- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- hetero-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-mer
- Ligands
- 1 x MET- PHE- LYS: Nascent peptide(Non-functional Binders)
- 3 x SCM: SPECTINOMYCIN(Non-covalent)(Non-functional Binders)
- 17 x PUT: 1,4-DIAMINOBUTANE(Non-functional Binders)(Non-covalent)(Covalent)
PUT.4: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1515, G.1516, G.1517, A.1518
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.5: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.582, A.583, G.584, G.585, C.586, G.755, C.756, U.757, C.758
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.6: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.893, G.894, G.895, C.896, G.902, G.903, U.904
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.77: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.743, U.2580, G.2581, C.2610
- Chain Z: G.135, S.137
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.78: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.748, A.749, A.750, G.1271, U.1325, C.1615
- Chain f: M.86, P.87
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.79: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.325, G.326, G.327, A.332, G.333
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.80: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.805, A.829, G.830, G.831, C.2066, G.2067, U.2068
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.81: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1127, A.2518, A.2541
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.82: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2519, C.2520, C.2521, G.2523, G.2524
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.83: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.2283, A.2284, G.2325, C.2326, U.2384, G.2389
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.84: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.2063, C.2064, A.2439
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.85: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.676, A.677, A.793, U.2441, C.2442
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.86: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2508, G.2509, C.2575, G.2576, U.2580
- Ligands: MG.306
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.87: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.860, A.861, G.862, A.863, A.910, A.911, U.913, U.2265
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.88: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain 9: Q.22, Q.97
- Chain W: A.863, G.864, C.908, A.909
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.89: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1936, A.1937, G.1945, U.1946, U.1956, C.1957
Ligand excluded by PLIPPUT.363: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1994, U.1995, C.1997, C.2510, U.2511
- Chain Z: T.129, Q.130
Ligand excluded by PLIP- 344 x MG: MAGNESIUM ION(Non-functional Binders)(Non-covalent)
MG.7: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.944, G.945
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.8: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.116, G.117, G.289
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.9: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.330, C.352
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.10: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.547
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.11: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.571, A.572, A.573, A.574
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.12: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.576, G.577, C.578, C.817
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.13: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.645, G.646
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.14: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.608, A.609
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.15: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.771, U.772
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.16: 0 residues within 4Å:- (No contacts)
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.17: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.858, G.869
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.18: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.891, A.892, A.906
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.19: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.1054, A.1196, A.1197, G.1198
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.20: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.1110, U.1189
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.21: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.979, C.980, U.981, U.982, G.1222, C.1223
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.22: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.1498, A.1499, A.1500, G.1505
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.23: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.1500, G.1505, A.1507, A.1508
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.24: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.1238, A.1299, U.1335
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.25: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.924, G.925, G.927, U.1390, U.1391
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.26: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.109, G.331
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.27: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.768
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.28: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.588
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.29: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.682, G.683, U.684
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.30: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1401, C.1402
- Chain V: A.43
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.31: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1053, C.1054, A.1196, A.1197, G.1198
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.32: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.58, A.59, C.386, U.387
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.33: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.106, G.107, G.324, A.325
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.34: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.48, U.49, U.114, G.115
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.35: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.180, A.181, C.194, A.195
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.36: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.355, G.357
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.37: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.450, A.451, G.481
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.38: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.297, G.299, G.557, G.558
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.39: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.557, A.559, A.560, U.562
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.40: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.595, A.596, G.597, U.598
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.41: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.632
