- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- hetero-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-mer
- Ligands
- 321 x MG: MAGNESIUM ION(Non-functional Binders)(Non-covalent)
- 17 x SPD: SPERMIDINE(Non-functional Binders)(Non-covalent)
SPD.205: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.829, G.830, A.945, C.946, A.2448, U.2449
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.206: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.2849, A.2850, A.2851, G.2852, C.2853, C.2863, G.2864, U.2865, U.2866
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.207: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.1936, A.1937, G.1945, U.1946, U.1956, C.1957
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.208: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.1127, C.2517, A.2518, C.2540, A.2541
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.209: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.502, A.505, G.1212, G.1235, G.1236
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.210: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.226, A.227, C.257, G.410, G.411, A.2406, A.2407
- Chain K: R.69
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.211: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.247, G.248, C.249, G.386, U.387, G.388, C.2395, G.2396
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.212: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.325, G.326, G.327, U.328, A.332, G.333, C.334, C.337, G.338
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.213: 12 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.702, U.703, G.704, G.726, A.727, G.728, A.730, U.762, G.763, A.1431, G.1432, A.1433
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.214: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.27, A.28, A.447, U.448, A.472, G.473, G.1259, A.1260
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.215: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.748, A.749, A.750, G.1271, U.1325, C.1615
- Chain R: M.86, P.87, A.89
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.216: 9 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.860, A.861, G.862, A.863, A.910, A.911, U.913, G.916, U.2265
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.217: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.676, A.677, A.792, A.793, A.2071, U.2441, C.2442
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.218: 6 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.1656, U.1657, A.2577, G.2578, C.2579
- Chain D: L.138
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.220: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.805, U.827, U.828, A.829, G.2067, U.2068, G.2246, A.2247
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.221: 8 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.742, A.743, U.2580, G.2581, U.2609, C.2610
