| Human CYP3A4 bound to a suicide substrate | | homo-4-mer | 26-496 | 100.0 | 4×HEM; 4×MWS; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to a drug mibefradil | | homo-4-mer | 26-496 | 100.0 | 4×HEM; 4×MWV; 8×EDO; 4×DMS; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-4-mer | 27-497 | 100.0 | 4×HEM; 4×DJ1; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-4-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 4×HEM; 4×D7Y; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-4-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 4×HEM; 4×80K; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to a drug substrate | | homo-4-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 4×HEM; 4×GOL; 4×MWY; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-4-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 4×HEM; 4×D7M; |
| Crystal structure of the midazolam-bound human CYP3A4 | | homo-3-mer | 22-497 | 99.79 | 3×HEM; 3×08J; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to PMSF | | homo-2-mer | 26-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 4×GOL; 2×PMF; 14×EDO; 2×DMS; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor fluconazole | | homo-2-mer | 26-497 | 99.78 | 2×HEM; 2×TPF; 2×DMS; 2×EDO; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to a substrate | | homo-2-mer | 26-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 12×CFF; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor metyrapone | | homo-2-mer | 26-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×GOL; 2×MYT; 2×EDO; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to a substrate | | homo-2-mer | 26-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×UC7; 2×GOL; |
| Crystal structure of the cysteine depleted CYP3A4 bound to glycerol | | homo-2-mer | 26-496 | 98.7 | 2×HEM; 24×GOL; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to three caffeine molecules | | homo-2-mer | 26-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 6×CFF; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X2Q; |
| Crystal structure of the cysteine depleted CYP3A4 bound to ritonavir | | homo-2-mer | 26-496 | 98.69 | 2×HEM; 2×RIT; |
| CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×NJ0; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 26-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X2B; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X1I; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 26-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X0E; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 26-496 | 99.56 | 2×HEM; 3×GOL; 2×NXR; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×DEJ; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×QEA; |
| Crystal structure of the cysteine depleted CYP3A4 bound to bromoergocryptine | | homo-2-mer | 28-497 | 98.7 | 2×HEM; 2×08Y; 8×GOL; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×NJO; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X1C; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X2Q; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×D7J; |
| CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×NH0; |
| CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×NI6; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 with the caged inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×GOL; 2×X8S; |
| CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×QDJ; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 99.56 | 2×HEM; 2×X7J; 2×SO4; 2×GOL; 1×EDO; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to metformin | | homo-2-mer | 28-497 | 100.0 | 2×MF8; 2×HEM; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×QDV; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×A1A4K; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×QE4; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×T0K; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X1O; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×DEV; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×QEP; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×GOL; 2×A1A4V; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 99.56 | 2×HEM; 1×SO4; 2×GOL; 2×EDO; 2×X74; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 with the caged inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X8P; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×GOL; 2×X7P; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×A1A07; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×Y83; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×A1A4S; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 with the caged inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×O3L; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X7M; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×A1A4T; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to ritonavir | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×RIT; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-497 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X6J; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X71; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to the testosterone dimer | | homo-2-mer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×YNV; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to glycerol | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 16×GOL; 24×EDO; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X4E; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×WZN; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×WZN; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×D81; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×A1APA; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×QES; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×QDY; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 1×SO4; 2×X6S; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 99.56 | 2×HEM; 1×PO4; 2×NYF; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X6V; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 1×SO4; 1×GOL; 3×EDO; 2×X7D; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×A1A06; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 with the caged inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×O39; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×X5Y; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×A1A08; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; 2×A1A4U; |
| CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | homo-2-mer | 29-495 | 100.0 | 2×HEM; |
| Crystal structure of human cytochrome P450 3A4 | | monomer | 25-499 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; |
| Crystal structure of human cytochrome P450 3A4 | | monomer | 25-498 | 100.0 | 1×STR; 1×HEM; |
| Crystal structure of human cytochrome P450 3A4 | | monomer | 25-498 | 100.0 | 1×MYT; 1×HEM; |
| Crystal Structure of Human Microsomal P450 3A4 | | monomer | 28-499 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; |
| Crystal structure of cytochrome P450 3A4 bound to progesterone | | monomer | 26-497 | 100.0 | 1×STR; 1×HEM; |
| Crystal structure of cytochrome P450 3A4 bound to progesterone and citrate | | monomer | 26-497 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×STR; 1×CIT; |
| Cytochrome P450 3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 27-497 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×J9K; 2×GOL; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 in complex with an inhibitor | | monomer | 28-498 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×2QH; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×G0M; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×G1J; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×G0D; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×FZV; |
| Crystal structure of human CYP3A4 coordinated to a water molecule | | monomer | 28-497 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×GOL; 1×G1D; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 ligated to oxazole-substituted desoxyritonavir | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×Z8Z; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×G0Y; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×G0J; |
| Complex of human CYP3A4 with a desoxyritonavir analog | | monomer | 27-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 2×5AW; |
| Cytochrome P450 3A4 bound to imidazole and an inhibitor | | monomer | 29-497 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×PK9; 1×IMD; 4×GOL; |
| Crystal structure of the cytochrome P4503A4-bromoergocryptine complex | | monomer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×08Y; |
| Cytochrome P450 3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 1×PK9; 1×HEM; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×FZV; 1×GOL; 1×GLN; |
| Complex of CYP3A4 with a desoxyritonavir analog | | monomer | 29-497 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 2×1RD; |
| Complex of CYP3A4 with a desoxyritonavir analog | | monomer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×6AW; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×GOL; 1×G0D; |
| Cytochrome P450 3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 29-497 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×PKT; |
| Crystal structure of human P450 3A4 in complex with ketoconazole | | monomer | 30-498 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 2×KLN; |
| Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 crystallized with clotrimazole | | monomer | 28-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×CL6; |
| Crystal structure of human cytochrome P4503A4 bound to an inhibitor ritonavir | | monomer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 4×DMS; 1×HEM; 1×RIT; |
| Crystal Structure of the complex between human cytochrome P450 3A4 and desthiazolylmethyloxycarbony… | | monomer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×D0R; |
| Human CYP3A4 bound to an inhibitor | | monomer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×GOL; 1×G0V; |
| Complex of human CYP3A4 with a desoxyritonavir analog | | monomer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×7AW; |
| Crystal structure of human P450 3A4 in complex with erythromycin | | monomer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×ERY; |
| Complex of human CYP3A4 with a desoxyritonavir analog | | monomer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×8AW; |
| Crystal structure of CYP3A4 ligated to pyridine-substituted desoxyritonavir | | monomer | 29-496 | 100.0 | 1×HEM; 1×Z9Z; |