P02791 (FRIL_HORSE) Equus caballus (Horse)

Ferritin light chain UniProtKBInterProSTRINGInteractive Modelling

175 aa; Sequence (Fasta)

Available Structures

124 Experimental Structures

DescriptionPDB IDOligo-stateRangeSeq id (%)Ligands
Crystal structure of MnCO/apo-R52CFrhomo-24-mer2-175
99.4272×CD; 24×GOL; 48×MN; 24×SO4;
Crystal Structure of Pd(allyl)/apo-E45C/H49A/R52H-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-175
98.2848×SO4; 144×PLL; 24×CD; 192×EDO;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin A115G mutant at -180deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-175
99.42168×CD; 72×SO4; 96×EDO; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin A115T mutant at -180deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-175
99.4272×EDO; 216×CD; 72×SO4; 24×CL; 24×NA;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at -180deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-175
10096×EDO; 216×CD; 96×SO4; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of apo-R52F/E56F/R59F/E63F-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-175
97.724×EDO; 240×CD; 24×SO4; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of apo-R52Y/E56Y/R59Y/E63Y-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-175
97.748×EDO; 192×CD; 24×SO4; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin A115V mutant at -180deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-175
99.42120×CD; 96×SO4; 24×CL; 72×EDO;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin H114A mutant at -180deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-175
99.42192×CD; 72×SO4; 24×CL; 72×EDO;
Crystal structure of apo-R52W/E56W/R59W/E63W-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-175
97.748×EDO; 168×CD; 24×SO4; 24×CL;
Crystal Structure of Pd(allyl)/apo-E45C/R52H-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-175
98.8524×SO4; 24×CD; 144×PLL; 216×EDO;
Crystal structure of FeCat-Fnhomo-24-mer2-175
98.8524×4LF; 24×SO4; 96×CD; 24×FE; 24×GOL;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin S118A mutant at -180deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-175
99.4272×EDO; 72×SO4; 96×CD; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of CdCat-Fnhomo-24-mer2-175
98.8524×4LF; 120×CD; 24×SO4; 72×GOL;
10048×CD; 24×PP9;
Crystal structure of IrCp* immobilized apo-R52H-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-174
99.4224×EDO; 48×SO4; 144×CD; 144×IR; 24×CL;
Structure of IrCp* immobilized apo-D38H-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-174
99.4224×RIR; 48×EDO; 48×SO4; 120×CD; 24×CL; 96×IR;
Crystal structure of apo-L161C/L165C-Frhomo-24-mer3-175
98.83120×CD; 48×SO4; 48×EDO; 24×CL;
X-ray structure of DiRu-1-encapsulated Apoferritinhomo-24-mer2-174
100240×CD; 48×CL; 24×SO4; 48×GOL;
X-ray structure of cisplatin-encapsulated horse spleen apoferritinhomo-24-mer2-174
10096×CL; 312×CD; 24×CPT; 24×GOL; 48×SO4;
Crystal structure of IrCp* immobilized apo-R52H-rHLFr (25 equiv)homo-24-mer2-174
99.4224×EDO; 24×IR; 120×CD; 24×CL; 48×SO4;
Crystal structure of IrCp*-apo-Frhomo-24-mer2-174
100144×IR3; 24×CD; 48×SO4; 24×RIR;
Crystal Structure of 25Pd(allyl)/apo-Frhomo-24-mer2-174
100.024×CD; 24×SO4; 48×PD; 72×PLL; 120×EDO;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at -100deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-174
10096×EDO; 72×CD; 96×SO4; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at -20deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-174
10096×CD; 24×CL; 48×SO4; 24×EDO;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at 20deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-174
