P68134 (ACTS_MOUSE) Mus musculus (Mouse)
Actin, alpha skeletal muscle UniProtKBProtein AtlasInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling
377 aa; Sequence (Fasta) ;
397 identical sequences
It is possible new templates exist for this target since these models were created.
Available Structures
356 Experimental Structures
Description | PDB ID | Oligo-state | Range | Seq id (%) | Ligands | |
Structure of the Phactr1 RPEL-3 bound to G-actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q2M3X8; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×MG; 1×1PE; 1×GOL; 3×PEG; 1×P6G; | |||
Ternary Complex of Ac-Alpha-Actin with Profilin and CoA-NAA80 |
Heteromer P07737; P68135; Q93015; | 99.73 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAB; 3×GOL; 1×COA; 1×MES; | |||
Ternary Complex of Ac-Alpha-Actin with Profilin and AcCoA-NAA80 |
Heteromer P07737; P68135; Q93015; | 99.73 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAB; 3×GOL; 1×ACO; 1×MES; | |||
The crystal structure of ternary PP1G-PPP1R15B and G-actin complex |
Heteromer P63087; P68135; Q5SWA1; | 100.0 | 5×LAB; 5×ATP; 10×MN; | |||
High-Resolution Cryo-EM Structures of Actin-bound Myosin States Reveal the Mechanism of Myosin Forc… |
Heteromer P0DP23; P68135; Q05096; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Heteromer P09493; P19429; P45379; P63316; P68135; | 100 | 16×ADP; 16×MG; 6×CA; | |||
High-Resolution Cryo-EM Structures of Actin-bound Myosin States Reveal the Mechanism of Myosin Forc… |
Heteromer P0DP23; P68135; Q05096; | 100 | 6×MG; 6×ADP; | |||
Heteromer P09493; P19429; P45379; P63316; P68135; | 100 | 18×ADP; 18×MG; | |||
Magic Angle Spinning NMR Structure of Human Cofilin-2 Assembled on Actin Filaments |
Heteromer P68135; Q9Y281; | 100 | ||||
The structure of rabbit skeletal muscle actomyosin rigor complex at 5.2 angstrom. |
Heteromer P02602; P24732; P68135; Q9GJP9; | 100 | 2×ADP; | |||
Cardiac F-actin decorated with regulatory M-domain of cardiac myosin binding protein C |
Heteromer P68137; Q14896; | 98.93 | ||||
The Structure of the Actin-Smooth Muscle Myosin Motor Domain Complex in the Rigor State |
Heteromer P10587; P68135; | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; | |||
Structure of human cardiac thin filament in the calcium bound state |
Heteromer P09493; P19429; P45379; P63316; P68135; | 100 | 15×ADP; | |||
Homology model of Acto-HMM complex in ADP-state. Chicken smooth muscle HMM and chicken pectoralis a… |
Heteromer P02607; P02612; P10587; P68139; | 100 | ||||
Structure of human cardiac thin filament in the calcium free state |
Heteromer P09493; P19429; P45379; P63316; P68135; | 100 | 15×ADP; | |||
Myosin XI-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68139; Q9SSU1; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Cardiac thin filament decorated with regulatory M-domain of cardiac myosin binding protein C |
Heteromer P68137; Q14896; | 98.93 | ||||
Structure of cardiac native thin filament at pCa=5.8 having upper troponin in Ca2+ bound state and … |
Heteromer A0A4X1SIP4; P42639; P63317; P68137; | 100 | ||||
Structure of cardiac native thin filament at pCa=5.8 having upper and lower troponins in Ca2+ free … |
Heteromer A0A4X1SIP4; P42639; P63317; P68137; | 100 | ||||
Structure of upper Tn Ca2+ free (rotated) and lower Tn Ca2+ bound cardiac native thin filament at p… |
Heteromer A0A4X1SIP4; P42639; P63317; P68137; | 100 | ||||
Structure of the native cardiac thin filament at pCa=5.8 having upper Tn in Ca2+ free state and low… |
Heteromer A0A4X1SIP4; P42639; P63317; P68137; | 100 | ||||
Cardiac thin filament decorated with C1 Ig-domain and regulatory M-domain of cardiac myosin binding… |
Heteromer P68137; Q14896; | 98.93 | ||||
Structure of cardiac native thin filament at pCa=5.8 having upper and lower troponins in Ca2+ bound… |
Heteromer A0A4X1SIP4; P42639; P63317; P68137; | 100 | ||||
High-Resolution Cryo-EM Structures of Actin-bound Myosin States Reveal the Mechanism of Myosin Forc… |
Heteromer P0DP23; P68135; Q05096; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structures of the actin:tropomyosin filament reveal the mechanism for the transition from C… |
Heteromer P68135; | 100 | 5×ADP; | |||
Structure of full-length gelsolin bound to the barbed end of F-actin |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100 | 5×ADP; 14×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Structure of gelsolin domains G1G3 bound to the barbed end of F-actin |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100 | 4×ADP; 14×CA; 2×ATP; | |||
CryoEM structure of the post-powerstroke actomyosin-5a complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q99104; | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ADP; | |||
CryoEM structure of the primed actomyosin-5a complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q99104; | 100 | 1×PO4; 4×MG; 4×ADP; | |||
Structure of the Actin-Tropomyosin-Myosin Complex (rigor ATM 3) |
Heteromer P58772; P68135; Q03479; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×CA; | |||
Structure of the Actin-Tropomyosin-Myosin Complex (rigor ATM 2) |
Heteromer P58772; P68135; Q03479; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×CA; | |||
Structure of the Actin-Tropomyosin-Myosin Complex (rigor ATM 1) |
Heteromer P58772; P68135; Q03479; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×CA; | |||
Lokiarchaeota gelsolin (2DGel) bound to two molecules of rabbit actin |
Heteromer A0A0F8Y9R4; P68135; | 100 | 2×ADP; 9×CA; | |||
Homology model of the in situ actomyosin complex from the A-band of mouse psoas muscle sarcomere in… |
Heteromer P05977; P58771; P97457; Q5SX39; | 100 | ||||
Structure of MAL-RPEL2 complexed to G-actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q8K4J6; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×MG; 2×GOL; | |||
OdinProfilin/Rabbit Actin Complex |
Heteromer A0A1Q9N7W7; P68135; | 100 | 2×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×CA; | |||
HFD domain of mouse CAP1 bound to the pointed end of G-actin |
Heteromer P40124; P68135; Q91YR1; | 100 | 2×MG; 1×ADP; 2×EPE; | |||
Mical-oxidized Actin complex with Gelsolin Segment 1 |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 3×CA; 1×ATP; 1×MPD; | |||