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.42: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.588, U.589, G.650
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.43: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.1425, G.1426
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.44: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.617
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.45: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.1351, G.1370, G.1371
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.46: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.1503, G.1505
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.47: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.776
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.48: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.776
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.49: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.780, G.800
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.50: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.1499, A.1500, A.1508, C.1521
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.51: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.886, G.887
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.52: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.980
- Chain N: S.58
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.53: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1190
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.54: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.1066, A.1067
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.55: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1068, G.1094, G.1387
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.56: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1385
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.57: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.953
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.58: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.1200
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.59: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.1223, U.1224
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.60: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.979, C.980
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.61: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.651, G.752
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.62: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.774, G.775
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.63: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.782, A.794, C.1521
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.64: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.785, U.793
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.65: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.416, G.417
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.66: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1422, G.1423, U.1477
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.67: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.1069, U.1085
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.68: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1379
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.69: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.441
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.71: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain K: N.28
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.72: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.1048
- Chain N: A.2
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.73: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain R: D.72, R.73, H.74
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain R- Metal complexes: R:D.72, R:H.74
MG.92: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1425, G.1426, A.1427
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.93: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1424, G.1425
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.94: 0 residues within 4Å:- (No contacts)
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.95: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2578, C.2579
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.96: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain 6: K.39
- Chain W: C.1006, C.1007, A.1008, A.1009, A.1010
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.97: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1131, G.2040, U.2041
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.98: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1206, C.1207, A.1241
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.99: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain 8: L.27
- Chain W: G.1192
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.100: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.973
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.101: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.975
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.102: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1001, G.1002
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.103: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2819, G.2838
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.104: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain a: N.11
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.105: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1327
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.106: 0 residues within 4Å:- (No contacts)
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.107: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2293, A.2335
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.108: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2290, G.2383
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.109: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2686
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.110: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.2681, U.2684, G.2685, U.2724, A.2725
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.111: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2849, C.2863, U.2865
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.112: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1753
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.113: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1707, G.1750, U.1751
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.114: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.519, G.520
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.115: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1156
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.116: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.574, G.577
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.117: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.64, U.65
- Chain g: R.76, S.78
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain g- Metal complexes: g:R.76
MG.118: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.328, A.332, C.335
- Chain h: S.68, N.69
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain h- Metal complexes: h:S.68
