P19949 (RL5_RABIT) Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)

Large ribosomal subunit protein uL18 UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling

297 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ; 1 identical sequence: Nannospalax galili: A0A8C6W9L7

Available Structures

17 Experimental Structures

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeSeq id (%)Ligands
Cryo-EM structure of ribosome-Sec61-TRAP (TRanslocon Associated Protein) translocon complex Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A5F9CHB7; A0A5F9DJN2; B7NZN9; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SV74; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TFE0; G1TKB3; G1TL06; G1TPE6; G1TSG1; G1TT27; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TTY7; G1TU86; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TVS8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1TYL6; G1U001; G1U7L1; P0DXC2; U3KPD5;
Structure of rabbit 80S ribosome translating beta-tubulin in complex with tetratricopeptide protein… Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SMR7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TL06; G1TT27; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TUB1; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U001; G1U7L1; Q8N0Z6; U3KPD5;
Structure of the rabbit 80S ribosome stalled on a 2-TMD Rhodopsin intermediate in complex with the … Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A8C0RJF2; A0A8C0RUW0; A0A8C0S144; A0A8C0TSD6; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TJR3; G1TL06; G1TSG1; G1TT27; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TUB1; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U001; G1U7L1; P38377; P60467; U3KPD5;
Structure of rabbit 80S ribosome translating beta-tubulin in complex with tetratricopeptide protein… Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A5F9C3C5; B7NZQ2; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SMR7; G1SNY0; G1SPK4; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TKB3; G1TL06; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U001; G1U7L1; P07437; Q8N0Z6; Q9BY12; U3KPD5;
Structure of the rabbit 80S ribosome stalled on a 4-TMD Rhodopsin intermediate in complex with the … Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A2K5PSA0; A0A8C0RJF2; A0A8C0RUW0; A0A8C0S144; A0A8C0TSD6; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TJR3; G1TL06; G1TSG1; G1TT27; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TUB1; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U001; G1U7L1; P38377; P60467; U3KPD5;
Cryo-EM structure of ribosome-Sec61 in complex with cyclotriazadisulfonamide derivative CK147 Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A5F9CHB7; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TFE0; G1TKB3; G1TL06; G1TPE6; G1TSG1; G1TT27; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TTY7; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TVS8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1TYL6; G1U001; G1U7L1; P0DXC2; U3KPD5;
Structure of the rabbit 80S ribosome stalled on a 2-TMD rhodopsin intermediate in complex with Sec6… Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A8I3PRN4; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TFE0; G1TJR3; G1TKB3; G1TL06; G1TSG1; G1TT27; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TTY7; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TVS8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U001; G1U7L1; P02699; P0DXC2; P38377; P60058; P60467; U3KPD5;
Structure of the rabbit 80S ribosome stalled on a 2-TMD rhodopsin intermediate in complex with Sec6… Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A8C0T6I4; A0A8I3PRN4; A0A8I3PXW2; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TFE0; G1TJR3; G1TKB3; G1TL06; G1TSG1; G1TT27; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TTY7; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TVS8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U001; G1U7L1; P02699; P0DXC2; P16967; P23438; P24643; P38377; P60058; P60467; U3KPD5;
Structure of the rabbit 80S ribosome stalled on a 2-TMD rhodopsin intermediate in complex with Sec6… Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A8C0T6I4; A0A8I3PRN4; A0A8I3PXW2; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TFE0; G1TKB3; G1TL06; G1TSG1; G1TT27; G1TTN1; G1TTQ5; G1TTY7; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TVS8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1TYL6; G1U001; G1U7L1; P02699; P0DXC2; P16967; P23438; P24643; P38377; P60058; P60467; U3KPD5;
Subtomogram average of OST-containing ribosome-translocon complexes from canine rough microsomal me… Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; B7NZQ2; E2RQ08; F1PJP5; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SMR7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SYU7; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TG04; G1TL06; G1TT27; G1TTQ5; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U7L1; P38377; P60058; P60467; P86218; U3KPD5;
100NAG; 159×MG;ZN;9UB;
Mammalian ribosome nascent chain complex with SRP and SRP receptor in early state A Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A5F9D391; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SYU7; G1SZ12; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TL06; G1TSG1; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TX70; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U7L1; O76094; P08240; P09132; P37108; P49458; P61011; P63048; Q3T0W9; Q9UHB9; Q9Y5M8; U3KPD5;
Structure of ribosome translating beta-tubulin in complex with TTC5 and NAC Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A5F9D391; A0A5F9D5B2; B7NZQ2; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SYU7; G1SZ12; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TKK2; G1TL06; G1TTQ5; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U7L1; Q13765; Q3T0W9; Q8N0Z6; U3KPD5;
100ZN; 97×MG;
Ternary complex of ribosome nascent chain with SRP and NAC Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A2U3YV30; A0A5F9D391; B5FYZ2; B7NZQ2; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SYU7; G1SZ12; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TL06; G1TT27; G1TTQ5; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U7L1; P09132; P20290; P61011; Q13765; Q3T0W9; Q9UHB9; U3KPD5;
Structure of the ribosome-nascent chain containing an ER signal sequence in complex with NAC Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A5F9D391; A0A5F9D5B2; B7NZQ2; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SYU7; G1SZ12; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TKB3; G1TL06; G1TTQ5; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TX70; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U7L1; P20290; Q13765; Q3T0W9; U3KPD5;
100ZN; 97×MG;
RNC-SRP early complex Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; A0A5F9D391; A0A5F9D5B2; B7NZQ2; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SKF7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SYU7; G1SZ12; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TDL2; G1TL06; G1TSG1; G1TTQ5; G1TTY7; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TX70; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U7L1; J9PAS6; P16255; P18962; P21262; P33731; P61010; P63048; Q00004; Q3T0W9; U3KPD5;
Cryo-EM Structure of the Mammalian Oligosaccharyltransferase Bound to Sec61 and the Programmed 80S … Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; B7NZQ2; E2RQ08; F1PJP5; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SMR7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SYU7; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TG04; G1TL06; G1TT27; G1TTQ5; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U7L1; P38377; P60058; P60467; P86218; U3KPD5;
100NAG; 159×MG;ZN;9UB;
Cryo-EM Structure of the Mammalian Oligosaccharyltransferase Bound to Sec61 and the Non-programmed … Heteromer
A0A087WNH4; B7NZQ2; E2RQ08; F1PJP5; G1SCJ6; G1SE28; G1SE76; G1SF08; G1SGR6; G1SHG0; G1SHQ2; G1SIT5; G1SMR7; G1SNY0; G1SQH0; G1STW0; G1SV32; G1SVW5; G1SWI6; G1SY53; G1SYU7; G1SZ12; G1T040; G1T0C1; G1T6D1; G1TG04; G1TL06; G1TSG1; G1TT27; G1TTQ5; G1TUB8; G1TUN8; G1TXF6; G1TXG5; G1U7L1; P38377; P60058; P60467; P86218; U3KPD5;
100NAG; 159×MG;ZN;9UB;


TemplateOligo-stateQMEANDisCoRangeLigandsTrg-Tpl Seq id (%)