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ORF9c protein (ORF9c) | P0DTD3

Created: May 5, 2023 at 21:33

Template Results

CoverageGMQEQSQEIdentityMethodOligo StateLigands
5ed7.1.A Tegument protein UL21
Crystal Structure of HSV-1 UL21 C-terminal Domain
0.35-14.29X-ray, 2.7Åmonomer None
6b4f.2.A Nucleoporin GLE1
Crystal structure of human Gle1 CTD-Nup42 GBM complex
0.13-18.52X-ray, 2.8Åhetero-dimer None
7tbl.99.A GLE1
Composite structure of the human nuclear pore complex (NPC) cytoplasmic face generated with a 12A cryo-ET map of the purified HeLa cell NPC
0.13-18.52EMmonomer None
6b4e.1.A Nucleoporin GLE1
Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gle1 CTD-Nup42 GBM complex
0.13-22.22X-ray, 1.8Åhetero-dimer 1 x PRO
6b4f.1.A Nucleoporin GLE1
Crystal structure of human Gle1 CTD-Nup42 GBM complex
0.13-18.52X-ray, 2.8Åhetero-dimer None
6b4e.2.A Nucleoporin GLE1
Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gle1 CTD-Nup42 GBM complex
0.13-22.22X-ray, 1.8Åhetero-dimer 1 x PRO
6b4i.1.A Nucleoporin GLE1
Crystal structure of human Gle1 CTD-Nup42 GBM-DDX19B(ADP) complex
0.12-18.52X-ray, 3.6Åhetero-trimer 1 x ADP
6b4i.2.A Nucleoporin GLE1
Crystal structure of human Gle1 CTD-Nup42 GBM-DDX19B(ADP) complex
0.12-18.52X-ray, 3.6Åhetero-trimer 1 x ADP
3pev.1.B Nucleoporin GLE1
S. cerevisiae Dbp5 L327V C-terminal domain bound to Gle1 and IP6
0.12-24.00X-ray, 2.5Åhetero-dimer 1 x IHP

The full list of templates matching your target sequence includes the following templates which are not in the list above. The full template list is available in text or html format.
2n41.1.A, 2n4e.1.A, 3pev.1.B, 5ed7.1.A, 5h9d.1.B, 6b4e.1.A, 6b4e.2.A, 6b4f.1.A, 6b4f.2.A, 6b4i.1.A, 6b4i.2.A, 7tbl.99.A
Oligo State
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