Crystal structure of the complex of DNase I/G-actin/PPP1R15A_582-621 |
Heteromer O75807; P00639; P68135; | 100 | 1×NAG; 1×ATP; 3×CA; | |||
Rabbit muscle actin in complex with ADF-H and ATP-ATTO-488 |
Heteromer P68135; Q91YR1; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of wild-type MAL RPEL domain in complex with five G-actins |
Heteromer P68135; | 100.0 | 5×ATP; 5×CA; | |||
cryo-EM structure of the ADP state wild type myosin-15-F-actin complex (symmetry expansion and re-c… |
Heteromer P24032; P68139; Q9QZZ4; | 100 | 4×ADP; 4×MG; | |||
cryo-EM structure of the ADP state wild type myosin-15-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68139; Q9QZZ4; | 100 | 4×ADP; 4×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the rigor state Jordan myosin-15-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68139; Q9QZZ4; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
cryo-EM structure of the rigor state wild type myosin-15-F-actin complex (symmetry expansion and re… |
Heteromer P24032; P68139; Q9QZZ4; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of fascin crosslinked F-actin |
Heteromer P68139; Q16658; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of fascin crosslinked F-actin (Eigen_left) |
Heteromer P68139; Q16658; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of fascin crosslinked F-actin (Eigen_middle) |
Heteromer P68139; Q16658; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of fascin bound to F-actin (actin binding site 1) |
Heteromer P68139; Q16658; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of fascin crosslinked F-actin (Eigen_right) |
Heteromer P68139; Q16658; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of fascin bound to F-actin (actin binding site 2) |
Heteromer P68139; Q16658; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
F-actin-Talin(R13-DD) complex |
Heteromer P26039; P68135; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Structure of the actin-depolymerizing factor homology domain in complex with actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q91YR1; | 100 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Ternary complex of the WH2 Domain of WIP with Actin-DNAse I |
Heteromer O43516; P00639; P68135; | 100 | 1×NAG; 2×CA; 1×ATP; 1×MG; 1×FMT; | |||
Atomic structure of the actin:DNASE I complex |
Heteromer P00639; P68135; | 100 | 1×NAG; 4×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Crosslinked complex of actin with first W domain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus VopL |
Heteromer P68135; Q87GE5; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×CA; | |||
Actin dimer cross-linked by V. cholerae MARTX toxin and complexed with DNase I and Gelsolin-segment… |
Heteromer P00639; P06396; P68135; | 100 | 1×NAG; 2×CA; 6×SO4; 1×ATP; | |||
Structure of a Longitudinal Actin Dimer Assembled by Tandem W Domains |
Heteromer P68135; Q91YD9; | 100.0 | 2×ATP; 2×CA; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the CapZ-capped barbed end of F-actin |
Heteromer P47756; P52907; P68135; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Molecular Models of Averaged Rigor Crossbridges from Tomograms of Insect Flight Muscle |
Heteromer P02604; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Structural basis of alphaE-catenin - F-actin catch bond behavior |
Heteromer P26231; P68135; | 100 | 6×MG; 6×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of S. pombe Arp2/3 complex in the branch junction |
Heteromer O14241; P32390; P68139; P78774; Q10316; Q92352; Q9UUJ1; Q9Y7J4; | 100 | 10×MG; 9×ADP; 1×ATP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the Tropomodulin-capped pointed end of F-actin |
Heteromer P28289; P68135; | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of actomyosin-5a-S1 with the full-length lever (nucleotide free) |
Heteromer P0DP26; P68135; Q99104; | 100 | ||||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the post-rigor transition state (AppNHp, central 1… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ANP; 3×MG; 1×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 1er) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the post-rigor transition state (AppNHp, central 1… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ANP; 3×MG; 1×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the strong-ADP state (central 1er, class 3) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 3er/2er) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the strong-ADP state (central 1er, class 4) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the post-rigor transition state (AppNHp, central 1… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ANP; 3×MG; 1×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the post-rigor transition state (AppNHp, central 3… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 2×ANP; 7×MG; 3×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the strong-ADP state (central 1er) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the strong-ADP state (central 1er, class 5) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the strong-ADP state (central 3er/2er) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the post-rigor transition state (AppNHp, central 1… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ANP; 3×MG; 1×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the post-rigor transition state (AppNHp, central 1… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ANP; 3×MG; 1×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the post-rigor transition state (AppNHp, central 1… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ANP; 3×MG; 1×ADP; | |||
Single-particle Cryo-EM structure of Arp2/3 complex at branched-actin junction. |
Heteromer A7MB62; P61157; P68135; Q148J6; Q3MHR7; Q3SYX9; Q3T035; Q58CQ2; | 100 | 16×MG; 16×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the strong-ADP state (central 1er, class 2) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the post-rigor transition state (AppNHp, central 1… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ANP; 3×MG; 1×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of delta-NTR myosin-1c bound to F-actin |
