created: May 5, 2023 at 21:33

Project Summary

Template Results

A total of 21 templates were found to match the target sequence. This list was filtered by a heuristic down to 6. The top templates are:
TemplateSequence IdentityBiounit Oligo StateDescription
5da0.133.33hetero-dimerSulphate transporter
Structure of the the SLC26 transporter SLC26Dg in complex with a nanobody
4iox.125.00monomerTripartite terminase subunit UL15
The structure of the herpes simplex virus DNA-packaging motor pUL15 C-terminal nuclease domain provides insights into cleavage of concatemeric viral genome precursors
6m5t.125.00monomerTripartite terminase subunit 3
The coordinate of the nuclease domain of the apo terminase complex
Structure of a conserved dimerisation domain within Fbox7 and PI31
4ouh.117.39homo-tetramerProteasome inhibitor PI31 subunit
Crystal structure of the FP domain of Human PI31 Proteasome Inhibitor
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Model Results

No models have been successfully built for this project.