- Chain D: G.135, S.137
Ligand excluded by PLIPSPD.352: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain 7: C.106, G.107, G.134, C.135, G.324, A.325, G.326
Ligand excluded by PLIP- 1 x SPM: SPERMINE(Non-functional Binders)
- 10 x K: POTASSIUM ION(Non-functional Binders)(Non-covalent)
K.222: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.775, G.776, A.793, A.794
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.223: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.949, G.950, C.951, G.966, U.967
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.224: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.597, U.598, A.599, U.658, G.659
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.225: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.638, U.639, G.648, G.649, C.650
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.226: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.2061, G.2447, C.2501, U.2504
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.227: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.575, U.576, U.2500, C.2501, A.2503, U.2504
- Ligands: MG.79
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.228: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: U.2022, U.2034, G.2053, C.2616, U.2617
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.229: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: A.2051, A.2052, G.2053, A.2577, A.2614
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.230: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: G.2250, G.2251, C.2496, A.2497
No protein-ligand interaction detected (PLIP)K.250: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain C: G.234, G.235, G.237
3 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain C- Metal complexes: C:G.234, C:G.235, C:G.237
- 2 x ZN: ZINC ION(Non-covalent)
ZN.255: 4 residues within 4Å:- Chain 3: C.11, C.14, C.27, H.33
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain 3- Metal complexes: 3:C.11, 3:C.14, 3:C.27, 3:H.33
ZN.256: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain 4: C.16, C.18, N.20, C.37, C.40
4 PLIP interactions:4 interactions with chain 4- Metal complexes: 4:C.16, 4:C.18, 4:C.37, 4:C.40
- 2 x MET: METHIONINE(Non-functional Binders)
MET.257: 7 residues within 4Å:- Chain 5: A.76
- Chain 6: A.76
- Chain A: A.2451, C.2452, U.2506, A.2602
- Ligands: MET.258
2 PLIP interactions:2 Ligand-Ligand interactions- Hydrogen bonds: M.258, M.258
MET.258: 5 residues within 4Å:- Chain 6: A.76
- Chain A: A.2062, C.2063, U.2585
- Ligands: MET.257
2 PLIP interactions:2 Ligand-Ligand interactions- Hydrogen bonds: M.257, M.257
- 1 x PAR: PAROMOMYCIN(Non-functional Binders)
- Links
- Citation
- Watson, Z.L. et al., Atomistic simulations of the Escherichia coli ribosome provide selection criteria for translationally active substrates. Nat.Chem. (2023)
- Release Date
- 2023-05-31
- Peptides
- 50S ribosomal protein L2: C