Heteromer P0DP26; P68135; Q9WTI7; | 100.0 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of myosin-1c bound to F-actin in the Rigor state |
Heteromer P0DP26; P68135; Q9WTI7; | 100.0 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Heteromer P02588; P12620; P58772; P68135; P68246; | 100 | 16×CA; | |||
Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle quick frozen after a length step |
Heteromer P02588; P12620; P58772; P68135; P68246; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Heteromer P02605; P02609; P13538; P68135; | 100 | ||||
Crystal structure of fragmin domain-1 in complex with actin (AMPPNP-form) |
Heteromer P68139; Q94707; | 100.0 | 1×ANP; 1×MG; 2×PO4; 3×EDO; 2×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of fragmin domain-1 in complex with actin (ADP-Pi-form) |
Heteromer P68139; Q94707; | 100.0 | 1×ADP; 3×PO4; 1×MG; 3×EDO; 2×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of fragmin domain-1 in complex with actin (ADP-form) |
Heteromer P68139; Q94707; | 100.0 | 1×ADP; 1×MG; 5×EDO; 2×CA; | |||
Ternary complex of profilin-actin with the poly-PRO-GAB domain of VASP* |
Heteromer P07737; P50552; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
chimera of the inactive ExoY Nucleotidyl Cyclase domain from Vibrio nigripulchritudo MARTX toxin, w… |
Heteromer A0A9P1NJI6; P07737; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ADP; 1×MG; 1×LAB; 2×TRS; 3×GOL; 8×PEO; 2×SO4; 1×PEG; | |||
ExoY Nucleotidyl Cyclase domain from Vibrio nigripulchritudo MARTX toxin, bound to ATP-Mg-actin, hu… |
Heteromer A0A9P1NJI6; P07737; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×MG; 1×LAB; 2×TRS; 4×SO4; 2×PEO; 1×PG4; 1×GOL; | |||
chimera of ExoY Nucleotidyl Cyclase domain from Vibrio nigripulchritudo fused to a proline-Rich-Dom… |
Heteromer A0A9P1NJI6; P07737; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ADP; 1×MG; 2×TRS; 4×GOL; 2×PEG; 14×PEO; 3×SO4; | |||
Structure of the Phactr1 RPEL-N domain bound to G-actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q2M3X8; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 2×GOL; 1×MG; 3×EDO; 1×LAB; | |||
Structure of the Phactr1 RPEL-2 bound to G-actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q2M3X8; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×MG; | |||
Ternary complex of Profilin-Actin with the Last Poly-Pro of Human VASP |
Heteromer P07737; P50552; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Complex of ATP-actin With the N-terminal Actin-Binding Domain of Tropomodulin |
Heteromer P06396; P28289; P68135; | 100 | 1×ATP; 3×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of LokiProfilin1/Rabbit Actin Complex |
Heteromer A0A0F8V8L2; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×MG; | |||
Structure of the Phactr1 RPEL domain and RPEL motif directed assemblies with G-actin reveal the mol… |
Heteromer Q2M3X8; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×MG; 1×TRS; 1×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of fragmin domain-1 (15-160) in complex with actin |
Heteromer P68139; Q94707; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 3×CA; 3×ACT; 1×NA; 1×EDO; | |||
Heimdallarchaeota gelsolin (2DGel) bound to rabbit actin |
Heteromer A0A1Q9NVH4; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 9×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of an actin monomer in complex with a chimeric peptide of Cordon-Bleu WH2 mutant … |
Heteromer P68135; Q5NBX1; | 99.72 | 1×ATP; 2×CA; | |||
Complex of ADP-actin With the N-terminal Actin-Binding Domain of Tropomodulin |
Heteromer P06396; P28289; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ADP; 3×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of an actin monomer in complex with a nucleator Cordon-Bleu WH2-motif peptide mut… |
Heteromer P68135; Q5NBX1; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 2×CA; | |||
Complex of ATP-actin With the C-terminal Actin-Binding Domain of Tropomodulin |
Heteromer P06396; P28289; P68135; | 100 | 1×ATP; 3×CA; | |||
LokiProfilin2/Rabbit Actin Complex |
Heteromer A0A0F8XMN8; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×CA; | |||
Actin Complex With a Chimera of Tropomodulin-1 and Leiomodin-1 Actin-Binding Site 2 |
Heteromer P06396; P28289; P29536; P68135; | 100 | 1×ATP; 3×CA; | |||
Ternary complex of the WH2 domain of mim with actin-dnase I |
Heteromer O43312; P00639; P68135; | 100 | 1×NAG; 2×CA; 1×ATP; 1×MG; | |||
Heteromer P02774; P68135; | 100.0 | 6×GOL; 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Structure of ArhGAP12 bound to G-Actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q8C0D4; | 100.0 | 2×EDO; 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×MG; | |||
Crystal structure of fragmin domain-1 (1-160) in complex with G-form actin |
Heteromer P68139; Q94707; | 100.0 | 1×ADP; 3×CA; 3×ACT; 1×NA; 1×EDO; | |||
ECP-cleaved Actin in complex with Spir domain D |
Heteromer P68135; Q9U1K1; | 100.0 | 2×CA; 2×ATP; 4×CL; | |||
CARP domain of mouse cyclase-associated protein 1 (CAP1) bound to ADP-actin |
Heteromer P40124; P68135; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
gelsolin G4-G6/actin complex |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 5×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Crystal structure of gelsolin domains G1-G3 bound to actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q28372; | 100.0 | 4×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Crystal structure of N-Wasp VC domain in complex with skeletal actin |
Heteromer O00401; P68135; | 100 | 1×ATP; 1×CA; | |||
Structure of the Phactr1 RPEL domain bound to G-actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q2M3X8; | 100.0 | 6×ATP; 6×MG; 8×GOL; | |||
Oligomeric assembly of actin bound to MRTF-A |
Heteromer P68135; Q8K4J6; | 100.0 | 2×LAB; 3×ATP; 3×MG; | |||
Alpha-E-catenin ABD-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P35221; P68139; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
The structure of the native cardiac thin filament junction region |
Heteromer I3LS66; P42639; P68137; | 99.46 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Model of the actin filament Arp2/3 complex branch junction in cells |