MG.119: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2250
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.120: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.192, U.193, U.202, A.203
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.121: 0 residues within 4Å:- (No contacts)
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.122: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1263, A.1264, A.2014
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.123: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.739, G.757
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.124: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2741, G.2742
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.125: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2763
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.126: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2738, A.2761, C.2762
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.127: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2337, C.2385
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.128: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2289, G.2290, G.2337, C.2385
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.129: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2454, G.2455
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.130: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2032, C.2055, C.2499
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.131: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2766, C.2767
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.132: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.526, C.527, A.528
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.133: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.35, G.36
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.134: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2062
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.135: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.194, A.195, A.197, C.198
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.136: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.297, G.298
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.137: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.299
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.138: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.369, G.370, A.422
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.139: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.423, G.424
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.140: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.218
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.141: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.46, G.215
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.142: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.375
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.143: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.375, G.376, U.399
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.144: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.376, G.377, C.378, G.396, U.397, C.398
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.145: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.533, U.534, G.535, U.558, G.559, C.560
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.146: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.565, U.566, U.576, G.577, G.809
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.147: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2447, A.2448
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.148: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.593, U.594, G.662, G.663, G.664
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.149: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.597, U.598, A.599, U.658, G.659, C.660
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.150: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.638, U.639, G.648, G.649, C.650
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.151: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.678, G.776, A.2071, C.2072
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.152: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.775, G.776, A.793, A.794
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.153: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.690, A.782
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.154: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.727, G.728
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.155: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.818, G.1187
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.156: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.971, G.974, G.989
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.157: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.833, G.834, C.835, A.943, C.944
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.158: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.865, U.868, G.869
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.159: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.953, G.954, U.955, G.962, U.963
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.160: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1235, G.1236
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.161: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.507, A.508
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.162: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.25, G.26, G.27
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.163: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2027, U.2028, G.2029, A.2033
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.164: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.653, A.654, A.655
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.165: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.599, G.600, C.601, G.656, U.657
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.166: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.802, U.803
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.167: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1678
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.168: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.778, U.779, G.785
- Chain Y: D.229
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.169: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.825, U.2259, G.2428
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.170: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2247, C.2248, U.2249
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.171: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.929, G.930
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.172: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain 8: G.32
- Chain W: A.941, G.1190, G.1191
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain 8- Metal complexes: 8:G.32
MG.173: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.949, G.950, C.951, G.966, U.967, C.968
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.174: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.947
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.175: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2457, G.2458
