- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- hetero-1-1-mer
- Ligands
- 1 x PO4: PHOSPHATE ION(Non-functional Binders)
- 39 x EDO: 1,2-ETHANEDIOL(Non-functional Binders)
EDO.3: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.299, R.301, S.345, G.347, S.348, V.349, F.354
- Ligands: NAD.1
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.4: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: M.351, S.352, A.353
- Chain B: I.175, M.176, R.177
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.5: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.65, D.66, Y.67, M.351, S.352
- Chain B: M.176, N.280, K.284
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.6: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: D.400, S.401
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.7: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.106, N.108, T.130, K.134, K.328, E.332
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.8: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: E.306, I.336, T.337, Y.338, P.339
- Ligands: NAD.1
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.9: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: I.85, T.169, G.170, I.184, E.185, D.187
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.10: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: I.22, Y.147, D.179, V.180
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.11: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: K.16, K.18, E.148, P.149, G.150, D.153
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.12: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.47, K.48, S.51, D.143, Y.174, N.176, K.181
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.13: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.65, Q.68, N.350, A.355, K.356, D.404
- Chain B: E.276
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.14: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: R.112, E.114, K.155, P.156, T.157, P.158, K.203, Y.205
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.15: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: N.95, H.162, K.164, E.209, A.210
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.16: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: K.164, P.166, S.211, I.212
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.17: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: K.137, Q.138, D.139, D.187, Y.188, D.217, I.297, R.362
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.18: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.251, Y.256, N.260, R.300, F.341, I.342, S.343, L.387
- Ligands: NAD.1
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.19: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.353, R.357
- Chain B: M.269, E.270, S.271
- Ligands: EDO.27
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.20: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: Y.67, S.71
- Chain B: Y.279
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.21: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: S.215, L.216, D.217, K.224
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.25: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: H.73, D.157, G.158, D.179, R.183, D.184
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.26: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: Y.188, K.191, I.267
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.27: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.303, P.304, Q.305, R.357
- Chain B: G.268, E.270
- Ligands: NAD.1, EDO.19
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.28: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: S.141, L.142, S.145, V.298, M.299, S.300, P.332, R.335, S.338
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.29: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: M.283, R.290, Y.294, P.322, M.325
- Ligands: EDO.44
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.30: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: T.318, A.321, P.322, S.323, M.325
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.31: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: S.145, G.146
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.32: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: Y.133, A.135, I.136, V.139, L.346
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.33: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: R.147, T.148, T.149, N.296
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.34: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: Y.166, D.288, D.292
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.35: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: L.171, H.173, K.284, C.285, D.286