10048×SO4; 72×CD; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at -180deg Celsius cooled from -40deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-174
10096×SO4; 96×CD; 24×CL; 72×EDO;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at -180deg Celsius cooled from -20deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-174
10072×CD; 24×CL; 96×SO4; 96×EDO;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at -40deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-174
10072×SO4; 72×CD; 24×CL; 48×EDO;
Crystal Structure of Pd(allyl)/apo-H49AFrhomo-24-mer2-174
98.8424×PD; 24×CD; 96×SO4; 72×PLL; 168×EDO;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at -80deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-174
10048×EDO; 96×SO4; 72×CD; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of horse spleen L-ferritin at 0deg Celsius.homo-24-mer2-174
10024×EDO; 48×SO4; 96×CD; 24×CL;
Apo-FR with AU ionshomo-24-mer3-175
99.42144×AU3; 72×CD; 72×SO4; 96×GOL;
Crystal Structure of Pd(allyl)/apo-Frhomo-24-mer2-174
10024×CD; 96×SO4; 96×PLL; 192×EDO;
Crystal structure of Ru(p-cymene)/apo-Frhomo-24-mer2-174
10072×CD; 72×RU; 24×MML; 24×SO4; 120×EDO;
Crystal Structure of Pd(allyl)/apo-H114AFrhomo-24-mer2-174
98.8424×CD; 96×SO4; 72×PLL; 144×EDO;
Crystal Structure of Rh(nbd)/apo-Frhomo-24-mer2-174
100120×CD; 48×SO4; 48×RH; 192×EDO;
X-ray structure of Au2phen-encapsulated horse spleen apoferritinhomo-24-mer2-174
100240×CD; 24×CL; 24×SO4; 48×AU;
Crystal Structure of RuCO/apo-E45C_C48AFrhomo-24-mer2-174
98.8496×CD; 24×SO4; 168×EDO; 96×RU;
X-ray structure of Auoxo3-encapsulated horse spleen apoferritinhomo-24-mer2-174
100168×AU; 216×CD; 24×SO4;
Crystal structure of Ru(p-cymene)/apo-H49AFrhomo-24-mer2-174
98.8472×CD; 48×RU; 48×SO4; 144×EDO;
Crystal Structure of RuCO/apo-R52CFrhomo-24-mer2-174
99.4272×CD; 24×SO4; 192×EDO; 48×RU;
X-ray structure of carboplatin-encapsulated horse spleen apoferritin (rotating anode data)homo-24-mer2-174
100264×CD; 72×CL; 24×SO4; 48×GOL; 48×PT;
X-ray structure of horse spleen apoferritin (control)homo-24-mer2-174
100312×CD; 72×CL; 24×SO4; 48×GOL;
Horse spleen apoferritin under 2 kBar of argonhomo-24-mer2-174
100168×CD; 24×AR; 72×SO4;
Crystal structure of RuCO/apo-WTFrhomo-24-mer2-174
10072×CD; 24×SO4; 192×EDO; 48×RU; 24×RU1;
Apo-Fr with intermediate content of Pd ionhomo-24-mer3-175
100216×PD; 24×CD; 48×GOL;
X-ray structure of Auoxo4-encapsulated horse spleen apoferritinhomo-24-mer2-174
100240×CD; 24×CL; 48×GOL; 48×AU;
The X-ray structure of the horse spleen ferritin nanocage containing Pt, obtained upon encapsulatio…homo-24-mer2-173
100168×CD; 72×CL; 120×PT; 24×SO4; 24×GOL; 24×DMS;
X-ray structure of carboplatin-encapsulated horse spleen apoferritinhomo-24-mer2-173
100264×CD; 96×CL; 24×SO4; 48×PT;
Crystal structure of Au(200EQ)-apo-R168C/L169C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-173
98.84192×AU; 72×CL; 72×CD; 48×SO4; 96×GOL;
X-ray structure of Arsenoplatin-1-encapsulated horse spleen ferritinhomo-24-mer2-173
10072×NA; 360×CD; 48×GOL; 24×SO4; 24×CL; 24×A6R;
The X-ray structure of the ferritin nanocage containing Au and Pt, obtained upon encapsulation of a…homo-24-mer2-173
100288×CD; 72×CL; 24×SO4; 24×GOL; 24×AU;
Crystal structure of apo-E53F/E57F/E60F/E64F-rHLFrhomo-24-mer3-174
97.6748×EDO; 192×CD; 24×SO4; 24×CL;
The X-ray structure of the horse spleen ferritin nanocage containing Pt, obtained upon encapsulatio…homo-24-mer2-173
100168×CD; 72×CL; 120×PT; 24×SO4; 24×GOL; 24×DMS;
Crystal Structure of Pd(ally)/apo-C126AFrhomo-24-mer3-174
99.4272×CD; 24×SO4; 48×PLL; 168×EDO;
apo-H49AFr with high content of Pd ionshomo-24-mer3-174
98.84192×PD; 24×CD; 24×SO4;