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.176: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2491
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.177: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2459, G.2488, U.2489
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.178: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1013, A.1014
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.179: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1124, G.1125
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.180: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1065, U.1066, A.1070
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.181: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1072, A.1073, G.1093, U.1094
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.182: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1070, G.1071, C.1072
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.183: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1035, G.1036, U.1119, G.1120
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.184: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1034, U.1035
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.185: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1124, G.1125
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.186: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1022, U.1023, G.1024, G.1025
- Ligands: MG.348
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.187: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1265, U.2615
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.188: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1619, G.1620
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.189: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1298, C.1639
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.190: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1287, G.1288, U.1326, A.1327
- Chain a: G.105
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain a- Metal complexes: a:G.105
MG.191: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1307, A.1308, G.1309, C.1606
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.192: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1317, U.1318
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.193: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1398
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.194: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.189
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.195: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1407, G.1408, U.1594, C.1595
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.196: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1579
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.197: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1425, G.1426
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.198: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1422, G.1423
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.199: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1815, C.1816
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.200: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1802, G.1814
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.201: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1492, A.1494, A.1495
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.202: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1429, G.1430, U.1562, U.1563
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.203: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1455, U.1457
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.204: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1452, A.1453, C.1454, G.1456, U.1457
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.205: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2701, G.2702, C.2703
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.206: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1342, U.1602
- Chain g: T.60
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.207: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1607
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.208: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1622
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.209: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1664, A.1665
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.210: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1986, C.2551
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.211: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1986
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.212: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1988, G.1989
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.213: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1753, G.1756
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.214: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1698, A.1700, G.1766, G.1767
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.215: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1938, C.1957, C.1958
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.216: 0 residues within 4Å:- (No contacts)
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.217: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1949
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.218: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1949, G.1950, U.1951
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.219: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2581, G.2582, G.2583, U.2584
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.220: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1784, A.1785, A.1981
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.221: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1789, C.1790, G.1828
- Chain Y: T.219, R.221
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain Y- Metal complexes: Y:T.219
MG.222: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1838, U.1841, G.1842, G.1897, U.1898
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.223: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1838, G.1839
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.224: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1845, G.1846
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.225: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1862, G.1863
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.226: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1876
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.227: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2404, G.2413, G.2414
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.228: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2414, G.2415
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.229: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1968, C.2591, G.2592
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.230: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2688, G.2719
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.231: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2080, G.2237, G.2238, G.2239, U.2240
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.232: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.2254, G.2255, G.2256
