P59595 (NCAP_SARS) Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)
Nucleoprotein UniProtKBInterProInteractive Modelling
422 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ;
37 identical sequences
It is possible new templates exist for this target since these models were created.
Available Structures
10 Experimental Structures
Description | PDB ID | Oligo-state | Range | Seq id (%) | Ligands | |
Crystal structure of HLA-B*4001 in complex with SARS-CoV derived peptide N216-225 GETALALLLL |
Heteromer A0A499S0B6; P61769; | 100 | ||||
Crystal structure of HLA-A*1101 with sars nucleocapsid peptide |
Heteromer P04439; P61769; | 100 | 3×SO4; 7×GOL; | |||
Human leukocyte antigen B*07:02 in complex with SARS-CoV2 epitope SPRWYFYYL |
Heteromer P01889; P61769; | 100 | 1×P6G; | |||
Newly identified epitope N1 derived from SARS-CoV N protein complexed with HLA-A*2402 |
Heteromer P04439; P61769; | 100 | ||||
Solution structure of stereo-array isotope labelled (SAIL) C-terminal dimerization domain of SARS c… | homo-2-mer | 100 | ||||
Crystal structure of oligomerization domain of SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein. | homo-2-mer | 100 | ||||
Crystal structure of the SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein dimerization domain | homo-2-mer | 100 | 1×SO4; | |||
Structure of the N-terminal RNA-binding Domain of the SARS CoV Nucleocapsid Protein | monomer | 99.28 | ||||
Ultrahigh Resolution Crystal Structure of RNA Binding Domain of SARS Nucleopcapsid (N Protein) at 1… | monomer | 100 | 1×EDO; | |||
structure of the rna binding domain of n protein from SARS coronavirus in cubic crystal form | monomer | 100.0 | ||||
Template | Oligo-state | QMEAN | Range | Ligands | Trg-Tpl Seq id (%) | |
8fd5.1.A | monomer | 0.58 | 89.93 | |||