Heteromer P59999; P61161; Q99JY9; Q9CPW4; Q9CVB6; Q9JM76; Q9WV32; | 100 | ||||
INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin with Incoming Actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q27J81; | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; | |||
Atomic structure of Salmonella SipA/F-actin complex by cryo-EM |
Heteromer P0CL52; P68135; | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; 7×PO4; | |||
Structure of P. luminescens TccC3-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q8GF97; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; 1×APR; 1×NCA; | |||
cryo-EM structure of the rigor state wild type myosin-15-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68139; Q9QZZ4; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Structure of the formin INF2 bound to the barbed end of F-actin. |
Heteromer P68135; Q27J81; | 100 | 3×ADP; 4×MG; 1×PO4; 1×ATP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 1er, young JASP-stabilize… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×PO4; 1×MG; 1×9UE; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of a Legionella effector complexed with actin and AMP |
Heteromer A0A2H5FI52; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×AMP; 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of a Legionella effector complexed with actin and ATP |
Heteromer A0A2H5FI52; P68135; | 100.0 | 2×ATP; 1×MG; 1×CA; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 1er, young JASP-stabilize… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×PO4; 1×MG; 1×9UE; | |||
INF2 in the Middle of F-Actin (Up state) |
Heteromer P68135; Q27J81; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 3er/2er, young JASP-stabi… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×PO4; 3×MG; 3×9UE; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 1er, young JASP-stabilize… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×PO4; 1×MG; 1×9UE; | |||
INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q27J81; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
INF2 in the Middle of F-Actin (Down state) |
Heteromer P68135; Q27J81; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 1er, young JASP-stabilize… |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×PO4; 1×MG; 1×9UE; | |||
Structure of Dip1-activated Arp2/3 complex with nucleated actin filament |
Heteromer O14241; O74771; P0CU63; P32390; P68135; P78774; Q10316; Q92352; Q9UUJ1; Q9Y7J4; | 100 | 6×MG; 2×ATP; 4×ADP; | |||
INF2 at the Barbed End of F-Actin with Incoming Profilin-Actin |
Heteromer P07737; P68135; Q27J81; | 100 | 6×ADP; 7×MG; 1×ATP; | |||
Helical reconstruction of the human cardiac actin-tropomyosin-myosin complex in complex with ADP-Mg… |
Heteromer P09493; P12883; P68137; | 99.46 | 6×MG; 6×ADP; | |||
mDia1 in the middle of F-actin |
Heteromer O08808; P68135; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
In situ structure of nebulin bound to actin filament in skeletal sarcomere |
Heteromer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 1er, class 2) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×MG; | |||
In situ structure of actomyosin complex in skeletal sarcomere |
Heteromer Q5SX39; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Structure of the Lifeact-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q08641; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; 5×PO4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 1er, class 1) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the rigor state (central 1er, class 4) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the strong-ADP state (central 1er, class 7) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Structure of the P. aeruginosa ExoY-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q9I1S4; | 100 | 10×MG; 5×GH3; 5×ADP; 5×PO4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the actomyosin-V complex in the strong-ADP state (central 1er, class 6) |
Heteromer P14649; P68135; Q02440; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Structure of the Lifeact13-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q08641; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
F-actin binding interface of alpha-E-catenin ABD (cadherin-catenin complex) and afadin |
Heteromer P26231; P68139; Q9QZQ1; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Salmonella effector protein SipA decorated actin filament |
Heteromer P0CL52; P68139; | 100 | 8×MG; 8×ADP; | |||
RAT skeletal muscle ATM complex |
Heteromer F1LRV9; P58775; P68136; | 100 | 6×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of myosin-1c bound to F-actin in the ADP-A state |
Heteromer P0DP26; P68135; Q9WTI7; | 100.0 | 4×ADP; 4×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of myosin-1c bound to F-actin in the ADP-B state |
Heteromer P0DP26; P68135; Q9WTI7; | 100 | 4×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Structure of the F-tractin-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P17105; P68135; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Structure of the optimized F-tractin in complex with F-actin |
Heteromer P17105; P68135; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Dia1 at the Barbed End of F-Actin |
Heteromer O08808; P68135; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Structures of actin-bound WH2 domains of Spire and the implication for filament nucleation |
Heteromer P68135; Q9U1K1; | 100 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAB; | |||
Crystal structure of an actin monomer in complex with a chimeric peptide of Cordon-Bleu WH2 mutant … |
Heteromer P68135; Q5NBX1; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 2×CA; 1×GOL; | |||
Crystal structure of NAD+-Ia-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q46220; | 100.0 | 1×NAD; 1×PO4; 48×EDO; 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAR; | |||
Crystal structure of NAD+-Ia(E380S)-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q46220; | 100.0 | 1×NAD; 1×PO4; 52×EDO; 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAR; | |||
Structure of rabbit skeletal muscle actin in complex with a hybrid peptide comprising thymosin beta… |