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.233: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2266, U.2272, A.2273
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.234: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2642, G.2643
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.235: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1941, U.1943, U.1944
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.236: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.2681, A.2682, A.2721, G.2722
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.237: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.2889, G.2890
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.238: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2838, G.2839, U.2878
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.239: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.464, G.1613
- Chain q: F.5
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.240: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1214, G.1215, G.1216, C.1233, U.1234, G.1235
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.241: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1253, A.1254, G.1256
- Chain d: R.33
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.242: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2662, G.2663
- Chain t: D.20
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.243: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2655
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.244: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1970, U.1971
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.245: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.746
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.246: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2656, A.2657, G.2659
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.247: 0 residues within 4Å:- (No contacts)
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.248: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.120, G.122
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.249: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.120, G.124
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.250: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.419
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.251: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain 0: G.81
- Chain W: G.450
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.252: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.450, A.453
- Ligands: MG.331
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.253: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.566, U.567
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.254: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.584
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.255: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.616
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.256: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.733, A.761
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.257: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.750, A.751, A.1614, C.1617
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.258: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.783, G.784, A.2589
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.259: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.784, A.2587, G.2588
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.260: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.669, A.670
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.261: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.831, U.832, A.945
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.262: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.947, C.948, G.962, U.963
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.263: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.816, G.1187
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.264: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1267
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.265: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1267, A.1268, C.2006, G.2048
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.266: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1271, A.1272, U.1647, U.1648
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.267: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1313, G.1334
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.268: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1332, G.1333
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.269: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1352, C.1376
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.270: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1358, G.1371
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.271: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1393, U.1394, A.1395, C.1604
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.272: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1306, A.1395, A.1603, C.1604
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.273: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1664, A.1665, G.1667, G.1992
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.274: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1670, U.1671
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.275: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1772, C.1774
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.276: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1775, G.1776
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.277: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1900, A.1970
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.278: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2024, C.2025, U.2034
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.279: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2056, G.2057
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.280: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2061, G.2502
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.281: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2238
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.282: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2267, A.2268, G.2269, G.2271
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.283: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2267, A.2270
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.284: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2518, U.2519, A.2541
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.285: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2587, G.2588
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.286: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2693, U.2707, A.2850
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.287: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.411, A.412, A.2407
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.288: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.572
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.289: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2034, G.2035
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.290: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.981
