Q00959 (NMDE1_RAT) Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling
1464 aa; Sequence (Fasta)
It is possible new templates exist for this target since these models were created.
Available Structures
55 Experimental Structures
Description | PDB ID | Oligo-state | Range | Seq id (%) | Ligands | |
Structure of native tri-heteromeric GluN1-GluN2A-GluN2B NMDA receptor in rat cortex and hippocampus |
Heteromer P35439; Q00960; | 100.0 | 2×NAG; 1×NAG; 20×NAG; 2×7RC; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the '2-Knuckle-Symmetric' conformation, in complex with… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 8×NAG; 26×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the 'Extended-2' conformation, in complex with glycine … |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 34×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the '2-Knuckle-Symmetric' conformation, in complex with… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 34×NAG; | |||
Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2A* in the '1-Knuckle' conformation, in complex with … |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 4×NAG; 29×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the 'Splayed-Open' conformation, in complex with glycin… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 13×NAG; 21×NAG; | |||
Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2A* in the '2-Knuckle-Symmetric' conformation, in com… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.6 | 3×NAG; 29×NAG; | |||
Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2A* in the '2-Knuckle-Symmetric' conformation, in com… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.6 | 2×NAG; 30×NAG; | |||
Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2A* in the '2-Knuckle-Asymmetric' conformation, in co… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 5×NAG; 28×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the '1-Knuckle' conformation, in complex with glycine a… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 34×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the 'Extended-1' conformation, in complex with glycine … |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 6×NAG; 28×NAG; | |||
Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2A* in the 'Extended' conformation, in complex with g… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.61 | 7×NAG; 25×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the 'Extended' conformation, in complex with glycine an… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 34×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the '2-Knuckle-Asymmetric' conformation, in complex wit… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 4×NAG; 30×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the '2-Knuckle-Symmetric' conformation, in complex with… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 12×NAG; 22×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the 'Super-Splayed' conformation, in complex with glyci… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 34×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the '2-Knuckle-Symmetric' conformation, in complex with… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 6×NAG; 28×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the 'Super-Splayed' conformation, in complex with glyci… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 34×NAG; | |||
Diheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A in the '1-Knuckle' conformation, in complex with glycine a… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.87 | 6×NAG; 28×NAG; | |||
Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2A* Extracellular Domain in the '2-Knuckle-Asymmetric… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.84 | 6×NAG; 26×NAG; | |||
Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1-GluN2A-GluN3A in complex with glycine, glutamate, a GluN1-specif… |
Heteromer P35439; Q9R1M7; | 100.0 | ||||
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×GLY; 1×GOL; 1×84J; | |||
NMDA bound to compound 380 |
Heteromer Q05586; | 100 | 1×GOL; 1×GLU; 1×A1ILP; 1×SO4; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A NMDA receptor agonist binding domains with glycine and antagonist… |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×GLY; 1×N9A; | |||
NMDA bound to compound 339 |
Heteromer Q05586; | 100 | 1×GLU; 1×GOL; 1×A1IME; | |||
Crystal structure of GLUN1/GLUN2A-4M mutant ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and gluta… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.28 | 1×GLY; 1×GLU; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and glutamate in PE… |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×GLY; 1×GLU; | |||
Crystal structure of GLUN1/GLUN2A ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and homoquinolinic … |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×GLY; 3×GOL; 1×QM1; | |||
Crystal structure of GLUN1/GLUN2A-4M mutant ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and homoq… |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.28 | 1×GLY; 1×QM1; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A NMDA receptor agonist binding domains with glycine and antagonist… |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×N9D; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A agonist-binding domains in complex with 7CKA and glutamate |
Heteromer P35438; | 100 | 1×CKA; 1×GLU; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and PPDA |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×2JL; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A NMDA receptor agonist binding domains with glycine and antagonist… |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×GLY; 1×5DX; | |||
Crystal structure of GLUN1/GLUN2A ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and UBP791 |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×QM4; | |||
Agonist-bound GluN1/GluN2A agonist binding domains with TCN201 |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×GLY; 1×GLU; 1×67P; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and SDZ 220-040 |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×QGP; 1×GOL; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A NMDA receptor agonist binding domains with glycine and antagonist… |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×5DZ; 1×PEG; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A NMDA receptor agonist binding domains with glycine and antagonist… |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×5E0; | |||
Crystal structure of GLUN1/GLUN2A-4M mutant ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and UBP791 |
Heteromer P35439; | 99.27 | 2×GOL; 1×GLY; 1×QM4; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A ligand-binding domain in complex with glycine and D-AP5 |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 3×GOL; 1×2JJ; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A NMDA receptor agonist binding domains with glycine and antagonist… |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×5DY; 1×PEG; 1×TRS; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A ligand-binding domain in complex with DCKA and glutamate |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×2JK; 1×GLU; | |||
NMDA bound to compound 387 |
Heteromer Q05586; | 100 | 1×GLU; 1×A1ILO; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN1/GluN2A ligand-binding domain in complex with L689,560 and glutamate |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×QGM; 1×GLU; | |||
Glutamate- and glycine-bound GluN1/GluN2A agonist binding domains with MPX 007 |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×GLU; 1×67Q; | |||
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×GLU; 1×67R; | |||
Glutamate- and DCKA-bound GluN1/GluN2A agonist binding domains with MPX-007 |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×2JK; 1×6ND; 1×GLU; | |||
Glutamate- and glycine-bound GluN1/GluN2A agonist binding domains |
Heteromer P35439; | 100.0 | 1×GLY; 1×GLU; | |||
Crystal Structure Of The NR1/NR2A ligand-binding cores complex |
Heteromer P35439; | 100 | 1×GLY; 1×GLU; | |||
Crystal structure of amino terminal domains of the NMDA receptor subunit GluN1 and GluN2A in comple… |
Heteromer A0A1L8F5J9; | 100.0 | 2×ZN; 2×NAG; 4×SO4; 2×GOL; | |||
Crystal structure of amino terminal domains of the NMDA receptor subunit GluN1 and GluN2A in the pr… |
Heteromer A0A1L8F5J9; | 100.0 | 2×NAG; 2×GOL; 12×SO4; 1×IPA; | |||
Crystal structure of amino terminal domains of the NMDA receptor subunit GluN1 and GluN2A in comple… |
Heteromer A0A1L8F5J9; | 100.0 | 2×NAG; 6×SO4; 2×GOL; 1×ZN; | |||
Crystal structure of GluN2A agonist binding domain with 4-butyl-(S)-CCG-IV | homo-2-mer | 100 | 2×M7V; | |||
GluN2A ligand-binding core in complex with propyl-NHP5G | monomer | 100 | 1×1N4; | |||
Crystal Structure Of The NR2A Ligand Binding Core In Complex With Glutamate | monomer | 100.0 | 1×GLU; | |||
2 SWISS-MODEL models
Template | Oligo-state | QMEAN | Range | Ligands | Trg-Tpl Seq id (%) | |
8xlk.1.D | monomer | 0.63 | 1×7RC; | 56.73 | ||
9arh.1.C | monomer | 0.57 | 26.54 | |||