50S ribosomal protein L3: D
50S ribosomal protein L4: E
50S ribosomal protein L5: F
50S ribosomal protein L6: G
50S ribosomal protein L9: H
50S ribosomal protein L13: I
50S ribosomal protein L14: J
50S ribosomal protein L15: K
50S ribosomal protein L16: L
50S ribosomal protein L17: M
50S ribosomal protein L18: N
50S ribosomal protein L19: O
50S ribosomal protein L20: P
Ribosomal protein L21: Q
50S ribosomal protein L22: R
50S ribosomal protein L23: S
50S ribosomal protein L24: T
50S ribosomal protein L25: U
50S ribosomal protein L27: V
50S ribosomal protein L28: W
50S ribosomal protein L29: X
50S ribosomal protein L30: Y
50S ribosomal protein L32: Z
50S ribosomal protein L33: 0
50S ribosomal protein L34: 1
50S ribosomal protein L35: 2
50S ribosomal protein L36: 3
50S ribosomal protein L31: 4
30S ribosomal protein S2: 8
30S ribosomal protein S3: 9
30S ribosomal protein S4: a
30S ribosomal protein S5: b
30S ribosomal protein S6: c
30S ribosomal protein S7: d
30S ribosomal protein S8: e
30S ribosomal protein S9: f
30S ribosomal protein S10: g
30S ribosomal protein S11: h
30S ribosomal protein S12: i
30S ribosomal protein S13: j
30S ribosomal protein S14: k
30S ribosomal protein S15: l
30S ribosomal protein S16: m
30S ribosomal protein S17: n
30S ribosomal protein S18: o
30S ribosomal protein S19: p
30S ribosomal protein S20: q
30S ribosomal protein S21: r - SMTL:PDB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:C
SMTL ID : 8emm.1
Composite 70S ribosome structure for "Atomistic simulations of the E. coli ribosome provide selection criteria for translationally active substrates
50S ribosomal protein L2
50S ribosomal protein L3
50S ribosomal protein L4
50S ribosomal protein L5
50S ribosomal protein L6
50S ribosomal protein L9
50S ribosomal protein L13
50S ribosomal protein L14
50S ribosomal protein L15
50S ribosomal protein L16
50S ribosomal protein L17
50S ribosomal protein L18
50S ribosomal protein L19
50S ribosomal protein L20
Ribosomal protein L21
50S ribosomal protein L22
50S ribosomal protein L23
50S ribosomal protein L24
50S ribosomal protein L25
50S ribosomal protein L27
50S ribosomal protein L28
50S ribosomal protein L29
50S ribosomal protein L30
50S ribosomal protein L32
50S ribosomal protein L33
50S ribosomal protein L34
50S ribosomal protein L35
50S ribosomal protein L36
50S ribosomal protein L31
30S ribosomal protein S2
30S ribosomal protein S3
30S ribosomal protein S4
30S ribosomal protein S5
30S ribosomal protein S6
30S ribosomal protein S7
30S ribosomal protein S8
30S ribosomal protein S9
30S ribosomal protein S10
30S ribosomal protein S11
30S ribosomal protein S12
30S ribosomal protein S13
30S ribosomal protein S14
30S ribosomal protein S15
30S ribosomal protein S16
30S ribosomal protein S17
30S ribosomal protein S18
30S ribosomal protein S19
30S ribosomal protein S20
30S ribosomal protein S21
Related Entries With Identical Sequence
