Q9H944 (MED20_HUMAN) Homo sapiens (Human)

Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 20 UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling

212 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; (Isoform 2); 10 identical sequences: Pongo abelii: H2PJ13; Pan troglodytes: G2HII5, A0A6D2VU74; Pan paniscus: A0A2R9AU31; Gorilla gorilla gorilla: G3RJE7; Macaca mulatta: H9EMQ7; Nomascus leucogenys: A0A2I3G1W6; Rhinopithecus roxellana: A0A2K6RRF9; Rhinopithecus bieti: A0A2K6K488; Colobus angolensis palliatus: A0A2K5I316

Available Structures

7 Experimental Structures

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeSeq id (%)Ligands
Human Mediator (deletion of MED1-IDR) in a Tail-extended conformation Heteromer
A0JLT2; O43513; O60244; O75448; O75586; O95402; Q13503; Q15528; Q15648; Q6P2C8; Q71SY5; Q96G25; Q96HR3; Q96RN5; Q9BTT4; Q9BUE0; Q9H204; Q9NPJ6; Q9NVC6; Q9NWA0; Q9NX70; Q9P086; Q9ULK4; Q9Y2X0; Q9Y3C7;
Human Mediator (deletion of MED1-IDR) in a Tail-bent conformation (MED-B) Heteromer
A0JLT2; O43513; O60244; O75448; O75586; O95402; Q13503; Q15528; Q15648; Q6P2C8; Q96G25; Q96HR3; Q96RN5; Q9BTT4; Q9BUE0; Q9H204; Q9NPJ6; Q9NVC6; Q9NWA0; Q9NX70; Q9P086; Q9ULK4; Q9Y2X0; Q9Y3C7;
Structure of human transcriptional Mediator complex Heteromer
A0JLT2; O43513; O60244; O75448; O75586; P24863; P49336; Q13503; Q15528; Q15648; Q6P2C8; Q93074; Q96G25; Q96HR3; Q96RN5; Q9BTT4; Q9BUE0; Q9H204; Q9NPJ6; Q9NVC6; Q9NWA0; Q9NX70; Q9P086; Q9UHV7; Q9ULK4; Q9Y2X0; Q9Y3C7;
The IDRc bound human core Mediator complex Heteromer
A0JLT2; O43513; O60244; O75448; O75586; Q13503; Q15528; Q15648; Q6P2C8; Q96G25; Q96HR3; Q96RN5; Q9BTT4; Q9BUE0; Q9H204; Q9NPJ6; Q9NVC6; Q9NWA0; Q9NX70; Q9P086; Q9UHV7; Q9ULK4; Q9Y2X0; Q9Y3C7;
Human Mediator with RNA Polymerase II Pre-initiation complex Heteromer
A0A287ADR4; A0A4X1TRS6; A0A4X1VEK9; A0A4X1VYD0; A0A7M4DUC2; A0JLT2; F1RKE4; I3LCB2; I3LCH3; I3LGP4; I3LSI7; O43513; O60244; O75586; P13984; P18074; P19447; P20226; P29083; P29084; P32780; P35269; P50613; P51946; P51948; P52655; P52657; P60899; Q00403; Q13503; Q13888; Q13889; Q15528; Q6P2C8; Q6ZYL4; Q92759; Q96G25; Q96HR3; Q9BTT4; Q9BUE0; Q9H204; Q9NPJ6; Q9NVC6; Q9NWA0; Q9P086; Q9Y3C7;
100.0SF4; 18×ZN;MG;
Structure of the human Mediator-bound transcription pre-initiation complex Heteromer
A0JLT2; O15514; O43513; O60244; O75448; O75586; P13984; P18074; P19387; P19388; P19447; P20226; P24928; P29083; P29084; P30876; P32780; P35269; P36954; P50613; P51946; P51948; P52434; P52435; P52655; P52657; P53803; P61218; P62487; P62875; Q00403; Q13503; Q13888; Q13889; Q15528; Q6P2C8; Q6ZYL4; Q71SY5; Q92759; Q96G25; Q96HR3; Q96RN5; Q9BTT4; Q9BUE0; Q9H204; Q9NPJ6; Q9NVC6; Q9NWA0; Q9NX70; Q9P086; Q9ULK4; Q9Y2X0; Q9Y3C7;
100.0MG; 16×ZN;SF4;
CryoEM structure of TR-TRAP Heteromer
O43513; O60244; O75448; O75586; Q13503; Q15528; Q15648; Q6P2C8; Q71SY5; Q96G25; Q96HR3; Q96RN5; Q9BTT4; Q9BUE0; Q9H204; Q9NPJ6; Q9NVC6; Q9NWA0; Q9NX70; Q9P086; Q9UHV7; Q9ULK4; Q9Y2X0; Q9Y3C7;


TemplateOligo-stateQMEANDisCoRangeLigandsTrg-Tpl Seq id (%)

1 SWISS-MODEL model built on isoform sequence

IsoformTemplateOligo-stateQMEANDisCoRangeLigandsTrg-Tpl Seq id (%)
Isoform 27enj.1.Pmonomer0.591-122