The X-ray structure of the ferritin nanocage containing Au and Pt, obtained upon encapsulation of a…homo-24-mer2-173
100312×CD; 72×CL; 24×SO4; 24×AU;
Crystal structure of IrCp*/I-Pd(allyl)-apo-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-173
10048×PD; 24×PLL; 144×IR; 24×CD; 24×SO4; 48×EDO;
Crystal Structure of Pd(allyl)/apo-E45C/C48A-rHLFrhomo-24-mer3-174
98.8424×SO4; 48×PLL; 48×PD; 48×CD; 192×EDO;
Crystal structure of IrCp*/Pd(allyl)-apo-Frhomo-24-mer2-173
100120×IR3; 24×IR; 48×SO4; 48×PLL; 24×PD; 24×CD;
Crystal structure of Au(10EQ)-apo-R168H/L169C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-173
98.8448×GOL; 72×CD; 48×AU; 24×SO4;
Apo-Fr with high content of Pd ionshomo-24-mer3-174
100240×PD; 48×CD;
Mutant R59M recombinant horse spleen apoferritin crystallized in acidic conditionshomo-24-mer2-172
98.83192×CD; 48×GOL; 24×SO4;
Crystal structure of recombinant horse spleen apo-R52C/E56C/R59C/E63C-Frhomo-24-mer3-173
97.6624×SO4; 384×CD; 48×EDO; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of recombinant horse spleen apo-R168H/L169C-Frhomo-24-mer2-172
98.8324×GOL; 72×CD; 48×SO4;
Mutant R59M recombinant horse spleen apoferritin cocrystallized with haemin in acidic conditionshomo-24-mer2-172
98.83192×CD; 72×GOL; 24×SO4;
Crystal structure of apo-R168C/L169C-Frhomo-24-mer3-173
98.8324×SO4; 120×CD; 24×CL;
Apo-Fr with low content of Pd ionshomo-24-mer2-172
99.42144×PD; 48×CD; 72×SO4; 72×GOL;
recombinant horse L-chain apoferritinhomo-24-mer2-172
Crystal structure of Au(200EQ)-apo-R168H/L169C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-172
98.8324×EDO; 168×AU; 72×CD; 24×SO4; 48×CL;
Crystal Structure of Pd(allyl)/apo-C48AFrhomo-24-mer3-173
99.4224×SO4; 72×CD; 24×PLL; 24×PD; 168×EDO;
Mutant R59M recombinant horse spleen apoferritin cocrystallized with haemin in basic conditionshomo-24-mer2-172
98.83216×CD; 24×GOL; 24×SO4;
Crystal structure of Au(50EQ)-apo-R168H/L169C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-172
98.8348×EDO; 192×AU; 96×CD; 48×SO4;
Mutant (E53,56,57,60Q and R59M) recombinant horse spleen apoferritin cocrystallized with haemin in …homo-24-mer3-173
96.49144×CD; 24×GOL; 24×SO4;
Mutant (E53,56,57,60Q) recombinant horse spleen apoferritin cocrystallized with haemin in acidic co…homo-24-mer3-173
97.08168×CD; 24×SO4; 24×GOL;
Crystal structure of Au(400EQ)-apo-R168H/L169C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-172
98.8372×CD; 192×AU; 48×SO4; 48×CL;
Crystal structure of Au(100EQ)-apo-R168H/L169C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer2-172
98.8396×CD; 72×SO4; 192×AU;
Crystal structure of recombinant horse spleen apo-R52C/E56C/R59C/E63C-Fr immobilized with gold ions.homo-24-mer3-173
97.66288×AU; 120×CD; 24×SO4; 24×EDO; 24×CL; 24×NA;
Horse L type ferritin iron loaded for 60 minuteshomo-24-mer3-173
10072×CD; 96×FE; 24×CL; 24×OXY; 48×PER; 24×GOL;
Mutant (E53,56,57,60Q and R59M) recombinant horse spleen apoferritin cocrystallized with haemin in …homo-24-mer3-172
96.47120×CD; 48×GOL; 24×SO4;
recombinant horse L-chain apoferritin N-terminal deletion mutant (residues 1-4)homo-24-mer5-174
Iron containing ferritin at 1.43Ahomo-24-mer3-172
10024×SO4; 24×EDO; 96×CD; 48×NA;
Horse spleen apoferritinhomo-24-mer3-172
10024×SO4; 168×CD;
Apoferritin: complex with 2,6-dimethylphenolhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0168×CD; 24×2MY; 72×SO4; 24×ACT;
Mutant (E53,56,57,60Q) recombinant horse spleen apoferritin cocrystallized with haemin in basic con…homo-24-mer3-172
97.06168×CD; 24×SO4; 24×GOL;
Apoferritin: complex with 2,6-diethylphenolhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0120×CD; 24×DIE; 72×SO4; 24×ACT;