Heteromer P62328; P68135; | 100.0 | 2×ATP; 2×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of Gelsolin domain 1:N-wasp V2 motif hybrid in complex with actin |
Heteromer O00401; P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 3×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Structural basis of actin sequestration by thymosin-B4: Implications for arp2/3 activation |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 3×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 3×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAR; | |||
Crystal Structure of the Thorarchaeota ProGel/rabbit actin complex |
Heteromer A0A135VMT5; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×MG; | |||
Crystal structure of NAD+-Ia(E378S)-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q46220; | 100.0 | 1×NAD; 1×PO4; 39×EDO; 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAR; | |||
Crystal structure of Gelsolin domain 1:ciboulot domain 2 hybrid in complex with actin |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; Q8IRS7; | 100.0 | 3×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Crystal structure of Ia-ADPR-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q46220; | 100.0 | 1×PO4; 18×EDO; 1×AR6; 1×CA; 1×LAR; 1×ATP; | |||
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 3×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Crystal structure of NAD+-Ia(E380A)-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q46220; | 100.0 | 1×NAD; 1×PO4; 22×EDO; 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAR; | |||
Crystal structure of apo-Ia-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q46220; | 100.0 | 1×PO4; 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAR; | |||
Crystal structure of ia-bTAD-actin complex |
Heteromer P68135; Q46220; | 100.0 | 1×TAD; 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAR; | |||
Actin complex with Gelsolin Segment 1 fused to Cobl segment |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; Q5NBX1; | 100 | 2×CA; 1×ATP; 2×MPD; | |||
Actin dimer cross-linked by V. cholerae MARTX toxin and complexed with Gelsolin-segment 1 |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 2×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Metavinculin ABD-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P18206; P68139; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Isolated S3D-cofilin bound to an actin filament |
Heteromer P23528; P68135; | 100 | 7×MG; 7×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin/Plastin2-ABD2 complex |
Heteromer P13796; P68135; | 100 | 11×ADP; 11×MG; | |||
F-actin-Utrophin complex |
Heteromer P46939; P68139; | 100 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
Lifeact-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P68139; Q08641; | 100 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
T-Plastin-F-actin complex |
Heteromer P13797; P68139; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of pre-dephosphorylation complex of phosphorylated eIF2alpha with trapped holopho… |
Heteromer O75807; P00639; P05198; P62139; P68135; | 100 | 1×NAG; 1×MN; 1×ATP; | |||
F-actin decorated by SipA426-685 |
Heteromer P0CL52; P68139; | 100 | 8×ADP; 8×PO4; 8×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of FLNaABD E254K bound to phalloidin-stabilized F-actin |
Heteromer P0CU65; P21333; P68139; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
F-actin decorated by SipA497-669 |
Heteromer P0CL52; P68139; | 100 | 8×ADP; 8×PO4; 8×MG; | |||
T-Plastin-F-actin complex, parallel bundled state |
Heteromer P13797; P68139; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Human cofilin-1 decorated actin filament |
Heteromer P23528; P68135; | 100.0 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
Isolated cofilin bound to an actin filament |
Heteromer P23528; P68135; | 100 | 7×MG; 7×ADP; | |||
Barbed end side of a cofilactin cluster |
Heteromer P23528; P68135; | 100 | 9×MG; 9×ADP; | |||
Cryogenic electron microscopy 3D map of F-actin bound by the Actin Binding Domain of alpha-catenin … |
Heteromer P68135; P90947; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Arp2/3 branch junction complex, ADP state |
Heteromer O14241; P32390; P68139; P78774; Q10316; Q92352; Q9UUJ1; Q9Y7J4; | 100 | 9×ADP; 10×MG; 1×ATP; | |||
Cryogenic electron microscopy 3D map of F-actin bound by human dimeric alpha-catenin |
Heteromer P35221; P68135; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cofilin decorated actin filament |
Heteromer P21566; P68139; | 100.0 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
Arp2/3 branch junction complex, BeFx state |
Heteromer O14241; P32390; P68139; P78774; Q10316; Q92352; Q9UUJ1; Q9Y7J4; | 100 | 9×ADP; 10×MG; 7×BEF; 1×ATP; | |||
T-Plastin-F-actin complex, anti-parallel bundled state |
Heteromer P13797; P68139; | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
T-Plastin-F-actin complex, pre-bundling intermediate state |
Heteromer P13797; P68139; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM Structure of a Transition State of Arp2/3 Complex Activation |
Heteromer A7MB62; P47756; P52907; P61157; P68135; Q148J6; Q1JP79; Q3MHR7; Q3SYX9; Q3T035; Q91YD9; | 100.0 | 3×MG; 2×ATP; 1×ADP; | |||
Actin-binding domain of Legionella pneumophila effector LFAT1 (lpg1387) bound to F-actin |
Heteromer P68138; Q5ZVQ3; | 100 | 10×ADP; 10×MG; | |||
Structure of the Phactr1 RPEL-2 domain bound to actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q2M3X8; | 99.72 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 1×MG; 1×SO4; 1×GOL; | |||
Crystal structure of the chicken actin trimer complexed with human gelsolin segment 1 (GS-1) |
Heteromer P06396; P68139; | 100.0 | 12×CA; 3×TRS; 3×ATP; | |||
Bni1p Formin Homology 2 Domain complexed with ATP-actin |
Heteromer P41832; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Bovine Cardiac Myosin in Complex with Chicken Skeletal Actin and Human Cardiac Tropomyosin in the R… |
Heteromer P09493; P68139; Q9BE39; | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
Phalloidin bound F-actin complex |
Heteromer P0CU64; P68139; | 100.0 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