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.291: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.989, A.990, C.991, G.1186
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.292: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1616, C.1646, U.1647
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.293: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1359, G.1360, G.1361
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.294: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1439, U.1440, A.1551
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.295: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1299, A.1635, U.1636
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.296: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.529, C.2021, U.2022
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.297: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2419
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.298: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2051
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.299: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2705
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.300: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2447, A.2448, A.2497, C.2498, C.2499
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.301: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.569, G.570, A.2448, C.2498, C.2499
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.302: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1780, U.1782, A.1783
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.303: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.730, C.731, A.761, G.763
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.304: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.740, A.1783, A.1784
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.305: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1769, G.1770, G.1980, U.1982, G.1983
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.306: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.2507, C.2573, G.2574, C.2575
- Ligands: PUT.86
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.307: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.862, A.910
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.308: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1828
- Chain Y: R.221
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.309: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1675, A.1676
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.310: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.509, C.510, U.511, G.512
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.311: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.586, G.1248, U.1249, G.1250
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.312: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2592, U.2593
- Chain Y: E.236
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.313: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.943
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.314: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1773, G.1828
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.315: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1378, U.1379, G.1380
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.316: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.578, U.2017, G.2018
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.317: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.963, C.2498
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.318: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1189, G.1190
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.319: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.489, A.1321, A.1328
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.320: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.990, G.1157, C.1158
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.321: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1305, C.1605, C.1606
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.322: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2686, U.2687, G.2688, G.2722
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.323: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.493, G.494
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.324: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1258, G.1259
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.325: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1669, C.1670, U.1671, G.2550
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.326: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.944, A.945, C.946
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.327: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1904
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.328: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.826, U.827, C.2427, G.2428, G.2429
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.329: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1314, C.1315, G.1332
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.330: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2850, A.2851, G.2852, U.2865, U.2866
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.331: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.452, A.453, A.471
- Ligands: MG.252
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.332: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.999, C.1153
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.333: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.31, C.1200, G.1239
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.334: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.1824
- Chain Y: H.53
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.335: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain 0: T.53
- Chain W: G.452, A.470
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain 0- Metal complexes: 0:T.53
MG.336: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.330, A.1237
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.337: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.576, A.2503
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.338: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2053, C.2575, G.2576, A.2577
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.339: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2061, G.2447, C.2501, U.2504
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.340: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2022, U.2034, C.2616, U.2617
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.341: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.839, G.938, G.939, G.940
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.342: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.787, U.790
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.343: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2576, C.2579, C.2611
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.344: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.1269, A.2005
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.345: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2405, A.2406, U.2408