Apoferritin: complex with 2-isopropylphenolhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0192×CD; 24×IP0; 48×SO4;
Apoferritin: complex with propofolhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0144×CD; 24×PFL; 24×SO4;
Horse spleen apoferritinhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0120×CD; 48×SO4;
Complex of equine apoferritin with the H-diaziflurane photolabeling reagenthomo-24-mer3-172
100.0168×CD; 24×DFE;
Complex of apoferritin with isofluranehomo-24-mer3-172
100.0168×CD; 24×ICF;
Complex of halothane with apoferritinhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0144×CD; 24×HLT;
Apoferritin: complex with 2,6-dimethylphenolhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0144×CD; 24×2MY; 48×SO4;
Apoferritin: complex with phenolhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0192×CD; 24×IPH; 48×SO4;
apoferritin: complex with SDShomo-24-mer3-172
100.024×SDS; 240×CD;
Horse spleen apo-ferritin with bound Pentobarbitalhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0144×CD; 48×SO4; 24×RAV;
Apoferritin: complex with 2,6-diethylphenolhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0168×CD; 24×DIE; 72×SO4;
Crystal structure of Au.CL-apo-E45C/R52C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer4-173
98.82192×AU; 72×CD; 48×SO4; 48×EDO;
Crystal Structure of Ferritin grown by microbatch method in presence of agarose and electric field …homo-24-mer3-172
100312×CD; 24×SO4;
Anomalous substructure of apoferritinhomo-24-mer3-172
99.41216×CD; 48×CL;
Wild type recombinant horse spleen apoferritin cocrystallized with haemin in acidic conditionshomo-24-mer3-172
99.41192×CD; 24×GOL; 24×SO4;
Horse spleen apo-ferritin with bound thiopentalhomo-24-mer3-172
100.024×EDP; 120×CD; 48×SO4;
Tri-iodide derivative of apoferritinhomo-24-mer3-172
100.0216×IOD; 48×CD;
Crystal structure of horse L ferritin (HoLf) Fe(III)-loaded for 15 minuteshomo-24-mer3-172
10024×O; 144×FE; 24×CD; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of Au(L).CL-apo-E45C/R52C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer4-173
98.82216×AU; 144×CD; 48×SO4; 48×EDO;
Crystal structure of Ferritin grown by the microbatch method in the presence of Agarosehomo-24-mer3-172
100.0312×CD; 24×SO4;
Horse spleen apo-ferritin complex with arachidonic acidhomo-24-mer3-172
100.024×ACD; 240×CD; 24×SO4;
Wild type recombinant horse spleen apoferritin cocrystallized with haemin in basic conditionshomo-24-mer3-172
99.41192×CD; 120×GOL; 24×SO4;
Crystal Structure of Ferritin grown by microbatch method in presence of agarose and electric field …homo-24-mer3-172
100312×CD; 24×SO4;
Horse spleen apoferritin light chainhomo-24-mer3-172
3D structure of horse spleen apoferritin determined using multifunctional graphene supports for ele…homo-24-mer3-172
3D structure of horse spleen apoferritin determined by electron cryomicroscopyhomo-24-mer3-172
Crystal structure of horse L ferritin (HoLf) Fe(III)-loaded for 30 minuteshomo-24-mer4-172
10096×O; 360×FE; 24×CD; 24×CL;
Crystal structure of Au(E).CL-apo-E45C/R52C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer4-172
98.8248×SO4; 144×AU; 120×CD; 72×EDO;
Crystal structure of Au(M).CL-apo-E45C/R52C-rHLFrhomo-24-mer4-172
98.82240×AU; 144×CD; 48×SO4; 24×EDO;
Crystal structure of horse L ferritin (HoLf) Fe(III)-loaded for 60 minuteshomo-24-mer4-172
10096×O; 24×CD; 360×FE;
recombinant horse L-chain apoferritin N-terminal deletion mutant (residues 1-8)homo-24-mer9-173
X-ray structure of Auranofin-horse spleen ferritinhomo-3-mer2-173
Crystal structure of horse-spleen L-ferritin fused with amyloid beta peptide (1-42).monomer2-172


TemplateOligo-stateQMEANDisCoRangeLigandsTrg-Tpl Seq id (%)