Crystal Structure of the Thorarchaeota 2DGel/rabbit actin complex |
Heteromer A0A135VHY8; P68135; | 100.0 | 7×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Crystal structure of an actin monomer in complex with the nucleator Cordon-Bleu MET72NLE WH2-motif … |
Heteromer P68135; Q5NBX1; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 3×CA; | |||
ExoY Nucleotidyl Cyclase domain from Vibrio nigripulchritudo MARTX toxin, bound to Latrunculin-B-AT… |
Heteromer A0A9P1NJI6; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 3×MG; 1×3AT; 1×SO4; 1×GOL; 1×PEO; | |||
ExoY Nucleotidyl Cyclase domain from Vibrio nigripulchritudo MARTX toxin (residue Q3455 to L3863) i… |
Heteromer A0A9P1NJI6; P68135; | 100.0 | 2×LAB; 2×ADP; 6×MN; 2×CH1; | |||
Crystal structure of an actin monomer in complex with the nucleator Cordon-Bleu WH2-motif peptide m… |
Heteromer P68135; Q5NBX1; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 2×CA; | |||
ExoY Nucleotidyl Cyclase domain from Vibrio nigripulchritudo MARTX toxin, bound to Latrunculin-B-AT… |
Heteromer A0A9P1NJI6; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×LAB; 1×ATP; 3×MG; 1×SO4; 1×3AT; 2×MN; | |||
The structure of the actin filament uncapping complex mediated by twinfilin |
Heteromer P47753; P68135; Q12792; Q923G3; | 100.0 | 2×CA; 2×ADP; | |||
Crystal structure of the formin homology 2 domain of FMNL3 bound to actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q6ZPF4; | 100.0 | 6×ACT; 2×ATP; | |||
Structure of MAL-RPEL1 complexed to actin |
Heteromer P68135; Q8K4J6; | 100.0 | 2×ATP; 2×CA; 2×LAB; 2×PEG; 4×SCN; | |||
Crystal Structure of the Thorarchaeota 2DGel3/rabbit actin complex |
Heteromer A0A135VDL7; P68135; | 100.0 | 6×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Crystal structure of the complex of human vitamin D binding protein and rabbit muscle actin |
Heteromer P02774; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×MG; 1×ATP; | |||
Heteromer O97428; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×MG; 1×ADP; 1×LAR; | |||
Oligomeric assembly of actin bound to MRTF-A |
Heteromer P68135; Q8K4J6; | 100.0 | 3×LAB; 3×ATP; 3×MG; | |||
Structure of the Bud6 flank domain in complex with actin |
Heteromer P41697; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×CA; | |||
CryoEM structure of Myosin VI-Actin complex in the ADP state |
Heteromer P68135; Q29122; | 100 | 8×MG; 8×ADP; | |||
CryoEM structure of MyosinVI-actin complex in the rigor (nucleotide-free) state |
Heteromer P68135; Q29122; | 100 | 8×MG; 8×ADP; | |||
MDFF model of the vinculin tail domain bound to F-actin |
Heteromer P12003; P68135; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM reconstruction of the metavinculin-actin interface |
Heteromer P18206; P68135; | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
CryoEM structure of Myosin VI-Actin complex in the ADP state, backbone-averaged with side chains tr… |
Heteromer P68135; Q29122; | 100 | ||||
CryoEM structure of MyosinVI-actin complex in the rigor (nucleotide-free) state, backbone-averaged … |
Heteromer P62149; P68135; Q29122; | 100 | ||||
Rigor myosin X co-complexed with an actin filament |
Heteromer P68135; Q9HD67; | 99.68 | ||||
Ca2+-induced Movement of Tropomyosin on Native Cardiac Thin Filaments - "Blocked" state |
Heteromer P68137; | 99.45 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Ca2+-induced Movement of Tropomyosin on Native Cardiac Thin Filaments - "OPEN" state |
Heteromer P68137; | 99.45 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Ca2+-induced Movement of Tropomyosin on Native Cardiac Thin Filaments - "Closed" state |
Heteromer P68137; | 99.45 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Structure of the F-actin-tropomyosin complex (Reprocessed) |
Heteromer P68135; | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Structure of the F-actin-tropomyosin complex |
Heteromer P68135; | 100 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
Crystal Structure of a chimera containing the N-terminal domain (residues 8-29) of drosophila Cibou… |
Heteromer O97428; P62326; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×MG; 1×LAR; | |||
Crystal Structure of a chimera containing the N-terminal domain (residues 8-29) of drosophila Cibou… |
Heteromer O97428; P62326; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×MG; | |||
Crystal structure between actin and a protein construct containing the first beta-thymosin domain o… |
Heteromer O97428; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×ADP; 1×MG; | |||
Complex of mammalian actin with toxofilin from toxoplasma gondii |
Heteromer P68135; Q9NG25; | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Crystal Structure of a chimera containing the N-terminal domain (residues 8-24) of drosophila Cibou… |
Heteromer O97428; P62326; P68136; | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×MG; | |||
Crystal structure of human Gelsolin domains G1-G3 bound to Actin |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 5×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Complex Between Rabbit Muscle alpha-Actin: Human Gelsolin Residues Val26-Glu156 |
Heteromer P06396; P68135; | 100.0 | 3×CD; 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Ternary complex of the WH2 domain of WAVE with Actin-DNAse I |
Heteromer P00639; P68135; Q9Y6W5; | 100 | 1×NAG; 2×CA; 1×ATP; 2×GOL; 1×MG; | |||
Actin-DNAse I Complex |
Heteromer P00639; P68135; | 100 | 1×NAG; 2×CA; 1×ATP; 3×GOL; 1×MG; | |||
Ternary complex of the WH2 domain of WASP with Actin-DNAse I |
Heteromer P00639; P42768; P68135; | 100 | 1×NAG; 2×CA; 1×ATP; 3×GOL; 1×MG; 1×FMT; | |||
Heteromer P02774; P68135; | 100.0 | 1×MG; 1×ATP; | |||
Crystal structure of Plasmodium berghei actin I with D-loop from muscle actin |
Heteromer P13020; P68137; Q4Z1L3; | 100.0 | 3×CA; 1×DIO; 1×ATP; | |||
nSH2 domain of p85-alpha subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in complex with an actin peptide … |
Heteromer P27986; P68133; | 100 | 6×EDO; | |||
nSH2 domain of p85-beta subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in complex with an actin peptide w… |
Heteromer O00459; P68133; | 100 | 3×EDO; | |||