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.346: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.2074, G.2239
- Chain Y: P.227
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.347: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.826, U.827, G.2429, A.2430
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.348: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.1023, G.1024, G.1025, G.1026, C.1135
- Ligands: MG.186
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.349: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.831, C.944
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.350: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2003
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.351: 0 residues within 4Å:- (No contacts)
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.352: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: U.810, A.1253
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.353: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.799, A.800
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.354: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.192, A.199, G.2242, U.2243
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.355: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2711, G.2714
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.356: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain X: U.95
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.357: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain X: U.82, G.83
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.358: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain X: G.23, G.56, A.57, A.58
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.359: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain X: G.102
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.360: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain X: G.100
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.361: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain X: G.75, G.76
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.362: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain Y: Y.83, D.84, R.87, S.88
3 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain Y, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: Y:D.84, Y:R.87, H2O.1
MG.364: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: C.1658
- Chain Z: N.136, H.140
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain Z- Metal complexes: Z:H.140
MG.365: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain 0: A.161, R.162, L.164, V.167
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain 0- Metal complexes: 0:A.161, 0:L.164
MG.366: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain 8: N.99
- Chain W: A.621, G.622
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)MG.367: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: A.2820, A.2821, G.2822
- Chain Z: G.115
- Chain a: H.3
2 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain a, 1 interactions with chain Z- Metal complexes: a:H.3, Z:G.115
MG.369: 2 residues within 4Å:- Chain o: R.16, D.20
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain o- Metal complexes: o:D.20
MG.372: 3 residues within 4Å:- Ligands: GTP.371
- Chain t: T.24, T.62
2 PLIP interactions:2 interactions with chain t- Metal complexes: t:T.24, t:T.62
MG.373: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain u: A.59
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)- 3 x ZN: ZINC ION(Non-covalent)
ZN.70: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: H.18, D.188, D.204, D.205
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain B- Metal complexes: B:H.18, B:D.188, B:D.204, B:D.205
ZN.368: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain n: C.16, C.18, C.37, C.40
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain n- Metal complexes: n:C.16, n:C.18, n:C.37, n:C.40
ZN.370: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain s: C.11, C.14, C.27, H.33
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain s- Metal complexes: s:C.11, s:C.14, s:C.27, s:H.33
- 2 x ATP: ADENOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE(Non-covalent)(Non-functional Binders)
- 2 x SPD: SPERMIDINE(Non-functional Binders)
- 1 x GTP: GUANOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE(Non-covalent)
GTP.371: 23 residues within 4Å:- Chain W: G.2655
- Ligands: MG.372
- Chain t: I.19, D.20, A.21, G.22, K.23, T.24, T.25, V.43, H.44, I.61, T.62, P.90, G.91, H.92, N.142, K.143, D.145, R.146, S.268, A.269, F.270
22 PLIP interactions:22 interactions with chain t- Hydrogen bonds: t:D.20, t:A.21, t:G.22, t:K.23, t:T.24, t:T.24, t:T.25, t:T.25, t:H.44, t:T.62, t:G.91, t:H.92, t:N.142, t:K.143, t:K.143, t:A.269, t:F.270
- Salt bridges: t:K.23, t:K.23, t:H.92, t:D.145
- pi-Cation interactions: t:K.143
- Links
- Citation
- Rundlet, E.J. et al., Structural basis of early translocation events on the ribosome. Nature (2021)
- Release Date
- 2021-07-14
- Peptides
- 30S ribosomal protein S2: B
30S ribosomal protein S3: C
30S ribosomal protein S4: D
30S ribosomal protein S5: E
30S ribosomal protein S6: F
30S ribosomal protein S7: G
30S ribosomal protein S8: H
30S ribosomal protein S9: I
30S ribosomal protein S10: J
30S ribosomal protein S11: K
30S ribosomal protein S12: L
30S ribosomal protein S13: M
30S ribosomal protein S14: N
30S ribosomal protein S15: O
30S ribosomal protein S16: P
30S ribosomal protein S17: Q
30S ribosomal protein S18: R
30S ribosomal protein S19: S
30S ribosomal protein S20: T
30S ribosomal protein S21: U
50S ribosomal protein L2: Y
50S ribosomal protein L3: Z
50S ribosomal protein L4: 0
50S ribosomal protein L5: 1
50S ribosomal protein L6: 2
50S ribosomal protein L9: 3
50S ribosomal protein L10: 4
50S ribosomal protein L11: 5
50S ribosomal protein L13: 6
50S ribosomal protein L14: 7
50S ribosomal protein L15: 8
50S ribosomal protein L16: 9
50S ribosomal protein L17: a
50S ribosomal protein L18: b
50S ribosomal protein L19: c
50S ribosomal protein L20: d
50S ribosomal protein L21: e
50S ribosomal protein L22: f
50S ribosomal protein L23: g
50S ribosomal protein L24: h
50S ribosomal protein L25: i
50S ribosomal protein L27: j
50S ribosomal protein L28: k
50S ribosomal protein L29: l
50S ribosomal protein L30: m
50S ribosomal protein L31: n
50S ribosomal protein L32: o
50S ribosomal protein L33: p
50S ribosomal protein L34: q
50S ribosomal protein L35: r
50S ribosomal protein L36: s
Elongation factor G: t - SMTL:PDB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:B
SMTL ID : 7n2v.1
Elongating 70S ribosome complex in a spectinomycin-stalled intermediate state of translocation bound to EF-G in an active, GTP conformation (INT1)
30S ribosomal protein S2
30S ribosomal protein S3
30S ribosomal protein S4
30S ribosomal protein S5
30S ribosomal protein S6
30S ribosomal protein S7
30S ribosomal protein S8
30S ribosomal protein S9
30S ribosomal protein S10
30S ribosomal protein S11
30S ribosomal protein S12
30S ribosomal protein S13
30S ribosomal protein S14
30S ribosomal protein S15
30S ribosomal protein S16
30S ribosomal protein S17
30S ribosomal protein S18
30S ribosomal protein S19
30S ribosomal protein S20
30S ribosomal protein S21
50S ribosomal protein L2
50S ribosomal protein L3
50S ribosomal protein L4
50S ribosomal protein L5
50S ribosomal protein L6
50S ribosomal protein L9
50S ribosomal protein L10
50S ribosomal protein L11
