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ORF9b protein (ORF9b) | P0DTD2

Created: May 5, 2023 at 21:34

Project Summary

Template Results

A total of 33 templates were found to match the target sequence. This list was filtered by a heuristic down to 16. The top templates are:
TemplateSequence IdentityBiounit Oligo StateDescription
7ye7.1100.00homo-dimerORF9b protein
Crystal structure of SARS-CoV-2 soluble dimeric ORF9b
6z4u.1100.00homo-dimerProtein 9b
X-ray Crystallographic Structure of Orf9b from SARS-CoV-2
7ye8.1100.00homo-dimerORF9b protein
Crystal structure of SARS-CoV-2 refolded dimeric ORF9b
6z4u.1100.00homo-dimerProtein 9b
X-ray Crystallographic Structure of Orf9b from SARS-CoV-2
7ye7.1100.00homo-dimerORF9b protein
Crystal structure of SARS-CoV-2 soluble dimeric ORF9b
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Model Results

IdTemplateGMQEQMEANDisCo GlobalOligo StateLigands
026z4u.1.A0.640.66 ± 0.06homo-dimer -
012cme.2.A0.520.61 ± 0.07homo-dimer1 x D10
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