SH2 domain of guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav2 in complex with an actin peptide with phospho… |
Heteromer P52735; P68133; | 100 | 2×EDO; | |||
Thin Filament at low calcium concentration | homo-23-mer | 100 | 23×ADP; | |||
Structure of the thin filament at high calcium concentration | homo-23-mer | 100 | 23×ADP; | |||
Actin filament model from extended form of acromsomal bundle in the Limulus sperm | homo-14-mer | 100 | ||||
Cryo-EM structure of actin filament in the presence of phosphate | homo-12-mer | 100 | 12×ADP; 36×PO4; 72×MG; | |||
Tilted state of actin, T1 | homo-11-mer | 100 | ||||
Tilted state of actin, T2 | homo-10-mer | 100 | ||||
Straight actin filament from Arp2/3 branch junction sample (ADP-BeFx) | homo-9-mer | 100 | 9×ADP; 9×MG; 9×BEF; | |||
Straight actin filament from Arp2/3 branch junction sample (ADP) | homo-9-mer | 100 | 9×ADP; 9×MG; | |||
Structure of bare actin filament, backbone-averaged with sidechains truncated to alanine | homo-8-mer | 100 | ||||
Structure of bare actin filament | homo-8-mer | 100 | 8×MG; 8×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the free barbed end of F-actin | homo-7-mer | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the free pointed end of F-actin | homo-7-mer | 100.0 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; | |||
Bent ADP-F-actin | homo-7-mer | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; | |||
Straight ADP-F-actin 1 | homo-7-mer | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; | |||
Straight ADP-F-actin 2 | homo-7-mer | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; | |||
Bent ADP-Pi-F-actin | homo-7-mer | 100 | 7×ADP; 7×MG; 7×PO4; | |||
Actin filament pointed end | homo-6-mer | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×CA; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of recombinant wildtype ACTA1 phalloidin-stabilized F-actin | homo-6-mer | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of recombinant R254H ACTA1 phalloidin-stabilized F-actin | homo-6-mer | 99.73 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
RAT skeletal muscle F-actin | homo-6-mer | 100 | 6×ADP; | |||
Cryogenic electron microscopy 3D map of F-actin | homo-6-mer | 100 | 6×ADP; 6×MG; | |||
Atomic model of F-actin based on a 6.6 angstrom resolution cryoEM map | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; | |||
Near-Atomic Resolution for One State of F-Actin | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Structure of bare F-actin filaments obtained from the same sample as the Actin-Tropomyosin-Myosin C… | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×CA; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in complex with ADP | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of jasplakinolide-stabilized F-actin (aged) | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×PO4; 5×MG; 5×9ZK; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin stabilized by trans-optoJASP-8 | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×PO4; 5×MG; 5×RLZ; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of jasplakinolide-stabilized F-actin (aged) | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×PO4; 5×MG; 5×9ZK; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in complex with ADP-BeFx | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in the ADP state | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of the ADP state actin filament | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of jasplakinolide-stabilized F-actin in complex with ADP | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×9ZK; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of jasplakinolide-stabilized F-actin in complex with ADP-Pi | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×PO4; 5×9ZK; 5×MG; | |||
Structure of ADP-ribosylated F-actin | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; 5×APR; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in complex with ADP-Pi | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; 5×PO4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin stabilized by cis-optoJASP-8 | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; 5×PO4; 5×RLZ; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of phalloidin-stabilized F-actin (aged) | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Actin phalloidin at BeFx state | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of phalloidin-stabilized F-actin (copolymerized) | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
rabbit actin in the absence of potassium | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
F-actin-ADP complex structure | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
Bare actin filament from a partially cofilin-decorated sample | homo-5-mer | 100 | 5×MG; 5×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in the Ca2+-ADP nucleotide state. | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ADP; 5×CA; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in the Mg2+-ADP nucleotide state. | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in the Mg2+-ADP-BeF3- nucleotide state. | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; 5×BEF; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in the Ca2+-ADP-BeF3- nucleotide state. | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ADP; 5×CA; 5×BEF; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in the Ca2+-ADP-Pi nucleotide state. | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ADP; 5×CA; 5×PO4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in the Mg2+-ADP-Pi nucleotide state. | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; 5×PO4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of phalloidin-Alexa Flour-546-stabilized F-actin (copolymerized) | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ADP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of F-actin in complex with AppNHp (AMPPNP) | homo-5-mer | 100.0 | 5×ANP; 5×MG; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of ADP-actin filaments | homo-4-mer | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of AMPPNP-actin filaments | homo-4-mer | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ANP; | |||