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.36: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: E.83, K.84, H.87, T.126, F.127
- Ligands: EDO.37
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.37: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: Y.91, E.99, T.126, F.127
- Ligands: EDO.36
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.38: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: I.208, L.242, P.243, D.244
- Ligands: EDO.39
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.39: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: Y.198, S.199, F.200, E.205, L.242, Q.246
- Ligands: EDO.38
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.40: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: R.196, A.230, S.233, E.237, G.251, N.252
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.41: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: K.213, E.214, K.215, C.217, M.305, Y.306, P.307
- Ligands: ATP.23
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.42: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: Q.263, P.264, S.265
- Ligands: EDO.43
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.43: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: K.356
- Chain B: F.262, Q.263, A.272, G.273, H.275, E.276
- Ligands: EDO.42
Ligand excluded by PLIPEDO.44: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: I.287, R.290, K.291
- Ligands: EDO.29
Ligand excluded by PLIP- 1 x CA: CALCIUM ION(Non-functional Binders)
- 1 x ATP: ADENOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE(Non-covalent)
ATP.23: 24 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: G.13, S.14, G.15, L.16, K.18, G.74, G.156, D.157, G.158, V.159, G.182, R.183, R.210, K.213, E.214, G.301, G.302, T.303, M.305, Y.306, K.336
- Ligands: CA.22, LAR.24, EDO.41
30 PLIP interactions:30 interactions with chain B- Hydrogen bonds: B:S.14, B:S.14, B:G.15, B:L.16, B:G.156, B:D.157, B:D.157, B:D.157, B:G.158, B:V.159, B:V.159, B:K.213, B:E.214, B:E.214, B:G.302, B:T.303
- Water bridges: B:D.11, B:N.12, B:N.12, B:K.18, B:K.18, B:D.154, B:D.154, B:D.154, B:V.159, B:Y.306, B:K.336
- Salt bridges: B:K.18, B:K.18
- pi-Stacking: B:Y.306
- 1 x LAR: LATRUNCULIN A(Non-covalent)
LAR.24: 17 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: G.15, L.16, P.32, I.34, D.56, Q.59, L.67, Y.69, D.157, G.182, R.183, T.186, R.206, E.207, R.210, K.213
- Ligands: ATP.23
12 PLIP interactions:12 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: B:P.32, B:I.34, B:I.34, B:Q.59, B:L.67
- Hydrogen bonds: B:Y.69, B:D.157, B:T.186, B:E.207, B:R.210, B:K.213
- Salt bridges: B:R.210
- Links
- Citation
- Tsurumura, T. et al., Arginine ADP-ribosylation mechanism based on structural snapshots of iota-toxin and actin complex. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA (2013)
- Release Date
- 2013-02-20
- Peptides
- Iota toxin component Ia: A
Actin, alpha skeletal muscle: B - SMTL:PDB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
SMTL ID : 4h0v.1
Crystal structure of NAD+-Ia(E378S)-actin complex
Iota toxin component Ia
Actin, alpha skeletal muscle
Related Entries With Identical Sequence
1h1v.1 | 1j6z.1 | 1kxp.1 | 1lot.1 | 1m8q.1 | 1ma9.1 | 1mvw.1 | 1nwk.1 | 1o18.1 | 1o19.1 | 1o1a.1 | 1o1b.1 | 1o1c.1 | 1o1d.1 | 1o1e.1 | 1o1f.1 | 1o1g.1 | 1qz5.1 | 1qz6.1 | 1rdw.1 | 1rfq.1 | 1s22.1 | 1wua.1 | 1y64.1 | 1yxq.1 | 2a3z.1 | 2a40.1 | 2a40.2 | 2a40.3 | 2a41.1 more...less...2a42.1 | 2a5x.1 | 2asm.1 | 2aso.1 | 2asp.1 | 2d1k.1 | 2ff3.1 | 2ff6.1 | 2fxu.1 | 2hmp.1 | 2pav.1 | 2q0r.1 | 2q0u.1 | 2q1n.1 | 2q1n.2 | 2q31.1 | 2q31.2 | 2q36.1 | 2q97.1 | 2q97.2 | 2vcp.1 | 2vcp.2 | 2y83.1 | 2zwh.1 | 3buz.1 | 3hbt.1 | 3j4k.1 | 3j8a.1 | 3jbi.1 | 3jbj.1 | 3jbk.1 | 3m1f.1 | 3m3n.1 | 3mfp.1 | 3mfp.2 | 3mfp.3 | 3sjh.1 | 3tpq.1 | 3u8x.1 | 3u8x.2 | 3u9d.1 | 3u9d.2 | 3u9z.1 | 3ue5.1 | 3ue5.2 | 3ue5.3 | 4a7f.1 | 4a7h.1 | 4a7l.1 | 4a7n.1 | 4gy2.1 | 4h03.1 | 4h0t.1 | 4h0x.1 | 4h0y.1 | 4k41.1 | 4k42.1 | 4k42.2 | 4k42.3 | 4k42.4 | 4k43.1 | 4k43.2 | 4pl8.1 | 4v0u.6 | 4v0u.7 | 4v0u.8 | 4v0u.9 | 4v0u.10 | 5h53.1 | 5jlf.1 | 5mva.1 | 5mvy.1 | 5onv.1 | 5ooc.1 | 5ood.1 | 5ooe.1 | 5oof.1 | 5yu8.1 | 6c1d.1 | 6c1g.1 | 6c1h.1 | 6d8c.1 | 6djm.1 | 6djn.1 | 6djo.1 | 6fhl.1 | 6fm2.1 | 6kll.1 | 6kln.1 | 6kn7.1 | 6kn8.1 | 6rsw.1 | 6t1y.1 | 6t20.1 | 6t23.1 | 6t24.1 | 6t25.1 | 6upv.1 | 6upw.1 | 6yp9.1 | 7c2f.1 | 7c2f.2 | 7k20.1 | 7k21.1 | 7ko4.1 | 7ko5.1 | 7ko7.1 | 7kon.1 | 7kor.1 | 7nxv.1 | 7nxv.2 | 7nzm.1 | 7t5q.1 | 8a2r.1 | 8a2s.1 | 8a2t.1 | 8a2u.1 | 8a2y.1 | 8a2z.1 | 8bjh.1 | 8bji.1 | 8bjj.1 | 8bo1.1 | 8bo1.2 | 8br0.1 | 8br0.2 | 8br1.1 | 8br1.2 | 8dmx.1 | 8e9b.1 | 8of8.1 | 8ru0.1 | 8rv2.1 | 8syf.1 | 8uee.1 | 8viz.1 | 8vkh.1 | 9az6.1 | 9cfu.1 | 9cfv.1 | 9cfw.1 | 9cfx.1 | 9duu.1 | 9dva.1 | 9fjo.1