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Envelope small membrane protein (E) | P0DTC4

Created: May 5, 2023 at 21:34

Template Results

CoverageGMQEQSQEIdentityMethodOligo StateLigands
5x29.1.A Envelope small membrane protein
NMR structure of the SARS Coronavirus E protein pentameric ion channel
0.510.4491.38NMRhomo-pentamer None
5x29.1.A Envelope small membrane protein
NMR structure of the SARS Coronavirus E protein pentameric ion channel
0.510.4491.38NMRhomo-pentamer None
2mm4.1.A Envelope small membrane protein
Structure of a Conserved Golgi Complex-targeting Signal in Coronavirus Envelope Proteins
0.56-91.38NMRmonomer None
7k3g.1.A Envelope small membrane protein
SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Pentameric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR
0.170.45100.00NMRhomo-pentamer None
7k3g.1.E Envelope small membrane protein
SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Pentameric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR
0.170.45100.00NMRhomo-pentamer None
7k3g.1.D Envelope small membrane protein
SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Pentameric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR
0.170.45100.00NMRhomo-pentamer None
7k3g.1.B Envelope small membrane protein
SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Pentameric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR
0.170.45100.00NMRhomo-pentamer None
7k3g.1.C Envelope small membrane protein
SARS-CoV-2 Envelope Protein Transmembrane Domain: Pentameric Structure Determined by Solid-State NMR
0.170.45100.00NMRhomo-pentamer None

The full list of templates matching your target sequence includes the following templates which are not in the list above. The full template list is available in text or html format.
1zll.1.A, 1zll.1.B, 1zll.1.C, 1zll.1.D, 1zll.1.E, 2hyn.1.A, 2mm4.1.A, 5x29.1.A, 7k3g.1.A, 7k3g.1.B, 7k3g.1.C, 7k3g.1.D, 7k3g.1.E
Oligo State
Found By