F-actin of cardiac thin filament in high-calcium state | homo-4-mer | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ADP; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of pyrene-labeled ADP-actin filaments | homo-4-mer | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ADP; 4×1T4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of pyrene-labeled ADP-Pi-actin filaments | homo-4-mer | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ADP; 4×PO4; 4×1T4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of ADP-Pi-actin filaments | homo-4-mer | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ADP; 4×PO4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of skeletal muscle alpha-actin | homo-4-mer | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ADP; | |||
F-actin of cardiac thin filament in low-calcium state | homo-4-mer | 100 | 4×MG; 4×ADP; | |||
Structure of the undecorated barbed end of F-actin. | homo-4-mer | 100 | 3×ADP; 4×MG; 3×PO4; 1×ATP; | |||
Structure of the undecorated pointed end of F-actin | homo-4-mer | 100.0 | 4×ADP; 4×MG; | |||
Helical ADP-Pi-F-actin | homo-3-mer | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; 3×PO4; | |||
Cryo-EM structure of young JASP-stabilized F-actin (central 3er) | homo-3-mer | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×PO4; 3×MG; 3×9UE; | |||
Helical ADP-F-actin | homo-3-mer | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
F-actin-MAD | homo-3-mer | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
F-actin-END | homo-3-mer | 100 | 3×ADP; 3×MG; | |||
CryoEM structure of Mical Oxidized Actin (Class 1) | homo-3-mer | 100 | 3×ADP; | |||
CryoEM structure of Mical Oxidized Actin (Class 1) | homo-3-mer | 100 | 3×ADP; | |||
Uncomplexed actin cleaved with protease ECP32 | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 7×SR; 1×SPD; 2×ATP; 9×EDO; 2×211; | |||
SpvB ADP-ribosylated actin: orthorhombic crystal form | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 2×CA; 2×ATP; | |||
Actin Crystal Dynamics: Structural Implications for F-actin Nucleation, Polymerization and Branchin… | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 4×MG; 2×ATP; 2×LAR; | |||
Actin Crystal Dynamics: Structural Implications for F-actin Nucleation, Polymerization and Branchin… | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 2×MG; 2×ATP; 2×LAR; | |||
Polylysine Induces an Antiparallel Actin Dimer that Nucleates Filament Assembly: Crystal Structure … | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 4×CA; 3×CL; 2×ATP; 2×LAR; | |||
Crystal structure of actin in complex with swinholide A | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 3×MG; 2×ATP; 2×EDO; 1×SWI; | |||
Crystal Structure of a Cross-linked Actin Dimer | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 4×CA; 2×ANP; 2×LAR; 2×NSB; 4×MPD; | |||
Actin Dimer Cross-linked between Residues 191 and 374 and complexed with Kabiramide C | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 2×CA; 4×SO4; 2×ATP; 2×KAB; | |||
Actin Dimer Cross-linked Between Residues 41 and 374 | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 4×CA; 2×ANP; 2×LAR; | |||
Crystal structure of actin in complex with lobophorolide | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 2×MG; 2×ATP; 2×LO3; 4×CA; | |||
Cryo-EM reconstruction of F-actin | homo-2-mer | 100 | 2×MG; 2×ADP; | |||
Actin Dimer Cross-linked Between Residues 41 and 374 and proteolytically cleaved by subtilisin betw… | homo-2-mer | 100.0 | 2×CA; 2×ATP; 2×LAR; | |||
Model for the F-actin structure | monomer | 100 | 1×ADP; 1×CA; | |||
Crystal structure of actin in complex with marine macrolide kabiramide C | monomer | 100.0 | 2×CA; 1×ATP; 1×KAB; 1×MES; | |||
Structure of rabbit actin in complex with kabiramide C | monomer | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×KAB; | |||
Structure of rabbit actin in complex with jaspisamide A | monomer | 100.0 | 1×GLC; 1×ATP; 1×JAS; 1×CA; | |||
Structure of Rabbit Actin In Complex With Reidispongiolide A | monomer | 100.0 | 2×CA; 1×ATP; 1×RGA; 5×EDO; | |||
Structure of Rabbit Actin In Complex With Reidispongiolide C | monomer | 100.0 | 2×CA; 1×ATP; 1×RGC; 5×EDO; | |||
Structure of Rabbit Actin In Complex With Sphinxolide B | monomer | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×SPX; | |||
SpvB ADP-ribosylated actin: hexagonal crystal form | monomer | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
The structure of native G-actin | monomer | 100.0 | 1×SO4; 1×CA; 1×ATP; | |||
Rabbit-muscle G-actin in complex with myxobacterial rhizopodin | monomer | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×CA; 1×RH9; 3×HEZ; | |||
Structure of rabbit G-actin in complex with chivosazole A | monomer | 100.0 | 1×ATP; 1×MG; 1×CV9; | |||
Crystal structure of actin in complex with synthetic AplC tail analogue SF01 [(3R,4S,5R,6S,10R,11R,… | monomer | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ADP; 1×NWM; | |||
Crystal structure of actin in complex with synthetic AplC tail analogue GC04 [N-{(1E,4R,5R,7E,9S,10… | monomer | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ADP; 1×1PO; | |||
UNCOMPLEXED ACTIN | monomer | 100 | 6×CA; 1×ADP; 1×RHO; | |||
Structure of Pectenotoxin-2 Bound to Actin | monomer | 100.0 | 4×CA; 1×ATP; 1×PXT; | |||
X-ray Structure of Bistramide A- Actin Complex at 1.35 A resolution. | monomer | 100.0 | 4×CA; 1×ATP; 1×BID; | |||
Structure of Pectenotoxin-2 and Latrunculin B Bound to Actin | monomer | 100.0 | 2×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAB; 1×PXT; | |||
The structure of Aplyronine A-actin complex | monomer | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×AP8; | |||
Absolute Stereochemistry of Ulapualide A | monomer | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×ULA; 2×EDO; | |||
Structure of rabbit actin in complex with truncated analog of Mycalolide B | monomer | 100.0 | 1×CA; 1×ATP; 1×LAB; 3×EDO; 1×TFJ; | |||
Structure of rabbit actin in complex with Mycalolide B | monomer | 100.0 | 1×JQV; 1×CA; 1×ADP; | |||
Template | Oligo-state | QMEAN | Range | Ligands | Trg-Tpl Seq id (%) | |
7pm5.1.C | monomer | 0.84 | 1×TRP; 1×ADP; | 100.00 | ||