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| 4v6p.1 | 4v6q.1 | 4v6r.1 | 4v6s.1 | 4v6t.1 | 4v6v.1 | 4v6y.1 | 4v6z.1 | 4v70.1 | 4v71.1 | 4v72.1 | 4v73.1 | 4v74.1 | 4v75.1 | 4v76.1 | 4v77.1 | 4v78.1 | 4v79.1 | 4v7a.1 | 4v7b.1 | 4v7c.1 | 4v7d.1 | 4v7i.1 | 4v7s.1 | 4v7s.2 | 4v7t.1 | 4v7t.2 | 4v7u.1 | 4v7u.2 | 4v7v.1 | 4v7v.2 | 4v85.1 | 4v89.1 | 4v9c.1 | 4v9c.2 | 4v9d.1 | 4v9d.2 | 4v9o.1 | 4v9o.2 | 4v9o.3 | 4v9o.4 | 4v9p.1 | 4v9p.2 | 4v9p.3 | 4v9p.4 | 4wao.1 | 4wap.1 | 4waq.1 | 4waq.2 | 4war.1 | 4wf1.1 | 4wf1.2 | 4woi.1 | 4woi.2 | 4www.1 | 4www.2 | 4ybb.1 | 4ybb.2 | 5ady.1 | 5afi.1 | 5aka.1 | 5gad.1 | 5gae.1 | 5gaf.1 | 5gag.1 | 5gah.1 | 5h5u.1 | 5iqr.1 | 5it8.1 | 5it8.2 | 5j5b.1 | 5j5b.2 | 5j7l.1 | 5j7l.2 | 5j88.1 | 5j88.2 | 5j8a.1 | 5j8a.2 | 5j91.1 | 5j91.2 | 5jc9.1 | 5jc9.2 | 5jte.1 | 5ju8.1 | 5kcr.1 | 5kcs.1 | 5kps.1 | 5kpv.1 | 5kpw.1 | 5kpx.1 | 5l3p.1 | 5lza.1 | 5lzb.1 | 5lzc.1 | 5lzd.1 | 5lze.1 | 5lzf.1 | 5mdv.1 | 5mdw.1 | 5mdy.1 | 5mdz.1 | 5me0.1 | 5me1.1 | 5mgp.1 | 5my1.1 | 5nco.1 | 5no2.1 | 5no3.1 | 5no4.1 | 5np6.1 | 5nwy.1 | 5o2r.1 | 5u4i.1 | 5u4j.1 | 5u9f.1 | 5u9g.1 | 5uyk.1 | 5uyl.1 | 5uym.1 | 5uyn.1 | 5uyp.1 | 5uyq.1 | 5uz4.1 | 5wdt.1 | 5we4.1 | 5we6.1 | 5wf0.1 | 5wfk.1 | 5wfs.1 | 6awb.1 | 6awc.1 | 6awd.1 | 6bu8.1 | 6by1.1 | 6by1.2 | 6c4h.1 | 6c4i.1 | 6dnc.1 | 6enf.1 | 6enj.1 | 6enu.1 | 6gbz.1 | 6gc0.1 | 6gc4.1 | 6gc6.1 | 6gc7.1 | 6gc8.1 | 6gwt.1 | 6gxm.1 | 6gxn.1 | 6gxo.1 | 6gxp.1 | 6h4n.1 | 6h58.3 | 6h58.5 | 6h58.8 | 6h58.9 | 6h58.12 | 6h58.13 | 6h58.21 | 6h58.22 | 6h58.25 | 6h58.28 | 6h58.44 | 6h58.55 | 6h58.57 | 6h58.60 | 6h58.61 | 6h58.64 | 6h58.65 | 6h58.73 | 6h58.74 | 6h58.77 | 6h58.80 | 6h58.96 | 6hrm.1 | 6i0y.1 | 6lkq.1 | 6o7k.1 | 6o9j.1 | 6o9k.1 | 6ofx.1 | 6og7.1 | 6ogf.1 | 6ogg.1 | 6ogi.1 | 6om6.1 | 6ore.1 | 6orl.1 | 6osk.1 | 6osq.1 | 6ost.1 | 6ot3.1 | 6ouo.1 | 6pc5.1 | 6pc6.1 | 6pc7.1 | 6pc8.1 | 6pch.1 | 6pcq.1 | 6pcr.1 | 6pcs.1 | 6pct.1 | 6pj6.1 | 6q97.1 | 6q98.1 | 6q9a.1 | 6qdw.1 | 6qul.1 | 6s0k.1 | 6szs.1 | 6tbv.1 | 6tc3.1 | 6u48.1 | 6vwl.1 | 6vwm.1 | 6vwn.1 | 6vyx.1 | 6vyx.2 | 6vyx.3 | 6vyx.4 | 6vyx.5 | 6vyx.12 | 6vyx.13 | 6vyx.14 | 6vyx.15 | 6vyx.17 | 6vyx.18 | 6vyx.19 | 6vyx.20 | 6vyx.21 | 6vyx.22 | 6vyx.23 | 6vyx.24 | 6vyx.27 | 6vyx.28 | 6vyx.29 | 6vyx.30 | 6vyx.31 | 6vyx.32 | 6vyx.33 | 6vyx.34 | 6vyx.35 | 6vyx.36 | 6vyx.37 | 6vyx.38 | 6vyx.39 | 6vyx.40 | 6vyx.41 | 6vyx.42 | 6vyx.43 | 6vyx.44 | 6vyx.45 | 6vyx.46 | 6vyx.47 | 6vyx.48 | 6vyx.49 | 6vyx.50 | 6vyx.51 | 6vyx.54 | 6vyx.55 | 6vyx.56 | 6w6k.1 | 6w77.1 | 6w7m.1 | 6w7n.1 | 6w7w.1 | 6wd0.1 | 6wd1.1 | 6wd2.1 | 6wd3.1 | 6wd4.1 | 6wd5.1 | 6wd6.1 | 6wd7.1 | 6wd8.1 | 6wd9.1 | 6wda.1 | 6wdb.1 | 6wdc.1 | 6wdd.1 | 6wde.1 | 6wdf.1 | 6wdg.1 | 6wdh.1 | 6wdi.1 | 6wdj.1 | 6wdk.1 | 6wdl.1 | 6wdm.1 | 6wnt.1 | 6wnv.1 | 6wnw.1 | 6wyv.1 | 6xe0.1 | 6xz7.1 | 6xza.1 | 6xzb.1 | 6y69.1 | 6ys3.1 | 6ysr.1 | 6yss.1 | 6yst.1 | 6ysu.1 | 6ztl.1 | 6ztm.1 | 6zto.1 | 6ztp.1 | 6zu1.1 | 7abz.1 | 7ac7.1 | 7acj.1 | 7acr.1 | 7af3.1 | 7af5.1 | 7af8.1 | 7afa.1 | 7afd.1 | 7afh.1 | 7afi.1 | 7afk.1 | 7afl.1 | 7afn.1 | 7afo.1 | 7b5k.1 | 7bl2.1 | 7bl3.1 | 7bl4.1 | 7bl5.1 | 7bl6.1 | 7bod.1 | 7boe.1 | 7bof.1 | 7bog.1 | 7boh.1 | 7boi.1 | 7bv8.1 | 7cpj.1 | 7d6z.1 | 7d80.1 | 7jss.1 | 7jsw.1 | 7jsz.1 | 7jt1.1 | 7jt2.1 | 7jt3.1 | 7k00.1 | 7k50.1 | 7k51.1 | 7k52.1 | 7k53.1 | 7k54.1 | 7k55.1 | 7lv0.1 | 7lvk.1 | 7m5d.1 | 7n1p.1 | 7n2c.1 | 7n2u.1 | 7n2v.1 | 7n30.1 | 7n31.1 | 7nar.1 | 7nas.1 | 7nat.1 | 7nau.1 | 7nav.1 | 7nax.1 | 7nbu.1 | 7nso.1 | 7nsp.1 | 7nsq.1 | 7nwt.1 | 7nww.1 | 7o19.1 | 7o1a.1 | 7o1c.1 | 7o5h.1 | 7ode.1 | 7oe0.1 | 7oe1.1 | 7oi0.1 | 7oif.1 | 7oig.1 | 7oii.1 | 7oiz.1 | 7oj0.1 | 7ot5.1 | 7otc.1 | 7p3k.1 | 7pjs.1 | 7pjt.1 | 7pju.1 | 7pjv.1 | 7pjw.1 | 7pjx.1 | 7pjy.1 | 7pjz.1 | 7q4k.1 | 7qg8.1 | 7qgh.1 | 7qgn.1 | 7qgr.1 | 7qq3.1 | 7s1g.1 | 7s1h.1 | 7s1i.1 | 7s1j.1 | 7s1k.1 | 7sa4.1 | 7ss9.1 | 7ssd.1 | 7ssl.1 | 7ssn.1 | 7sso.1 | 7ssw.1 | 7st2.1 | 7st6.1 | 7st7.1 | 7tos.1 | 7ug7.1 | 7uph.1 | 7y7c.1 | 7y7d.1 | 7y7e.1 | 7y7f.1 | 7y7g.1 | 7y7h.1 | 7yla.1 | 7z20.1 | 7zod.1 | 7zp8.1 | 7zq5.1 | 7zq6.1 | 7zta.1 | 8a3l.1 | 8akn.1 | 8am9.1 | 8ana.1 | 8ap4.1 | 8aye.1 | 8b0x.1 | 8b7y.1 | 8bd5.1 | 8bf7.1 | 8bge.1 | 8bgh.1 | 8bh4.1 | 8bhj.1 | 8bhl.1 | 8bhn.1 | 8bhp.1 | 8bil.1 | 8bim.1 | 8c8x.1 | 8c8y.1 | 8c8z.1 | 8c90.1 | 8c91.1 | 8c92.1 | 8c93.1 | 8c94.1 | 8c95.1 | 8c96.1 | 8c97.1 | 8c98.1 | 8c99.1 | 8c9a.1 | 8c9b.1 | 8c9c.1 | 8ca7.1 | 8cai.1 | 8cam.1 | 8caz.1 | 8cep.1 | 8ceu.1 | 8cf1.1 | 8cf8.1 | 8cgd.1 | 8cgi.1 | 8cgj.1 | 8cgk.1 | 8cgr.1 | 8cgu.1 | 8cgv.1 | 8e30.1 | 8e32.1 | 8e33.1 | 8e35.1 | 8e36.1 | 8e3l.1 | 8e3m.1 | 8e3o.1 | 8e41.1 | 8e42.1 | 8e43.1 | 8e44.1 | 8e45.1 | 8e46.1 | 8e47.1 | 8e48.1 | 8e49.1 | 8ea3.1 | 8ea4.1 | 8eiu.1 | 8ekc.1 | 8eyq.1 | 8eyt.1 | 8fiz.1 | 8fto.1 | 8fzd.1 | 8fze.1 | 8fzf.1 | 8fzg.1 | 8fzh.1 | 8fzi.1 | 8fzj.1 | 8g2u.1 | 8g31.1 | 8g34.1 | 8g38.1 | 8g6w.1 | 8g6x.1 | 8g6y.1 | 8g7p.1 | 8g7q.1 | 8g7r.1 | 8g7s.1 | 8ghu.1 | 8hsp.1 | 8htz.1 | 8hu1.1 | 8ifb.1 | 8ifc.1 | 8j1z.1 | 8jsg.1 | 8jsh.1 | 8k3o.1 | 8k4e.1 | 8kie.1 | 8p16.1 | 8p17.1 | 8p18.1 | 8peg.1 | 8phj.1 | 8pkl.1 | 8pva.1 | 8q4f.1 | 8qbt.1 | 8qk7.1 | 8qoa.1 | 8r6c.1 | 8r8m.1 | 8rpy.1 | 8rpz.1 | 8rq0.1 | 8rq2.1 | 8syl.1 | 8t5d.1 | 8t5h.1 | 8vs9.1 | 8vsa.1 | 8w51.1 | 8yuo.1 | 8yup.1 | 8yuq.1 | 8yur.1 | 8yus.1 | 8ztu.1 | 8ztv.1 | 9ax7.1 | 9ax8.1 | 9cg5.1 | 9cg6.1 | 9cg7.1 | 9cl9.1 | 9d89.1 | 9duk.1 | 9dul.1 | 9dyg.1 | 9fbv.1 | 9fco.1 | 9fda.1 | 9fib.1 | 9g06.1 | 9gha.1 | 9ghb.1 | 9ghc.1 | 9ghd.1 | 9ghe.1 | 9ghf.1 | 9gr1.1 | 9gup.1 | 9guq.1 | 9gus.1 | 9gut.1 | 9guu.1 | 9guv.1 | 9guw.1 | 9gux.1 | 9h3k.1 | 9h3l.1 | 9h3m.1 | 9h3n.1 | 9h3o.1 | 9h3p.1 | 9h3q.1 | 9h3r.1 | 9h3s.1 | 9h3t.1 | 9h3u.1 | 9h3v.1 | 9h3w.1 | 9h3x.1 | 9h3y.1 | 9h3z.1 | 9ha1.1 | 9ha2.1 | 9ha3.1 | 9ha4.1 | 9ha5.1 | 9ha6.1 | 9ha7.1 | 9hai.1 | 9hal.1 | 9ham.1 | 9mor.1 | 9mq4.1 | 9n2b.1 | 9n2c.1