50S ribosomal protein L13
50S ribosomal protein L14
50S ribosomal protein L15
50S ribosomal protein L16
50S ribosomal protein L17
50S ribosomal protein L18
50S ribosomal protein L19
50S ribosomal protein L20
50S ribosomal protein L21
50S ribosomal protein L22
50S ribosomal protein L23
50S ribosomal protein L24
50S ribosomal protein L25
50S ribosomal protein L27
50S ribosomal protein L28
50S ribosomal protein L29
50S ribosomal protein L30
50S ribosomal protein L31
50S ribosomal protein L32
50S ribosomal protein L33
50S ribosomal protein L34
50S ribosomal protein L35
50S ribosomal protein L36
Elongation factor G
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1b75.1 | 1d6k.1 | 1dfu.1 | 2j28.1 | 2ykr.1 | 3bbx.1 | 3j45.1 | 3j46.1 | 3j5l.1 | 3j7z.1 | 3j8g.1 | 3j9y.1 | 3j9z.1 | 3ja1.1 | 3jbu.1 | 3jbv.1 | 3jcd.1 | 3jce.1 | 3jcj.1 | 3jcn.1 | 3w1y.1 | 3w1y.2 | 487d.1 | 4a2i.1 | 4adv.1 | 4csu.1 | 4pe9.1 | 4pea.1 | 4peb.1 | 4pec.1 more...less...4tol.1 | 4tom.1 | 4ton.1 | 4too.1 | 4tou.1 | 4tov.1 | 4tow.1 | 4tox.1 | 4tp0.1 | 4tp1.1 | 4tp2.1 | 4tp3.1 | 4tp4.1 | 4tp5.1 | 4tp6.1 | 4tp7.1 | 4tp8.1 | 4tp9.1 | 4tpa.1 | 4tpb.1 | 4tpc.1 | 4tpd.1 | 4tpe.1 | 4tpf.1 | 4u1u.1 | 4u1u.2 | 4u1v.1 | 4u1v.2 | 4u20.1 | 4u20.2 | 4u24.1 | 4u24.2 | 4u25.1 | 4u25.2 | 4u26.1 | 4u26.2 | 4u27.1 | 4u27.2 | 4uy8.1 | 4v4h.1 | 4v4h.2 | 4v4q.1 | 4v4q.2 | 4v4v.1 | 4v4w.1 | 4v50.1 | 4v50.2 | 4v52.1 | 4v52.2 | 4v53.1 | 4v53.2 | 4v54.1 | 4v54.2 | 4v55.1 | 4v55.2 | 4v56.1 | 4v56.2 | 4v57.1 | 4v57.2 | 4v5b.1 | 4v5b.2 | 4v5h.1 | 4v5y.1 | 4v5y.2 | 4v64.1 | 4v64.2 | 4v65.1 | 4v66.1 | 4v69.1 | 4v6c.1 | 4v6c.2 | 4v6d.1 | 4v6d.2 | 4v6e.1 | 4v6e.2 | 4v6k.1 | 4v6l.1 | 4v6m.1 | 4v6n.1 | 4v6o.1 | 4v6p.1 | 4v6q.1 | 4v6r.1 | 4v6s.1 | 4v6t.1 | 4v6v.1 | 4v6y.1 | 4v6z.1 | 4v70.1 | 4v71.1 | 4v72.1 | 4v73.1 | 4v74.1 | 4v75.1 | 4v76.1 | 4v77.1 | 4v78.1 | 4v79.1 | 4v7a.1 | 4v7b.1 | 4v7c.1 | 4v7d.1 | 4v7i.1 | 4v7s.1 | 4v7s.2 | 4v7t.1 | 4v7t.2 | 4v7u.1 | 4v7u.2 | 4v7v.1 | 4v7v.2 | 4v85.1 | 4v89.1 | 4v9c.1 | 4v9c.2 | 4v9d.1 | 4v9d.2 | 4v9o.1 | 4v9o.2 | 4v9o.3 | 4v9o.4 | 4v9p.1 | 4v9p.2 | 4v9p.3 | 4v9p.4 | 4wao.1 | 4wap.1 | 4waq.1 | 4waq.2 | 4war.1 | 4wf1.1 | 4wf1.2 | 4woi.1 | 4woi.2 | 4www.1 | 4www.2 | 4ybb.1 | 4ybb.2 | 5ady.1 | 5afi.1 | 5aka.1 | 5gad.1 | 5gae.1 | 5gaf.1 | 5gag.1 | 5gah.1 | 5h5u.1 | 5iqr.1 | 5it8.1 | 5it8.2 | 5j5b.1 | 5j5b.2 | 5j7l.1 | 5j7l.2 | 5j88.1 | 5j88.2 | 5j8a.1 | 5j8a.2 | 5j91.1 | 5j91.2 | 5jc9.1 | 5jc9.2 | 5jte.1 | 5ju8.1 | 5kcr.1 | 5kcs.1 | 5kps.1 | 5kpv.1 | 5kpw.1 | 5kpx.1 | 5l3p.1 | 5lza.1 | 5lzb.1 | 5lzc.1 | 5lzd.1 | 5lze.1 | 5lzf.1 | 5mdv.1 | 5mdw.1 | 5mdy.1 | 5mdz.1 | 5me0.1 | 5me1.1 | 5mgp.1 | 5my1.1 | 5nco.1 | 5no2.1 | 5no3.1 | 5no4.1 | 5np6.1 | 5nwy.1 | 5o2r.1 | 5u4i.1 | 5u4j.1 | 5u9f.1 | 5u9g.1 | 5uyk.1 | 5uyl.1 | 5uym.1 | 5uyn.1 | 5uyp.1 | 5uyq.1 | 5uz4.1 | 5wdt.1 | 5we4.1 | 5we6.1 | 5wf0.1 | 5wfk.1 | 5wfs.1 | 6awb.1 | 6awc.1 | 6awd.1 | 6bu8.1 | 6by1.1 | 6by1.2 | 6c4h.1 | 6c4i.1 | 6dnc.1 | 6enf.1 | 6enj.1 | 6enu.1 | 6gbz.1 | 6gc0.1 | 6gc4.1 | 6gc6.1 | 6gc7.1 | 6gc8.1 | 6gwt.1 | 6gxm.1 | 6gxn.1 | 6gxo.1 | 6gxp.1 | 6h4n.1 | 6h58.3 | 6h58.5 | 6h58.8 | 6h58.9 | 6h58.12 | 6h58.13 | 6h58.21 | 6h58.22 | 6h58.25 | 6h58.28 | 6h58.44 | 6h58.55 | 6h58.57 | 6h58.60 | 6h58.61 | 6h58.64 | 6h58.65 | 6h58.73 | 6h58.74 | 6h58.77 | 6h58.80 | 6h58.96 | 6hrm.1 | 6i0y.1 | 6lkq.1 | 6o7k.1 | 6o9j.1 | 6o9k.1 | 6ofx.1 | 6og7.1 | 6ogf.1 | 6ogg.1 | 6ogi.1 | 6om6.1 | 6ore.1 | 6orl.1 | 6osk.1 | 6osq.1 | 6ost.1 | 6ot3.1 | 6ouo.1 | 6pc5.1 | 6pc6.1 | 6pc7.1 | 6pc8.1 | 6pch.1 | 6pcq.1 | 6pcr.1 | 6pcs.1 | 6pct.1 | 6pj6.1 | 6q97.1 | 6q98.1 | 6q9a.1 | 6qdw.1 | 6qul.1 | 6s0k.1 | 6szs.1 | 6tbv.1 | 6tc3.1 | 6u48.1 | 6vwl.1 | 6vwm.1 | 6vwn.1 | 6vyx.1 | 6vyx.2 | 6vyx.3 | 6vyx.4 | 6vyx.5 | 6vyx.12 | 6vyx.13 | 6vyx.14 | 6vyx.15 | 6vyx.17 | 6vyx.18 | 6vyx.19 | 6vyx.20 | 6vyx.21 | 6vyx.22 | 6vyx.23 | 6vyx.24 | 6vyx.25 | 6vyx.27 | 6vyx.28 | 6vyx.29 | 6vyx.30 | 6vyx.31 | 6vyx.32 | 6vyx.33 | 6vyx.34 | 6vyx.35 | 6vyx.36 | 6vyx.37 | 6vyx.38 | 6vyx.39 | 6vyx.40 | 6vyx.41 | 6vyx.42 | 6vyx.43 | 6vyx.44 | 6vyx.45 | 6vyx.46 | 6vyx.47 | 6vyx.48 | 6vyx.49 | 6vyx.50 | 6vyx.51 | 6vyx.54 | 6vyx.55 | 6vyx.56 | 6w6k.1 | 6w77.1 | 6w7m.1 | 6w7n.1 | 6w7w.1 | 6wd0.1 | 6wd1.1 | 6wd2.1 | 6wd3.1 | 6wd4.1 | 6wd5.1 | 6wd6.1 | 6wd7.1 | 6wd8.1 | 6wd9.1 | 6wda.1 | 6wdb.1 | 6wdc.1 | 6wdd.1 | 6wde.1 | 6wdf.1 | 6wdg.1 | 6wdh.1 | 6wdi.1 | 6wdj.1 | 6wdk.1 | 6wdl.1 | 6wdm.1 | 6wnt.1 | 6wnv.1 | 6wnw.1 | 6wyv.1 | 6xe0.1 | 6xz7.1 | 6xza.1 | 6xzb.1 | 6y69.1 | 6ys3.1 | 6ysr.1 | 6yss.1 | 6yst.1 | 6ysu.1 | 6ztl.1 | 6ztm.1 | 6zto.1 | 6ztp.1 | 6zu1.1 | 7abz.1 | 7ac7.1 | 7acj.1 | 7acr.1 | 7af3.1 | 7af5.1 | 7af8.1 | 7afa.1 | 7afd.1 | 7afh.1 | 7afi.1 | 7afk.1 | 7afl.1 | 7afn.1 | 7afo.1 | 7b5k.1 | 7bl2.1 | 7bl3.1 | 7bl4.1 | 7bl5.1 | 7bl6.1 | 7bod.1 | 7boe.1 | 7bof.1 | 7bog.1 | 7boh.1 | 7boi.1 | 7bv8.1 | 7cpj.1 | 7d6z.1 | 7d80.1 | 7jss.1 | 7jsw.1 | 7jsz.1 | 7jt1.1 | 7jt2.1 | 7jt3.1 | 7k00.1 | 7k50.1 | 7k51.1 | 7k52.1 | 7k53.1 | 7k54.1 | 7k55.1 | 7lv0.1 | 7lvk.1 | 7m5d.1 | 7n1p.1 | 7n2c.1 | 7n2u.1 | 7n30.1 | 7n31.1 | 7nar.1 | 7nas.1 | 7nat.1 | 7nau.1 | 7nav.1 | 7nax.1 | 7nbu.1 | 7nso.1 | 7nsp.1 | 7nsq.1 | 7nwt.1 | 7nww.1 | 7o19.1 | 7o1a.1 | 7o1c.1 | 7o5h.1 | 7ode.1 | 7oe0.1 | 7oe1.1 | 7oi0.1 | 7oif.1 | 7oig.1 | 7oii.1 | 7oiz.1 | 7oj0.1 | 7ot5.1 | 7otc.1 | 7p3k.1 | 7pjs.1 | 7pjt.1 | 7pju.1 | 7pjv.1 | 7pjw.1 | 7pjx.1 | 7pjy.1 | 7pjz.1 | 7q4k.1 | 7qg8.1 | 7qgh.1 | 7qgn.1 | 7qgr.1 | 7qq3.1 | 7s1g.1 | 7s1h.1 | 7s1i.1 | 7s1j.1 | 7s1k.1 | 7sa4.1 | 7ss9.1 | 7ssd.1 | 7ssl.1 | 7ssn.1 | 7sso.1 | 7ssw.1 | 7st2.1 | 7st6.1 | 7st7.1 | 7tos.1 | 7ug7.1 | 7uph.1 | 7y7c.1 | 7y7d.1 | 7y7e.1 | 7y7f.1 | 7y7g.1 | 7y7h.1 | 7yla.1 | 7z20.1 | 7zod.1 | 7zp8.1 | 7zq5.1 | 7zq6.1 | 7zta.1 | 8a3l.1 | 8akn.1 | 8am9.1 | 8ana.1 | 8ap4.1 | 8aye.1 | 8b0x.1 | 8b7y.1 | 8bd5.1 | 8bf7.1 | 8bge.1 | 8bgh.1 | 8bh4.1 | 8bhj.1 | 8bhl.1 | 8bhn.1 | 8bhp.1 | 8bil.1 | 8bim.1 | 8c8x.1 | 8c8y.1 | 8c8z.1 | 8c90.1 | 8c91.1 | 8c92.1 | 8c93.1 | 8c94.1 | 8c95.1 | 8c96.1 | 8c97.1 | 8c98.1 | 8c99.1 | 8c9a.1 | 8c9b.1 | 8c9c.1 | 8ca7.1 | 8cai.1 | 8cam.1 | 8caz.1 | 8cep.1 | 8ceu.1 | 8cf1.1 | 8cf8.1 | 8cgd.1 | 8cgi.1 | 8cgj.1 | 8cgk.1 | 8cgr.1 | 8cgu.1 | 8cgv.1 | 8e30.1 | 8e32.1 | 8e33.1 | 8e35.1 | 8e36.1 | 8e3l.1 | 8e3m.1 | 8e3o.1 | 8e41.1 | 8e42.1 | 8e43.1 | 8e44.1 | 8e45.1 | 8e46.1 | 8e47.1 | 8e48.1 | 8e49.1 | 8ea3.1 | 8ea4.1 | 8eiu.1 | 8ekc.1 | 8emm.1 | 8eyq.1 | 8eyt.1 | 8fiz.1 | 8fto.1 | 8fzd.1 | 8fze.1 | 8fzf.1 | 8fzg.1 | 8fzh.1 | 8fzi.1 | 8fzj.1 | 8g2u.1 | 8g31.1 | 8g34.1 | 8g38.1 | 8g6w.1 | 8g6x.1 | 8g6y.1 | 8g7p.1 | 8g7q.1 | 8g7r.1 | 8g7s.1 | 8ghu.1 | 8hsp.1 | 8htz.1 | 8hu1.1 | 8ifb.1 | 8ifc.1 | 8j1z.1 | 8jsg.1 | 8jsh.1 | 8k3o.1 | 8k4e.1 | 8kie.1 | 8p16.1 | 8p17.1 | 8p18.1 | 8peg.1 | 8phj.1 | 8pkl.1 | 8pva.1 | 8q4f.1 | 8qbt.1 | 8qk7.1 | 8qoa.1 | 8r6c.1 | 8r8m.1 | 8rpy.1 | 8rpz.1 | 8rq0.1 | 8rq2.1 | 8syl.1 | 8t5d.1 | 8t5h.1 | 8tuv.1 | 8vs9.1 | 8vsa.1 | 8w51.1 | 8yuo.1 | 8yup.1 | 8yuq.1 | 8yur.1 | 8yus.1 | 8ztu.1 | 8ztv.1 | 9ax7.1 | 9ax8.1 | 9cg5.1 | 9cg6.1 | 9cg7.1 | 9cl9.1 | 9d89.1 | 9duk.1 | 9dul.1 | 9dyg.1 | 9fbv.1 | 9fco.1 | 9fda.1 | 9fib.1 | 9g06.1 | 9gha.1 | 9ghb.1 | 9ghc.1 | 9ghd.1 | 9ghe.1 | 9ghf.1 | 9gr1.1 | 9gup.1 | 9guq.1 | 9gus.1 | 9gut.1 | 9guu.1 | 9guv.1 | 9guw.1 | 9gux.1 | 9h3k.1 | 9h3l.1 | 9h3m.1 | 9h3n.1 | 9h3o.1 | 9h3p.1 | 9h3q.1 | 9h3r.1 | 9h3s.1 | 9h3t.1 | 9h3u.1 | 9h3v.1 | 9h3w.1 | 9h3x.1 | 9h3y.1 | 9h3z.1 | 9ha1.1 | 9ha2.1 | 9ha3.1 | 9ha4.1 | 9ha5.1 | 9ha6.1 | 9ha7.1 | 9hai.1 | 9hal.1 | 9ham.1 | 9mor.1 | 9mq4.1 | 9n2b.1 | 9n2c.1