- Coordinates
- PDB Format
- Method
- Oligo State
- homo-dimer
- Ligands
- 2 x ARG- SER- THR- SEP- THR- PRO- ASN- VAL: RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase(Non-covalent)
- 2 x CL: CHLORIDE ION(Non-functional Binders)
- 6 x MG: MAGNESIUM ION(Non-covalent)
MG.3: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: R.90, E.91, E.94
3 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain A, 2 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: A:E.94, H2O.6, H2O.9
MG.4: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: E.80
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain A- Metal complexes: A:E.80
MG.5: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: E.7
2 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain A, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: A:E.7, H2O.2
MG.9: 3 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: R.90, E.91, E.94
3 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain B, 2 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: B:E.94, H2O.16, H2O.18
MG.10: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: E.80
1 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain B- Metal complexes: B:E.80
MG.11: 1 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: E.7
2 PLIP interactions:1 interactions with chain B, 1 Ligand-Water interactions- Metal complexes: B:E.7, H2O.11
- 2 x O6C: 1-[2-(4-chloranylphenoxy)-2-methyl-propanoyl]-~{N}-[2-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyldisulfanyl]ethyl]piperidine-4-carboxamide(Non-covalent)
O6C.6: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain A: C.43, E.44, R.46, N.47, F.124, K.127, P.172, I.173, G.176, D.220, L.223, I.224
3 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain A- Hydrophobic interactions: A:I.173, A:L.223, A:I.224
O6C.12: 16 residues within 4Å:- Chain B: C.43, E.44, R.46, N.47, F.124, K.127, P.172, I.173, G.176, D.220, L.223, I.224
3 PLIP interactions:3 interactions with chain B- Hydrophobic interactions: B:I.173, B:L.223, B:I.224
- Links
- Citation
- Kenanova, D.N. et al., A Systematic Approach to the Discovery of Protein-Protein Interaction Stabilizers. Acs Cent.Sci. (2023)
- Release Date
- 2023-04-26
- Peptides
- 14-3-3 protein sigma: AB
- SMTL Chain Id:
PDB Chain Id:A
SMTL ID : 8av0.1
small molecule stabilizer (compound 1) for C-RAF pS259 and 14-3-3
14-3-3 protein sigma
Toggle Identical (AB)Related Entries With Identical Sequence
3iqj.1 | 3iqu.1 | 3iqv.1 | 3mhr.1 | 4fl5.1 | 4iea.1 | 4jc3.1 | 4jdd.1 | 4y32.1 | 4y3b.1 | 4y5i.1 | 5hf3.1 | 5mhc.1 | 5moc.1 | 5mxo.1 | 5my9.1 | 5myc.1 | 5n5r.1 | 5n5t.1 | 5n5w.1 | 5n75.1 | 5oeh.1 | 6fau.1 | 6fav.1 | 6faw.1 | 6fbb.1 | 6fbw.1 | 6fby.1 | 6fcp.1 | 6fi4.1 more...less...6fi5.1 | 6g6x.1 | 6g8i.1 | 6g8j.1 | 6g8k.1 | 6g8l.1 | 6g8p.1 | 6g8q.1 | 6ghp.1 | 6nv2.1 | 6qdr.1 | 6qds.1 | 6qdt.1 | 6qdu.1 | 6qiu.1 | 6r5l.1 | 6rhc.1 | 6rp6.1 | 6sin.1 | 6sio.1 | 6sip.1 | 6siq.1 | 6slv.1 | 6tch.1 | 6tjm.1 | 6tl3.1 | 6w0l.1 | 6xwd.1 | 6y58.1 | 6ye9.1 | 6yia.1 | 6yib.1 | 6yic.1 | 6ylu.1 | 6yow.1 | 6yoy.1 | 6yp2.1 | 6yp3.1 | 6yp8.1 | 6ypl.1 | 6ypy.1 | 6yq2.1 | 6yr5.1 | 6yr5.2 | 6yr6.1 | 6yr6.2 | 6yr7.1 | 6zcj.1 | 7aew.1 | 7b13.1 | 7b15.1 | 7nv4.1 | 7nvi.1 | 7nws.1 | 7nxs.1 | 7nxt.1 | 7nxw.1 | 7nxy.1 | 7ny4.1 | 7nye.1 | 7nyf.1 | 7nyg.1 | 7nz6.1 | 7nzg.1 | 7nzk.1 | 7nzv.1 | 7o07.1 | 7o34.1 | 7o3a.1 | 7o3f.1 | 7o3p.1 | 7o3q.1 | 7o3r.1 | 7o3s.1 | 7o57.1 | 7o59.1 | 7o5a.1 | 7o5c.1 | 7o5d.1 | 7o5f.1 | 7o5g.1 | 7o5o.1 | 7o5p.1 | 7o5s.1 | 7o5u.1 | 7o5x.1 | 7o6f.1 | 7o6g.1 | 7o6i.1 | 7o6j.1 | 7o6k.1 | 7o6m.1 | 7o6o.1 | 7pwt.1 | 7pwz.1 | 7zmu.1 | 7zmw.1 | 8a62.1 | 8a65.1 | 8a68.1 | 8a6f.1 | 8a6h.1 | 8adm.1 | 8afn.1 | 8ai0.1 | 8alr.1 | 8alt.1 | 8alv.1 | 8alw.1 | 8am7.1 | 8anf.1 | 8aoy.1 | 8aps.1 | 8aq1.1 | 8aqc.1 | 8aqe.1 | 8aqz.1 | 8ar4.1 | 8ar5.1 | 8arg.1 | 8aro.1 | 8arq.1 | 8arr.1 | 8arw.1 | 8arx.1 | 8ary.1 | 8arz.1 | 8as1.1 | 8at9.1 | 8atp.1 | 8atr.1 | 8ats.1 | 8au2.1 | 8aus.1 | 8auy.1 | 8av3.1 | 8av4.1 | 8av8.1 | 8awg.1 | 8axe.1 | 8axu.1 | 8aze.1 | 8b39.1 | 8bi7.1 | 8btq.1 | 8bwe.1 | 8bwh.1 | 8bwj.1 | 8bwx.1 | 8bwz.1 | 8bx0.1 | 8bx3.1 | 8bx4.1 | 8bxi.1 | 8bxm.1 | 8bxn.1 | 8bxo.1 | 8bxq.1 | 8bxs.1 | 8by9.1 | 8byb.1 | 8byc.1 | 8byd.1 | 8bye.1 | 8byf.1 | 8byg.1 | 8byo.1 | 8byy.1 | 8byz.1 | 8bz0.1 | 8bz9.1 | 8bza.1 | 8bzd.1 | 8bze.1 | 8bzf.1 | 8bzg.1 | 8bzh.1 | 8bzt.1 | 8c0k.1 | 8c0l.1 | 8c1y.1 | 8c28.1 | 8c2d.1 | 8c2e.1 | 8c2f.1 | 8c2g.1 | 8c2y.1 | 8c30.1 | 8c3c.1 | 8c3z.1 | 8c40.1 | 8c42.1 | 8c43.1 | 8c4f.1 | 8c4g.1 | 8q55.1 | 8q5c.1 | 8s42.1 | 8vsl.1 | 8vsm.1 | 8vsn.1 | 8vso.1 | 9f35.1